Source code for ngs_toolkit.atacseq

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ngs_toolkit import _LOGGER
from ngs_toolkit.analysis import Analysis
from ngs_toolkit.decorators import check_organism_genome, check_has_sites

[docs]class ATACSeqAnalysis(Analysis): """ Class to model analysis of ATAC-seq data. Inherits from the :class:`~ngs_toolkit.analysis.Analysis` class. Parameters ---------- name : :obj:`str`, optional Name of the analysis. Defaults to "analysis". from_pep : :obj:`str`, optional PEP configuration file to initialize analysis from. The analysis will adopt as much attributes from the PEP as possible but keyword arguments passed at initialization will still have priority. Defaults to :obj:`None` (no PEP used). from_pickle : :obj:`str`, optional Pickle file of an existing serialized analysis object from which the analysis should be loaded. Defaults to :obj:`None` (will not load from pickle). root_dir : :obj:`str`, optional Base directory for the project. Defaults to current directory or to what is specified in PEP if :attr:`~ngs_toolkit.analysis.Analysis.from_pep`. data_dir : :obj:`str`, optional Directory containing processed data (e.g. by looper) that will be input to the analysis. This is in principle not required. Defaults to "data". results_dir : :obj:`str`, optional Directory to contain outputs produced by the analysis. Defaults to "results". prj : :class:`peppy.Project`, optional A :class:`peppy.Project` object that this analysis is tied to. Defaults to :obj:`None`. samples : :obj:`list`, optional List of :class:`peppy.Sample` objects that this analysis is tied to. Defaults to :obj:`None`. kwargs : :obj:`dict`, optional Additional keyword arguments will be passed to parent class :class:`~ngs_toolkit.analysis.Analysis`. Examples -------- >>> from ngs_toolkit.atacseq import ATACSeqAnalysis This is an example of the beginning of an ATAC-seq analysis: >>> pep = "metadata/project_config.yaml" >>> a = ATACSeqAnalysis(from_pep=pep) >>> # Get consensus peak set from all samples >>> a.get_consensus_sites(a.samples) >>> # Annotate regions >>> a.get_peak_gene_annotation() >>> a.get_peak_genomic_location() >>> # Get coverage values for each peak in each sample of ATAC-seq >>> a.measure_coverage() >>> # Normalize jointly (quantile normalization + GC correction) >>> a.normalize(method="gc_content") >>> # Annotate quantified peaks with previously calculated metrics and features >>> a.annotate_features() >>> # Annotate with sample metadata >>> a.annotate_samples() >>> # Save object >>> a.to_pickle() """ _data_type = "ATAC-seq" def __init__( self, name=None, from_pep=False, from_pickle=False, root_dir=None, data_dir="data", results_dir="results", prj=None, samples=None, **kwargs ): # The check for existance is to make sure other classes can inherit from this default_args = { "data_type": "ATAC-seq", "__data_type__": "ATAC-seq", "var_unit_name": "region", "quantity": "accessibility", "norm_units": "RPM"} for k, v in default_args.items(): if not hasattr(self, k): setattr(self, k, v) super(ATACSeqAnalysis, self).__init__( name=name, from_pep=from_pep, from_pickle=from_pickle, root_dir=root_dir, data_dir=data_dir, results_dir=results_dir, prj=prj, samples=samples, **kwargs )
[docs] def load_data( self, output_map=None, only_these_keys=None, prefix="{results_dir}/{name}", permissive=True, ): """ Load the output files of the major functions of the Analysis. Parameters ---------- output_map : :obj:`dict` Dictionary with "attribute name": "path prefix" to load the files. only_these_keys : :obj:`list`, optional Iterable of analysis attributes to load up. Possible attributes: "matrix_raw", "matrix_norm", "matrix_features", "sites", "support", "nuc", "coverage_gc_corrected", "gene_annotation", "region_annotation", "region_annotation_b", "chrom_state_annotation", "chrom_state_annotation_b", "stats", differential_results". Default is all of the above. prefix : :obj:`str`, optional String prefix of files to load. Variables in curly braces will be formated with attributes of analysis. Defaults to "{results_dir}/{name}". bool : permissive, optional Whether an error should be ignored if reading a file causes IOError. Default is :obj:`True`. Attributes ---------- sites : :class:`pybedtools.BedTool` Sets a `sites` variable. pandas.DataFrame Dataframes holding the respective data, available as attributes described in the `only_these_keys` parameter. Raises ---------- IOError If not permissive and a file is not found """ import pybedtools prefix = self._format_string_with_attributes(prefix) if output_map is None: kwargs = {"index_col": 0} output_map = { "sites": (prefix + ".peak_set.bed", {}), "matrix_raw": (prefix + ".matrix_raw.csv", kwargs), "matrix_norm": ( prefix + ".matrix_norm.csv", {"index_col": 0, "header": None}, ), "matrix_features": (prefix + ".matrix_features.csv", kwargs), "support": (prefix + ".support.csv", kwargs), "nuc": (prefix + ".gccontent_length.csv", kwargs), "gene_annotation": (prefix + ".gene_annotation.csv", kwargs), "closest_tss_distances": ( prefix + ".closest_tss_distances.csv", kwargs, ), "region_annotation": (prefix + ".region_annotation.csv", kwargs), "region_annotation_b": ( prefix + ".region_annotation_background.csv", kwargs, ), "region_annotation_mapping": ( prefix + ".region_annotation_mapping.csv", kwargs, ), "region_annotation_b_mapping": ( prefix + ".region_annotation_background_mapping.csv", kwargs, ), "chrom_state_annotation": ( prefix + ".chrom_state_annotation.csv", kwargs, ), "chrom_state_annotation_b": ( prefix + ".chrom_state_annotation_background.csv", kwargs, ), "chrom_state_annotation_mapping": ( prefix + ".chrom_state_annotation_mapping.csv", kwargs, ), "chrom_state_annotation_b_mapping": ( prefix + ".chrom_state_annotation_background_mapping.csv", kwargs, ), "stats": (prefix + ".stats_per_feature.csv", kwargs), "differential_results": ( os.path.join( self.results_dir, "differential_analysis_{}".format(self.data_type), "differential_analysis.deseq_result.all_comparisons.csv", ), kwargs, ), } if only_these_keys is None: only_these_keys = list(output_map.keys()) # Use the parent method just with an updated output_map dictionary Analysis.load_data( self, output_map={k: v for k, v in output_map.items() if k != "sites"}, only_these_keys=only_these_keys, prefix=prefix, permissive=permissive, ) # Special case if "sites" in only_these_keys:"Loading 'sites' analysis attribute.") file = os.path.join(self.results_dir, + ".peak_set.bed") try: setattr(self, "sites", pybedtools.BedTool(file)) except IOError as e: if not permissive: raise e else: _LOGGER.warning(e)
@staticmethod def check_region_index(matrix): return ( matrix.index.str.contains(":").all() and matrix.index.str.contains("-").all() ) @staticmethod def set_region_index(matrix, force=False): from ngs_toolkit.utils import bed_to_index if (not force) and ATACSeqAnalysis.check_region_index(matrix): _LOGGER.warning("Matrix already has well-formatted index.") return matrix else: req = ["chrom", "start", "end"] if all([x in matrix.columns for x in req]): matrix.index = bed_to_index(matrix) else: raise ValueError("Could not format matrix index. Missing '{}' columns.".format(",".join(req)))
[docs] def get_consensus_sites( self, samples=None, region_type="summits", extension=250, blacklist_bed=None, filter_mito_chr=True, permissive=False, **kwargs ): """ Get consensus (union) of enriched sites (peaks) across samples. There are two modes possible, defined by the value of ``region_type``: - peaks: simple union of all sites - summits: peak summits are extended by ``extension`` and a union is made, Parameters ---------- samples : :obj:`list` Iterable of peppy.Sample objects to restrict to. Must have a `peaks` attribute set. Defaults to all samples in the analysis (`samples` attribute). region_type : :obj:`str` The type of region to use to create the consensus region set - one of `summits` or `peaks`. If `summits`, peak summits will be extended by `extension` before union. Otherwise sample peaks will be used with no modification. extension : :obj:`int` Amount to extend peaks summits by in both directions. blacklist_bed : :obj:`str` A (3 column) BED file with genomic positions to exclude from consensus peak set. filter_mito_chr: :obj:`bool` Whether to exclude 'chrM' from peak set. permissive: :obj:`bool` Whether Samples that which `region_type` attribute file does not exist should be simply skipped or an error thrown. **kwargs Not used. Provided for compatibility with ChIPSeqAnalysis class. Raises ---------- IOError If not `permissive` and either the `peaks` or `summits` file of a sample is not readable, or if `permissive` but none of the samples has an existing file. Attributes ---------- sites : :class:`pybedtools.BedTool` Sets a `sites` variable with consensus peak set. """ from tqdm import tqdm import pybedtools if region_type not in ["summits", "peaks"]: msg = "`region_type` attribute must be one of 'summits' or 'peaks'!" _LOGGER.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if samples is None: samples = self.samples # Check which samples to run (dependent on permissive) samples = self._get_samples_with_input_file( region_type, permissive=permissive, samples=samples ) if blacklist_bed is None:"Blacklist file not provided. Downloading...") try: blacklist_bed = self.get_resources(steps=["blacklist"])[ "blacklist_file" ] except AttributeError: msg = "Blacklist file was not provided and cannot be" msg += " get one without analysis having `organism` and `genome` set." _LOGGER.error(msg) raise AttributeError(msg) for i, sample in tqdm(enumerate(samples), total=len(samples), desc="Sample"): # print( if region_type == "summits": try: peaks = pybedtools.BedTool(sample.summits).slop( b=extension, genome=sample.genome ) except ValueError as e: if permissive: _LOGGER.warning( "Summits for sample {} ({}) not found!".format( sample, sample.summits ) ) continue else: raise e else: try: peaks = pybedtools.BedTool(sample.peaks) except ValueError as e: if permissive: _LOGGER.warning( "Peaks for sample {} ({}) not found!".format( sample, sample.peaks ) ) continue else: raise e # Merge overlaping peaks within a sample peaks = peaks.merge() if i == 0: sites = peaks else: # Concatenate all peaks sites = if "sites" not in locals(): msg = "Couldn't read peak file for any sample." _LOGGER.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # Merge overlaping peaks across samples sites = sites.merge() # Filter # # remove blacklist regions if blacklist_bed is not False: if not isinstance(blacklist_bed, pybedtools.BedTool): blacklist = pybedtools.BedTool(blacklist_bed) sites = sites.intersect(v=True, b=blacklist) # # remove chrM peaks if filter_mito_chr: sites = sites.filter(lambda x: x.chrom != "chrM") # Save sites.saveas(os.path.join(self.results_dir, + ".peak_set.bed")) # Read up again self.sites = pybedtools.BedTool( os.path.join(self.results_dir, + ".peak_set.bed") )
[docs] def set_consensus_sites(self, bed_file, overwrite=True): """ Set consensus (union) sites across samples given a BED file. Parameters ---------- bed_file : :obj:`str` BED file to use as consensus sites. overwrite : :obj:`bool` Whether a possibly existing file with a consensus peak set for this analysis should be overwritten in disk. Attributes ---------- sites : :class:`~pybedtools.BedTool` Sets a `sites` variable with consensus peak set. """ import pybedtools self.sites = pybedtools.BedTool(bed_file) if overwrite: default_sites = os.path.join(self.results_dir, + ".peak_set.bed") # pybedtools will pipe to the input file! if bed_file == default_sites: self.sites.saveas(default_sites + ".new") os.rename(default_sites + ".new", default_sites) else: self.sites.saveas(default_sites)
# TODO: warn if not overwrite and file exists already
[docs] @check_has_sites def calculate_peak_support( self, samples=None, region_type="summits", permissive=False, comparison_table=None, peak_dir=None ): """ Count number of called peaks per sample in the consensus region set. In addition calculate a measure of peak support (or ubiquitouness) by observing the ratio of samples containing a peak overlapping each region. Parameters ---------- samples : :obj:`list` Iterable of peppy.Sample objects to restrict to. Must have a `peaks` attribute set. Defaults to all samples in the analysis (`samples` attribute). region_type : :obj:`str` The type of region to use to create the consensus region set. One of `summits` or `peaks`. If `summits`, peak summits will be extended by `extension` before union. Otherwise sample peaks will be used with no modification. permissive: :obj:`bool` Whether Samples that which `region_type` attribute file does not exist should be simply skipped or an error thrown. comparison_table: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` Not used. Provided for compatibility with ChIPSeqAnalysis class. peak_dir: :obj:`str` Not used. Provided for compatibility with ChIPSeqAnalysis class. Raises ---------- IOError If not `permissive` and either the `peaks` or `summits` file of a sample is not readable. Or if `permissive` but none of the samples has an existing file. Attributes ---------- support : :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` A dataframe with counts of peaks overlapping each feature of consensus set. """ # TODO: Implement distributed from tqdm import tqdm import pybedtools import tempfile from ngs_toolkit.utils import bed_to_index if samples is None: samples = self.samples # Check which samples to run (dependent on permissive) samples = self._get_samples_with_input_file( region_type, permissive=permissive, samples=samples) # calculate support (number of samples overlaping each merged peak) for i, sample in tqdm(enumerate(samples), total=len(samples), desc="Sample"): if region_type == "summits": peaks = sample.summits else: peaks = sample.peaks # print(sample, peaks) if i == 0: support = self.sites.intersect(peaks, wa=True, c=True) else: support = support.intersect(peaks, wa=True, c=True) try: support = support.to_dataframe() except ( ValueError, pybedtools.MalformedBedLineError, pybedtools.helpers.BEDToolsError, OverflowError, ): _LOGGER.debug( "Could not convert support intersection directly to dataframe, saving/reading temporary file." ) t = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() support.saveas( support = pd.read_csv(, sep="\t", header=None) support.columns = ["chrom", "start", "end"] + [ for sample in samples ] support.index = bed_to_index(support) support.to_csv( os.path.join(self.results_dir, + ".binary_overlap_support.csv"), index=True, ) # divide sum (of unique overlaps) by total to get support value between 0 and 1 support.loc[:, "support"] = support[[ for sample in samples]].apply( lambda x: sum([i if i <= 1 else 1 for i in x]) / float(len(samples)), axis=1 ) # save support.to_csv( os.path.join(self.results_dir, + ".support.csv"), index=True ) setattr(self, "support", support) return
[docs] def get_supported_peaks(self, samples=None, **kwargs): """ Get mask of sites with 0 support in the given samples. Requires support matrix produced by `ngs_toolkit.atacseq.ATACSeqAnalysis.calculate_peak_support`. Parameters ---------- samples : :obj:`list` Iterable of peppy.Sample objects to restrict to. **kwargs Not used. Provided for compatibility with ChIPSeqAnalysis class. Returns ------- pd.Series Boolean Pandas Series with sites with at least one of the given samples having a peak called. """ if samples is None: samples = self.samples return[:, [ for s in samples]].sum(1) != 0
[docs] def measure_coverage( self, samples=None, sites=None, assign=True, save=True, peak_set_name="peak_set", output_file="{results_dir}/{name}.matrix_raw.csv", permissive=False, distributed=False, **kwargs ): """ Measure read coverage (counts) of each sample in each region in consensus sites. Uses parallel computing using the `parmap` library. However, for many samples (hundreds), parallelization in a computing cluster is possible with the `distributed` option. Only supports SLURM clusters fow now though. Parameters ---------- samples : :obj:`list` Iterable of peppy.Sample objects to restrict to. Must have a `filtered` attribute set. If not provided (`None` is passed) if will default to all samples in the analysis (`samples` attribute). sites : {:class:`pybedtools.BedTool`, :class:`pandas.DataFrame`, :obj:`str`} Sites in the genome to quantify, usually a pybedtools.BedTool from analysis.get_consensus_sites() If a DataFrame, will try to convert to BED format assuming first three columns are chr,start,end. If a string assumes a path to a BED file. If `None` the object's `sites` attribute will be used. assign: :obj:`bool` Whether to assign the matrix to an attribute of self named `coverage`. save: :obj:`bool` Whether to save to disk the coverage matrix with filename `output_file`. output_file : :obj:`str` A path to a CSV file with coverage output. Default is `self.results_dir/ + ".raw_coverage.csv"`. permissive: :obj:`bool` Whether Samples that which `region_type` attribute file does not exist should be simply skipped or an error thrown. distributed: :obj:`bool` Whether it should be run as jobs for each sample separately in parallel. Currently only implemented for a SLURM cluster. Default False. peak_set_name: :obj:`bool` Suffix to files containing coverage of `distributed` is True. Defaults to "peak_set". **kwargs : :obj:`dict` Additional keyword arguments will be passed to `ngs_toolkit.utils.submit_job` if `distributed` is True. and on to a divvy submission template. Pass for example: computing_configuration="slurm", jobname="job", cores=2, mem=8000, partition="longq". Raises ---------- IOError If not `permissive` and the 'aligned_filtered_bam' file attribute of a sample is not readable. Or if `permissive` but none of the samples has an existing file. Attributes ---------- matrix_raw : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` The dataframe of raw coverage values (counts) of shape (n_features, m_samples). Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Pandas DataFrame with read counts of shape (n_sites, m_samples). """ import multiprocessing import parmap import pybedtools from ngs_toolkit.utils import count_reads_in_intervals, submit_job if samples is None: samples = self.samples output_file = self._format_string_with_attributes(output_file) # Check which samples to run (dependent on permissive) samples = self._get_samples_with_input_file( "aligned_filtered_bam", samples=samples, permissive=permissive ) if sites is None: sites = self.sites if not distributed: # Count reads with pysam # make strings with intervals if isinstance(sites, pybedtools.BedTool): sites_str = [ str(i.chrom) + ":" + str(i.start) + "-" + str(i.stop) for i in self.sites ] elif isinstance(sites, pd.core.frame.DataFrame): sites_str = ( ( sites.iloc[:, 0] + ":" + sites.iloc[:, 1].astype(str) + "-" + sites.iloc[:, 2].astype(str) ) .astype(str) .tolist() ) elif isinstance(sites, str): sites_str = [ str(i.chrom) + ":" + str(i.start) + "-" + str(i.stop) for i in pybedtools.BedTool(sites) ] # count, create dataframe matrix_raw = pd.DataFrame( map( pd.Series, count_reads_in_intervals, [sample.aligned_filtered_bam for sample in samples], sites_str, parallel=True, ), ), index=[ for sample in samples], ).T if assign: self.matrix_raw = matrix_raw if save: matrix_raw.to_csv(output_file, index=True) return matrix_raw else: for s in samples: output_dir = os.path.join(s.paths.sample_root, "coverage") if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) job_name = "{}.{}_coverage".format(peak_set_name, output_file = os.path.join( output_dir, + ".{}_coverage.bed".format(peak_set_name) ) log_file = os.path.join( output_dir, + ".{}_coverage.log".format(peak_set_name) ) job_file = os.path.join( output_dir, + ".{}".format(peak_set_name) ) cmd = ( "date\nbedtools coverage -counts -abam {bam} -b {bed} > {out}\ndate" .format(bam=s.aligned_filtered_bam, bed=sites.fn, out=output_file)) submit_job( cmd, job_file, jobname=job_name, logfile=log_file, cores=1, mem=8000, time="04:00:00")
[docs] def collect_coverage( self, samples=None, assign=True, save=True, output_file=None, permissive=False, peak_set_name="peak_set", fast_and_unsafe=False ): """ Collect read coverage (counts) of each sample in each region in consensus sites from existing files. Useful after runnning analysis.measure_coverage() in distributed mode. Parameters ---------- samples : :obj:`list` Iterable of peppy.Sample objects to restrict to. If not provided (`None` is passed) if will default to all samples in the analysis (`samples` attribute). assign: :obj:`bool` Whether to assign the matrix to an attribute of self named `coverage`. save: :obj:`bool` Whether to save to disk the coverage matrix with filename `output_file`. output_file : :obj:`str` A path to a CSV file with coverage output. Default is `self.results_dir/ + ".raw_coverage.csv"`. permissive: :obj:`bool` Whether Samples without an existing coverage file does not exist should be simply skipped or an error thrown. peak_set_name: :obj:`bool` Suffix to files containing coverage. Defaults to "peak_set". fast_and_unsafe: :obj:`bool` Whether to use a faster but unsafer method to concatenate the data. If the order of all rows in all samples is the same then the result should be the same. The default, slower method assures that all rows are matched and is therefore slower. Defaults to False. Raises ---------- IOError If not `permissive` and the coverage file of a sample is not readable or is empty. Or if `permissive` but none of the samples has an existing file or are empty. Attributes ---------- matrix_raw : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` The dataframe of raw coverage values (counts) of shape (n_features, m_samples). Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Pandas DataFrame with read counts of shape (n_sites, m_samples). """ from tqdm import tqdm from ngs_toolkit.utils import bed_to_index if samples is None: samples = self.samples for sample in samples: setattr( sample, "_coverage", os.path.join( sample.paths.sample_root, "coverage", + ".{}_coverage.bed".format(peak_set_name), ), ) # Check which samples to run (dependent on permissive) samples = self._get_samples_with_input_file( "_coverage", permissive=permissive, samples=samples ) # Read in counts matrix_raw = list() for i, sample in tqdm(enumerate(samples), total=len(samples)): cov = pd.read_csv( sample._coverage, sep="\t", header=None, names=["chrom", "start", "end",], ) if cov.empty: msg = "Coverage file for sample '{}' is empty!".format( if not permissive: _LOGGER.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) else: _LOGGER.warning(msg) continue matrix_raw.append(cov) if len(matrix_raw) == 0: msg = "No sample had a valid coverage file!" if permissive: _LOGGER.warning(msg) return else: _LOGGER.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) if fast_and_unsafe: _LOGGER.warning("Using a concatenation method that is not 100% safe.") matrix_raw = pd.concat(matrix_raw, axis=1, sort=False) matrix_raw = matrix_raw.loc[:, ~matrix_raw.columns.duplicated()].set_index(["chrom", "start", "end"]) else: matrix_raw = ( pd.concat(matrix_raw, axis=0, sort=False) .melt(id_vars=["chrom", "start", "end"]) .pivot_table( index=["chrom", "start", "end"], columns="variable", values="value" ) .astype(int) ) matrix_raw.index = bed_to_index(matrix_raw.index.to_frame()) if assign: self.matrix_raw = matrix_raw if save: if output_file is not None: matrix_raw.to_csv(output_file, index=True) else: self.matrix_raw.to_csv( os.path.join(self.results_dir, + ".matrix_raw.csv"), index=True, ) return matrix_raw
[docs] @check_organism_genome def get_peak_gccontent_length(self, bed_file=None, fasta_file=None): """ Get length and GC content of features in region set. bed_file : :obj:`str` A BED file with regions to calculate GC content on. Must be a 3-column BED! If not provided the calculation will be for the analysis `sites` attribute. genome : :obj:`str` Genome assembly. fasta_file : :obj:`str` Fasta file of `genome`. Preferably indexed. If not given, will try to download. :var nuc: DataFrame with nucleotide content and length of each region. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with nucleotide content and length of each region. Attributes ---------- nuc : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframe with length and GC-content of each feature. """ import pybedtools if bed_file is None: sites = self.sites else: sites = pybedtools.BedTool(bed_file) if fasta_file is None: "Reference genome FASTA file was not given, will try to get it." ) "Getting genome FASTA file for organism '{}', genome '{}'. ".format( self.organism, self.genome ) ) fasta_file = self.get_resources(steps=["genome"])["genome_file"]["fasta"] nuc = sites.nucleotide_content(fi=fasta_file).to_dataframe(comment="#")[ ["score", "blockStarts"] ] nuc.columns = ["gc_content", "length"] nuc.index = [ str(i.chrom) + ":" + str(i.start) + "-" + str(i.stop) for i in sites ] # get only the sites matching the coverage (not overlapping blacklist) self.nuc = nuc.ix[self.matrix_raw.index] self.nuc.to_csv( os.path.join(self.results_dir, + ".gccontent_length.csv"), index=True, ) return self.nuc
[docs] def normalize_cqn(self, matrix="matrix_raw", samples=None, save=True, assign=True): """ Conditional quantile normalization (CQN) of a matrix. It uses GC content and length of regulatory elements as covariates. Requires the R package "cqn" to be installed: >>> source('') >>> biocLite('cqn') Parameters ---------- matrix : :obj:`str` Attribute name of matrix to normalize. Defaults to 'matrix_raw'. samples : :obj:`list` Iterable of peppy.Sample objects to restrict matrix to. Defaults to all samples in analysis. save: :obj:`bool` Whether to write normalized DataFrame to disk. Default is :obj:`None`. assign: :obj:`bool` Whether to assign the normalized DataFrame to an attribute ``. Default is :obj:`None`. Attributes ---------- matrix_norm : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` If `assign`, the dataframe with normalized values. norm_method : :obj:`str` If `assign`, it is the name of method used to normalize: "cqn". """ def cqn(cov, gc_content, lengths): # install R package # source('') # biocLite('cqn') from rpy2 import robjects from rpy2.rinterface import RRuntimeWarning import rpy2.robjects.pandas2ri import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RRuntimeWarning) robjects.numpy2ri.deactivate() rpy2.robjects.pandas2ri.activate() robjects.r('require("cqn")') cqn = robjects.r("cqn") cqn_out = cqn(cov, x=gc_content, lengths=lengths) y_r = cqn_out[list(cqn_out.names).index("y")] y = pd.DataFrame(np.array(y_r), index=cov.index, columns=cov.columns) offset_r = cqn_out[list(cqn_out.names).index("offset")] offset = pd.DataFrame( np.array(offset_r), index=cov.index, columns=cov.columns ) return y + offset # Perform quantile normalization first if not hasattr(self, "nuc"): self.normalize_quantiles(matrix=matrix, samples=samples) # Get GC content and length of each feature if not hasattr(self, "nuc"): self.get_peak_gccontent_length() matrix_norm = cqn( cov=self.get_matrix(matrix=matrix, samples=samples), gc_content=self.nuc["gc_content"], lengths=self.nuc["length"], ) if save: matrix_norm.to_csv( os.path.join(self.results_dir, + ".matrix_norm.csv"), index=True, ) if assign: self.matrix_norm = matrix_norm self.norm_method = "cqn" return matrix_norm
[docs] @check_has_sites def get_peak_gene_annotation(self, tss_file=None, max_dist=100000): """ Annotates peaks with closest gene. The annotation reference can either be given in the `tss_file` parameter but if ommited, it will be fetched if analysis has `genome` and `organism` attributes. A dataframe with each feature's distance to the nearest gene is also saved. Parameters ---------- tss_file : :obj:`str`, optional A valid BED file where the name field (4th column) identifies the gene and the strand column (6th column). Other fields will not be used. Default is to get gene position annotations. max_dist : :obj:`int`, optional Maximum absolute distance allowed to perform associations. Regions with no genes within the range will have NaN values. Default is 100000. Attributes ---------- gene_annotation : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A pandas DataFrame containing the genome annotations of the region features. If a feature overlaps more than one gene, the two gene values will be concatenated with a comma. closest_tss_distances : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A pandas DataFrame containing unique region->gene associations. In contrast to gene_annotation dataframe, this contains one row per region->gene assignment. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A dataframe with genes annotated for the peak set. """ import pybedtools from ngs_toolkit.utils import bed_to_index, get_this_file_or_timestamped cols = [6, 8, -1] # gene_name, strand, distance if tss_file is None: "Reference TSS file was not given, will try to get TSS annotations." ) "Getting TSS annotations for organism '{}', genome '{}'.".format( self.organism, self.genome ) ) tss_file = self.get_resources(steps=["tss"])["tss_file"] # extract only relevant columns tss_file = get_this_file_or_timestamped(tss_file) if isinstance(self.sites, str): self.sites = pybedtools.BedTool(self.sites) # get closest TSS of each region tss = pybedtools.BedTool(tss_file) columns = [ "chrom", "start", "end", "gene_name", "strand", "distance"] self.closest_tss_distances = ( self.sites.closest(tss, D="b") .to_dataframe()) self.closest_tss_distances = self.closest_tss_distances.iloc[:, [0, 1, 2] + cols] self.closest_tss_distances.columns = columns # set NaN to distance without assignment (rather than the default '-1' from bedtools) self.closest_tss_distances.loc[ self.closest_tss_distances["gene_name"] == ".", "distance" ] = np.nan # set NaN to assignments out of range self.closest_tss_distances.loc[ self.closest_tss_distances["distance"].abs() > max_dist, ["gene_name", "strand", "distance"], ] = np.nan # aggregate annotation per peak, concatenate various genes (comma-separated) self.gene_annotation = ( self.closest_tss_distances.groupby(["chrom", "start", "end"]) .aggregate(lambda x: ",".join(set([str(i) for i in x if i != "."]))) .reset_index() ) self.closest_tss_distances.index = bed_to_index(self.closest_tss_distances) self.gene_annotation.index = bed_to_index(self.gene_annotation) # save to disk self.closest_tss_distances.to_csv( os.path.join(self.results_dir, + ".closest_tss_distances.csv"), index=True, ) self.gene_annotation.to_csv( os.path.join(self.results_dir, + ".gene_annotation.csv"), index=True, ) return self.gene_annotation
[docs] @check_organism_genome @check_has_sites def get_peak_genomic_location(self, genomic_context_file=None): """ Annotates a consensus peak set (``sites`` attribute of analysis) with their genomic context. The genomic context is mostly gene-centric, which includes overlap with gene promoters, UTRs, exons, introns and remaining intergenic space. If no reference genomic annotation file is given (genomic_context_file kwarg), it will use the ngs_toolkit.general.get_genomic_context function to get such data. For more customization of the annotations, use that function directly and pass the output file to this function. Parameters ---------- genomic_context_file : :obj:`str` A 4 column BED file (chrom, start, end, feature), where feature is a string with the type of region. If not provided will be get with the get_genomic_context function. Attributes ---------- region_annotation, region_annotation_b : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A DataFrame with the genome annotations of the region features or genome background. region_annotation_mapping, region_annotation_b_mapping : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A DataFrame with one row for each chromatin state-region mapping or genome background. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame The genomic context annotation for the peak set. """ import pybedtools from ngs_toolkit.utils import bed_to_index, get_this_file_or_timestamped if genomic_context_file is None: "Reference genomic context file was not given, will try to get it." ) "Getting genomic context annotations for organism '{}', genome '{}'. ".format( self.organism, self.genome ) ) genomic_context_file = self.get_resources(steps=["genomic_context"])[ "genomic_context_file" ] context = pybedtools.BedTool(get_this_file_or_timestamped(genomic_context_file)) if isinstance(self.sites, str): self.sites = pybedtools.BedTool(self.sites) # create background # shuffle regions in genome to create background (keep them in the same chromossome) background = self.sites.shuffle(genome=self.genome, chrom=True) cols = [0, 1, 2, -1] for label, attr, bed in [ ("background", "region_annotation_b", background), ("real", "region_annotation", self.sites), ]: annot = ( bed.intersect(context, wa=True, wb=True, f=0.2) .sort() .to_dataframe() .iloc[:, cols] ) annot.index = bed_to_index(annot) annot.columns = ["chrom", "start", "end", "genomic_region"] # remove duplicates (there shouldn't be anyway) annot = annot.drop_duplicates() # join various annotations per peak annot_comp = ( annot.groupby(["chrom", "start", "end"]) .aggregate(lambda x: ",".join(set([str(i) for i in x]))) .reset_index() ) annot_comp.index = bed_to_index(annot_comp) annot_comp.columns = ["chrom", "start", "end", "genomic_region"] # save to disk a = "" if (label == "real") else ("_" + label) annot.to_csv( os.path.join( self.results_dir, + ".region_annotation{}_mapping.csv".format(a), ), index=True, ) annot_comp.to_csv( os.path.join( self.results_dir, + ".region_annotation{}.csv".format(a) ), index=True, ) setattr(self, attr, annot_comp) setattr(self, attr + "_mapping", annot) return self.region_annotation
[docs] @check_organism_genome @check_has_sites def get_peak_chromatin_state(self, chrom_state_file, frac=0.2): """ Annotates a consensus peak set (``sites`` attribute of analysis) with their chromatin state context. This would be given, for example by a chromatin state segmentation file from projects such as Roadmap Epigenomics. See examples of such files for various cell types/assemblies here: (the *_dense.bed.gz files are optimal). Parameters ---------- chrom_state_file : :obj:`str` A 4 column BED file (chrom, start, end, feature), where feature is a string with the type of region. Additional columns are ignored. frac : float Minimal fraction of region to overlap with a feature. Defaults to 0.2. Returns ---------- pandas.DataFrame The chromatin state annotation for the peak set. Attributes ---------- chrom_state_annotation, chrom_state_annotation_b : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A DataFrame with the chromatin state annotations of the region features or of the genome background. chrom_state_annotation_mapping, chrom_state_annotation_b_mapping : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A DataFrame with one row for each chromatin state-region mapping or for the genome background. """ import pybedtools from ngs_toolkit.utils import bed_to_index states = pybedtools.BedTool(chrom_state_file) if isinstance(self.sites, str): self.sites = pybedtools.BedTool(self.sites) # create background # shuffle regions in genome to create background (keep them in the same chromossome) background = self.sites.shuffle(genome=self.genome, chrom=True) for label, attr, bed in [ ("real", "chrom_state_annotation", self.sites), ("background", "chrom_state_annotation_b", background), ]: _LOGGER.debug( "Overlapping chromatin state annotation with {} regions.".format(label) ) annot = bed.intersect( states, wa=True, wb=True, f=frac, loj=True ) try: annot = annot.to_dataframe(usecols=[0, 1, 2, 6]) except pd.errors.EmptyDataError: _LOGGER.error("Could not annotate region set.") raise annot.iloc[:, 3] = annot.iloc[:, 3].astype(str) # remove duplicates (there shouldn't be anyway) annot = annot.drop_duplicates() annot.index = bed_to_index(annot) annot.columns = ["chrom", "start", "end", "chromatin_state"] # join various annotations per peak annot_comp = ( annot.groupby(["chrom", "start", "end"]) .aggregate(lambda x: ",".join(set([str(i) for i in x]))) .reset_index() ) annot_comp.index = bed_to_index(annot_comp) annot_comp.columns = ["chrom", "start", "end", "chromatin_state"] # save to disk a = "" if (label == "real") else ("_" + label) annot.to_csv( os.path.join( self.results_dir, + ".chrom_state_annotation{}_mapping.csv".format(a), ), index=True, ) annot_comp.to_csv( os.path.join( self.results_dir, + ".chrom_state_annotation{}.csv".format(a), ), index=True, ) setattr(self, attr, annot_comp) setattr(self, attr + "_mapping", annot) return self.chrom_state_annotation
[docs] def get_sex_chrom_ratio( self, matrix="matrix_norm", sex_chroms=["chrX", "chrY"], output_dir="{results_dir}", output_prefix="sex_chrom_ratio", plot=True, ): """ Get ratio of signal between sex chromosomes. Useful to quickly assign sex to samples. Parameters ---------- matrix : :obj:`pandas.DataFrame`, optional Matrix to use. Defaults to `matrix_norm`. sex_chroms : :obj:`list`, optional Names of the two sex chromosomes to use. output_dir : :obj:`str`, optional Directory to write output to. output_prefix : :obj:`str`, optional String to prefix output with. plot: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to produce illustrative plots. Returns ---------- pd.Series Ratio of sex chromosomes defined as `sex_chroms[1] - sex_chroms[0]`. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns from natsort import natsorted from import savefig matrix = self.get_matrix(matrix) output_dir = self._format_string_with_attributes(output_dir) # remove per sample mean matrix -= matrix.mean() matrix = matrix.assign(chrom=matrix.index.str.extract(r"^(.*):\d+-\d+$").values) m = matrix.groupby("chrom").mean() # remove per chromosome mean m = (m.T - m.mean(1)).T # order chromosomes m = m.reindex(natsorted(m.index)) # calculate ratio ratio = m.loc[sex_chroms[1]] - m.loc[sex_chroms[0]] = "{}_to_{}_ratio".format(sex_chroms[1], sex_chroms[0]) ratio.to_csv(os.path.join(output_dir, output_prefix + ".csv"), header=True) if plot: ratio.sort_values(inplace=True) m = m.reindex(ratio.index, axis=1) # Clustermap if isinstance(ratio.index, pd.MultiIndex): cols = m.columns.get_level_values("sample_name") else: cols = m.columns grid = sns.clustermap( m.T, z_score=1, center=0, cmap="RdBu_r", figsize=(m.shape[0] * 0.3, m.shape[1] * 0.3), row_cluster=False, col_cluster=False, cbar_kws={"label": "Deviation from mean\nchromosome accessibility"}, yticklabels=cols, ) grid.ax_heatmap.set_xlabel("Chromosomes") grid.ax_heatmap.set_ylabel("Samples") savefig(grid, os.path.join(output_dir, output_prefix + ".clustermap.svg")) # Value vs Rank fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(3, ratio.shape[0] * 0.3)) axis.scatter(ratio, ratio.rank(), linestyle="-") axis.axvline(0, linestyle="--", color="grey") axis.set_yticks(range(1, ratio.shape[0] + 1)) if isinstance(ratio.index, pd.MultiIndex): axis.set_yticklabels(ratio.index.get_level_values("sample_name")) else: axis.set_yticklabels(ratio.index) axis.set_ylabel("Samples") axis.set_xlabel("_", " ")) v = ratio.abs().max() v += v * 0.1 axis.set_xlim((-v, v)) sns.despine(fig) savefig(fig, os.path.join(output_dir, output_prefix + ".rank_vs_ratio.svg")) return ratio.sort_index()
[docs] def get_gene_level_matrix( self, matrix="matrix_norm", reduce_func=np.mean, assign=True, save=True, output_file="{results_dir}/{name}.gene_coverage.csv"): """ Get gene-level measurements of coverage. Requires a 'gene_annotation' or 'closest_tss_distances' attribute to be set containing a mapping between the index of `matrix` and genes (produced from `get_peak_gene_annotation`). Parameters ---------- matrix : :obj:`str`, optional Quantification matrix to use (e.g. 'matrix_raw' or 'matrix_norm') Default is "matrix_norm". reduce_func : func Function to apply to reduce values. Default is mean. output_file : :obj:`str` Path to save a CSV file with coverage output if `save` is `True`. Default is `self.results_dir/ + ".raw_coverage.csv"`. Returns --------- pandas.DataFrame Coverage values reduced per gene. Attributes --------- matrix_gene : :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` Coverage values reduced per gene. """ msg = "Analysis object lacks a 'gene_annotation' or 'closest_tss_distances' dataframe." hint = " Call 'analysis.get_peak_gene_annotation' to have region-gene associations." if not (hasattr(self, "gene_annotation") or hasattr(self, "closest_tss_distances")): _LOGGER.error(msg + hint) raise AssertionError(msg) matrix = self.get_matrix(matrix).copy() if hasattr(self, "closest_tss_distances"): matrix2 = matrix.join(self.closest_tss_distances[['gene_name']]) matrix2 = matrix2.set_index('gene_name', append=True) else: g = self.gene_annotation["gene_name"].str.split(",").apply(pd.Series).stack() g.index = g.index.droplevel(1) = "gene_name" matrix2 = matrix.join(g).drop("gene_name", axis=1) matrix2.index = ( matrix.join(g).reset_index().set_index(["index", "gene_name"]).index ) matrix2.columns = matrix.columns matrix3 = matrix2.groupby(level="gene_name").apply(reduce_func) matrix3 = matrix3.loc[:, ~matrix3.isnull().all()] if assign: self.matrix_gene = matrix3 if save: matrix3.to_csv(self._format_string_with_attributes(output_file)) return matrix3
[docs] def get_gene_level_changes(self, differential_results=None, reduce_func=np.mean): """ Redcuce changes in regulatory elements to gene-level by aggregating across regulatory elements. Requires a 'gene_annotation' attribute to be set containing a mapping between the index of `matrix` and genes (produced from `get_peak_gene_annotation`). Parameters ---------- differential_results : :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` Matrix with differential results to use. Default is a 'differential_results' attribute of self. reduce_func : func Function to apply to reduce values. Default is mean Returns --------- pandas.DataFrame Changes in chromatin accessibility (log2FoldChanges) reduced per gene. """ msg = "Analysis object lacks a 'gene_annotation' or 'closest_tss_distances' dataframe." hint = " Call 'analysis.get_peak_gene_annotation' to have region-gene associations." if not (hasattr(self, "gene_annotation") or hasattr(self, "closest_tss_distances")): _LOGGER.error(msg + hint) raise AssertionError(msg) if differential_results is None: differential_results = self.differential_results if hasattr(self, "closest_tss_distances"): dr2 = differential_results.join(self.closest_tss_distances[['gene_name']]) dr2 = dr2.set_index("gene_name", append=True) else: g = self.gene_annotation["gene_name"].str.split(",").apply(pd.Series).stack() g.index = g.index.droplevel(1) = "gene_name" dr2 = differential_results.join(g).drop("gene_name", axis=1) dr2.index = ( differential_results.join(g) .reset_index() .set_index(["index", "gene_name"]) .index ) dr2.columns = differential_results.columns dr3 = ( dr2.reset_index() .groupby(["gene_name", "comparison_name"]) .apply(reduce_func) ) return dr3.loc[:, ~dr3.isnull().all()]
[docs] def plot_peak_characteristics( self, samples=None, by_attribute=None, genome_space=3e9 ): """ Several diagnostic plots on the analysis' consensus peak set and the sample's signal on them. Provides plots with samples grouped `by_attribute` if given (a string or a list of strings). Parameters ---------- samples : :obj:`list`, optional List of samples to restrict analysis to. by_attribute : {str, list}, optional Attribute or list of sample attributes to groupby samples by when plotting. This is done in addition to the plots with individual values per sample. genome_space : :obj:`int` Length of genome. """ import multiprocessing import parmap import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns from ngs_toolkit.utils import ( count_bam_file_length, count_lines, get_total_region_area, get_region_lengths, get_regions_per_chromosomes, ) from import savefig if samples is None: samples = self.samples reads = count_bam_file_length, [s.aligned_filtered_bam for s in samples] ) peaks = list(map(count_lines, [s.peaks for s in samples])) open_chrom = list(map(get_total_region_area, [s.peaks for s in samples])) stats = pd.DataFrame( [reads, peaks, open_chrom], index=["reads_used", "peak_number", "open_chromatin"], columns=[ for s in samples], ).T stats["peaks_norm"] = (stats["peak_number"] / stats["reads_used"]) * 1e3 stats["open_chromatin_norm"] = stats["open_chromatin"] / stats["reads_used"] stats.to_csv( os.path.join( self.results_dir, "{}.open_chromatin_space.csv".format( ), index=True, ) # stats = pd.read_csv(os.path.join( # self.results_dir, # "{}.open_chromatin_space.csv" # .format(, # index_col=0) # median lengths per sample (split-apply-combine) if by_attribute is not None: stats = pd.merge( stats, stats.groupby(by_attribute)["open_chromatin"] .median() .to_frame(name="group_open_chromatin") .reset_index(), ) stats = pd.merge( stats, stats.groupby(by_attribute)["open_chromatin_norm"] .median() .to_frame(name="group_open_chromatin_norm") .reset_index(), ) # plot stats = stats.sort_values("open_chromatin_norm") fig, axis = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(1 * 3, 2 * 3)) sns.barplot( y="index", x="open_chromatin", orient="horiz", data=stats.reset_index(), palette="summer", ax=axis[0], ) sns.barplot( y="index", x="open_chromatin_norm", orient="horiz", data=stats.reset_index(), palette="summer", ax=axis[1], ) axis[0].set_xlabel("Total open chromatin space (bp)") axis[1].set_xlabel("Total open chromatin space (normalized)") sns.despine(fig) savefig( fig, os.path.join( self.results_dir, "{}.total_open_chromatin_space.per_sample.svg".format(, ), ) if by_attribute is not None: # median lengths per group (split-apply-combine) stats = pd.merge( stats, stats.groupby(by_attribute)["open_chromatin"] .median() .to_frame(name="group_open_chromatin") .reset_index() .sort_values("group_open_chromatin"), ) fig, axis = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(4 * 2, 6 * 1)) stats = stats.sort_values("group_open_chromatin") sns.barplot( y=by_attribute, x="open_chromatin", orient="horiz", data=stats.reset_index(), palette="summer", ax=axis[0], ) sns.stripplot( y=by_attribute, x="open_chromatin", orient="horiz", data=stats.reset_index(), palette="summer", ax=axis[0], ) stats = stats.sort_values("group_open_chromatin_norm") sns.barplot( y=by_attribute, x="open_chromatin_norm", orient="horiz", data=stats.reset_index(), palette="summer", ax=axis[1], ) sns.stripplot( y=by_attribute, x="open_chromatin_norm", orient="horiz", data=stats.reset_index(), palette="summer", ax=axis[1], ) axis[0].axhline( stats.groupby(by_attribute)["open_chromatin"].median()["WT"], color="black", linestyle="--", ) axis[1].axhline( stats.groupby(by_attribute)["open_chromatin_norm"].median()["WT"], color="black", linestyle="--", ) axis[0].set_xlabel("Total open chromatin space (bp)") axis[1].set_xlabel("Total open chromatin space (normalized)") sns.despine(fig) savefig( fig, os.path.join( self.results_dir, "{}.total_open_chromatin_space.per_{}.svg".format(, by_attribute ), ), ) # plot distribution of peak lengths sample_peak_lengths = map(get_region_lengths, [s.peaks for s in samples]) lengths = pd.melt( pd.DataFrame(sample_peak_lengths, index=[ for s in samples]).T, value_name="peak_length", var_name="sample_name", ).dropna() # median lengths per sample (split-apply-combine) lengths = pd.merge( lengths, lengths.groupby("sample_name")["peak_length"] .median() .to_frame(name="mean_peak_length") .reset_index() .sort_values("mean_peak_length"), ) fig, axis = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(3 * 1, 3 * 2)) sns.boxplot( y="sample_name", x="peak_length", orient="horiz", data=lengths, palette="summer", ax=axis[0], showfliers=False, ) axis[0].set_ylabel("Peak length (bp)") axis[0].set_xticklabels(axis[0].get_xticklabels(), visible=False) sns.boxplot( y="sample_name", x="peak_length", orient="horiz", data=lengths, palette="summer", ax=axis[1], showfliers=False, ) axis[1].set_xscale("log") axis[1].set_xlabel("Peak length (bp)") sns.despine(fig) savefig( fig, os.path.join( self.results_dir, "{}.peak_lengths.per_sample.svg".format( ), ) if by_attribute is not None: # median lengths per group (split-apply-combine) lengths = pd.merge( lengths, lengths.groupby(by_attribute)["peak_length"] .median() .to_frame(name="group_mean_peak_length") .reset_index() .sort_values("group_mean_peak_length"), ) fig, axis = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(3 * 1, 3 * 2)) sns.boxplot( y=by_attribute, x="peak_length", orient="horiz", data=lengths, palette="summer", ax=axis[0], showfliers=False, ) axis[0].set_xlabel("Peak length (bp)") sns.boxplot( y=by_attribute, x="peak_length", orient="horiz", data=lengths, palette="summer", ax=axis[1], showfliers=False, ) axis[1].set_xscale("log") axis[1].set_xlabel("Peak length (bp)") axis[1].set_yticklabels(axis[1].get_yticklabels(), visible=False) sns.despine(fig) savefig( fig, os.path.join( self.results_dir, "{}.peak_lengths.per_{}.svg".format(, by_attribute), ), ) # peaks per chromosome per sample chroms = ( pd.DataFrame( map(get_regions_per_chromosomes, [s.peaks for s in samples]), index=[ for s in samples], ) .fillna(0) .T ) chroms_norm = (chroms / chroms.sum(axis=0)) * 100 if hasattr(self, "organim"): if self.organism == "human": chroms_norm = chroms_norm.loc[ ["chr{}".format(i) for i in list(range(1, 23)) + ["X", "Y", "M"]], : ] elif self.organism == "mouse": chroms_norm = chroms_norm.loc[ ["chr{}".format(i) for i in list(range(1, 19)) + ["X", "Y", "M"]], : ] fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8 * 1, 8 * 1)) sns.heatmap( chroms_norm, square=True, cmap="summer", xticklabels=True, yticklabels=True, ax=axis, ) axis.set_xticklabels(axis.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90, ha="right") axis.set_yticklabels(axis.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0, ha="right") savefig( fig, os.path.join( self.results_dir, "{}.peak_location.per_sample.svg".format( ), ) # Peak set across samples: # interval lengths fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(3, 3)) sns.distplot( [interval.length for interval in self.sites if interval.length < 2000], hist=False, kde=True, ax=axis, ) axis.set_xlabel("Peak width (bp)") axis.set_ylabel("Density") sns.despine(fig) savefig(fig, os.path.join(self.results_dir, "{}.lengths.svg".format( # plot support if hasattr(self, "support"): fig, axis = plt.subplots() sns.distplot(["support"], bins=40, ax=axis) axis.set_ylabel("frequency") sns.despine(fig) savefig( fig, os.path.join(self.results_dir, "{}.support.svg".format( ) # Plot distance to nearest TSS if hasattr(self, "closest_tss_distances"): fig, axis = plt.subplots( 2, 2, figsize=(4 * 2, 4 * 2), sharex=False, sharey=False ) sns.distplot( self.closest_tss_distances["distance"], bins=1000, kde=True, hist=False, ax=axis[0][0], ) sns.distplot( self.closest_tss_distances["distance"], bins=1000, kde=True, hist=False, ax=axis[0][1], ) sns.distplot( self.closest_tss_distances["distance"], bins=1000, kde=True, hist=False, ax=axis[1][0], ) sns.distplot( self.closest_tss_distances["distance"], bins=1000, kde=True, hist=False, ax=axis[1][1], ) for ax in axis.flat: ax.set_xlabel("Distance to nearest TSS (bp)") ax.set_ylabel("Density") axis[0][1].set_yscale("log") axis[1][1].set_yscale("log") sns.despine(fig) savefig( fig, os.path.join(self.results_dir, "{}.tss_distance.svg".format(, ) # Plot genomic regions datas = list() for name, attr, attr_b in [ ( "genomic_region", "region_annotation_mapping", "region_annotation_b_mapping", ), ( "chromatin_state", "chrom_state_annotation_mapping", "chrom_state_annotation_b_mapping", ), ]: if hasattr(self, attr): f = getattr(self, attr) b = getattr(self, attr_b) # count region frequency data = f[name].value_counts().sort_values(ascending=False) background = b[name].value_counts().sort_values(ascending=False) data = data.to_frame(name="foreground").join( background.to_frame(name="background") ) data["fold_change"] = np.log2(data["foreground"] / data["background"]) = "region" # plot also % of genome space "used" f["length"] = f["end"] - f["start"] b["length"] = b["end"] - b["start"] s = f.groupby(name)["length"].sum() data.loc[:, "percent_genome_space"] = (s / genome_space).dropna() * 100 datas.append(data) # plot together g = sns.FacetGrid( data=pd.melt(data.reset_index(), id_vars="region"), col="variable", col_wrap=2, sharex=False, sharey=True, size=2, aspect=1.2, ), "value", "region", orient="horiz") sns.despine(fig) savefig( g, os.path.join( self.results_dir, "{}.{}s.svg".format(, name) ), ) # plot together if len(datas) > 1: data = pd.concat(datas) g = sns.FacetGrid( data=pd.melt(data.reset_index(), id_vars="region"), col="variable", col_wrap=2, sharex=False, sharey=True, size=2, aspect=1.2, ), "value", "region", orient="horiz") sns.despine(fig) savefig( g, os.path.join( self.results_dir, "{}.genomic_region_and_chromatin_states.svg".format(, ), ) # distribution of count statistics if hasattr(self, "stats"): for attr in self.stats.columns: fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(3, 3)) sns.distplot(self.stats.loc[:, attr], hist=False, kde=True, ax=axis) sns.despine(fig) savefig( fig, os.path.join( self.results_dir, "{}.{}.distplot.svg".format(, attr) ), ) if hasattr(self, "support"): attr = "support" fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(3, 3)) sns.distplot([:, attr], hist=False, kde=True, ax=axis) sns.despine(fig) savefig( fig, os.path.join( self.results_dir, "{}.{}.distplot.svg".format(, attr) ), ) # Pairwise against mean if hasattr(self, "stats"): if hasattr(self, "support"): self.stats.loc[:, "support"] =[:, "support"] for attr in self.stats.columns: if attr == "mean": continue p = self.stats[ (self.stats["mean"] > 0) & (self.stats[attr] < np.percentile(self.stats[attr], 99) * 3) ] g = sns.jointplot( p["mean"], p[attr], s=1, alpha=0.1, rasterized=True, height=3 ) savefig( g.fig, os.path.join( self.results_dir, "{}.mean_vs_{}.svg".format(, attr) ), )
[docs] def plot_raw_coverage(self, samples=None, by_attribute=None): """ Diagnostic plots on the Sample's signal. Provides plots with Samples grouped `by_attribute` if given (a string or a list of strings). Parameters ---------- samples : :obj:`list` List of peppy.Samples objects to use for plotting. by_attribute : :obj:`str`, optional Attribute of samples to group by. Values will be aggregated across samples by that attribute. """ # TODO: get matrix as input, move to graphics import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns from import savefig if samples is None: samples = self.samples if by_attribute is None: cov = pd.melt( np.log2(1 + self.matrix_raw[[ for s in samples]]), var_name="Sample name", value_name="Raw counts (log2)", ) fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 1 * 4)) sns.violinplot( "Raw counts (log2)", "Sample name", orient="horizontal", palette="tab20", data=cov, ax=axis, ) sns.despine(fig) savefig( fig, os.path.join( self.results_dir, + ".raw_counts.violinplot.svg")) else: attrs = set([getattr(s, by_attribute) for s in samples]) fig, axis = plt.subplots(len(attrs), 1, figsize=(8, len(attrs) * 6)) for i, attr in enumerate(attrs): cov = pd.melt( np.log2( 1 + self.matrix_raw[ [ for s in samples if getattr(s, by_attribute) == attr ] ] ), var_name="Sample name", value_name="Raw counts (log2)", ) sns.violinplot( "Raw counts (log2)", "Sample name", orient="horizontal", palette="tab20", data=cov, ax=axis[i], ) axis[i].set_title(attr) axis[i].set_xticklabels(axis[i].get_xticklabels(), rotation=90) sns.despine(fig) savefig( fig, os.path.join( self.results_dir, + ".raw_counts.violinplot.by_{}.svg".format(by_attribute)))
def plot_coverage(self): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns # TODO: add plots for overal genome # TODO: add raw counts too data = self.matrix_norm.copy() # (rewrite to avoid putting them there in the first place) variables = ["gene_name", "genomic_region", "chromatin_state"] for variable in variables: d = ( data[variable].str.split(",").apply(pd.Series).stack() ) # separate comma-delimited fields d.index = d.index.droplevel( 1 ) # returned a multiindex Series, so get rid of second index level (first is from original row) data = data.drop( [variable], axis=1 ) # drop original column so there are no conflicts = variable data = data.join(d) # joins on index variables = [ "chrom", "start", "end", "ensembl_transcript_id", "distance", "ensembl_gene_id", "support", "mean", "variance", "std_deviation", "dispersion", "qv2", "amplitude", "gene_name", "genomic_region", "chromatin_state", ] # Plot data_melted = pd.melt( data, id_vars=variables, var_name="sample", value_name="norm_counts" ) # transform dispersion data_melted["dispersion"] = np.log2(1 + data_melted["dispersion"]) # Together in same violin plot fig, axis = plt.subplots(1) sns.violinplot("genomic_region", "norm_counts", data=data_melted, ax=axis) fig.savefig( os.path.join( self.results_dir, + ".norm_counts.per_genomic_region.violinplot.svg", ), bbox_inches="tight", ) # dispersion fig, axis = plt.subplots(1) sns.violinplot("genomic_region", "dispersion", data=data_melted, ax=axis) fig.savefig( os.path.join( self.results_dir, + ".norm_counts.dispersion.per_genomic_region.violinplot.svg", ), bbox_inches="tight", ) # dispersion fig, axis = plt.subplots(1) sns.violinplot("genomic_region", "qv2", data=data_melted, ax=axis) fig.savefig( os.path.join( self.results_dir, + ".norm_counts.qv2.per_genomic_region.violinplot.svg", ), bbox_inches="tight", ) fig, axis = plt.subplots(1) sns.violinplot("chromatin_state", "norm_counts", data=data_melted, ax=axis) fig.savefig( os.path.join( self.results_dir, + ".norm_counts.chromatin_state.violinplot.svg", ), bbox_inches="tight", ) fig, axis = plt.subplots(1) sns.violinplot("chromatin_state", "dispersion", data=data_melted, ax=axis) fig.savefig( os.path.join( self.results_dir, + ".norm_counts.dispersion.chromatin_state.violinplot.svg", ), bbox_inches="tight", ) fig, axis = plt.subplots(1) sns.violinplot("chromatin_state", "qv2", data=data_melted, ax=axis) fig.savefig( os.path.join( self.results_dir, + ".norm_counts.qv2.chromatin_state.violinplot.svg", ), bbox_inches="tight", ) # separated by variable in one grid g = sns.FacetGrid(data_melted, col="genomic_region", col_wrap=3), "mean", hist=False, rug=False) g.fig.savefig( os.path.join( self.results_dir, + ".norm_counts.mean.per_genomic_region.distplot.svg", ), bbox_inches="tight", ) g = sns.FacetGrid(data_melted, col="genomic_region", col_wrap=3), "dispersion", hist=False, rug=False) g.fig.savefig( os.path.join( self.results_dir, + ".norm_counts.dispersion.per_genomic_region.distplot.svg", ), bbox_inches="tight", ) g = sns.FacetGrid(data_melted, col="genomic_region", col_wrap=3), "qv2", hist=False, rug=False) g.fig.savefig( os.path.join( self.results_dir, + ".norm_counts.qv2.per_genomic_region.distplot.svg", ), bbox_inches="tight", ) g = sns.FacetGrid(data_melted, col="genomic_region", col_wrap=3), "support", hist=False, rug=False) g.fig.savefig( os.path.join( self.results_dir, + "", ), bbox_inches="tight", ) g = sns.FacetGrid(data_melted, col="chromatin_state", col_wrap=3), "mean", hist=False, rug=False) g.fig.savefig( os.path.join( self.results_dir, + ".norm_counts.mean.chromatin_state.distplot.svg", ), bbox_inches="tight", ) g = sns.FacetGrid(data_melted, col="chromatin_state", col_wrap=3), "dispersion", hist=False, rug=False) g.fig.savefig( os.path.join( self.results_dir, + ".norm_counts.dispersion.chromatin_state.distplot.svg", ), bbox_inches="tight", ) g = sns.FacetGrid(data_melted, col="chromatin_state", col_wrap=3), "qv2", hist=False, rug=False) g.fig.savefig( os.path.join( self.results_dir, + ".norm_counts.qv2.chromatin_state.distplot.svg", ), bbox_inches="tight", ) g = sns.FacetGrid(data_melted, col="chromatin_state", col_wrap=3), "support", hist=False, rug=False) g.fig.savefig( os.path.join( self.results_dir, + "", ), bbox_inches="tight", ) plt.close("all")
[docs] def region_context_enrichment( self, regions, steps=["genomic_region", "chromatin_state"], background="region_set", prefix="region_type_enrichment", output_dir="{results_dir}", ): """ Characterize a subset of the regions (e.g. differential regions) in terms of their genomic context. Parameters ---------- regions : {list, pandas.DataFrame, pandas.Index} Subset of regions of interest to analysis. Must be a subset of the universe (i.e. `sites` attribute). steps : :obj:`list`, optional Steps of enrichment to perform. Defaults to all available: ['genomic_region', 'chromatin_state'] background : :obj:`str`, optional Which set to consider as backgroud. Options are: region_set: the consensus region_set of the analysis genome: a randomized set of size as region_set across the genome prefix : :obj:`str`, optional Prefix for saved files. Default is `region_type_enrichment`. output_dir : :obj:`str`, optional Directory to write results to. Returns --------- pandas.DataFrame Enrichment results """ from ngs_toolkit.utils import log_pvalues from scipy.stats import fisher_exact output_dir = self._format_string_with_attributes(output_dir) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) if isinstance(regions, pd.DataFrame): regions = regions.index.tolist() elif isinstance(regions, pd.Index): regions = regions.tolist() elif isinstance(regions, list): pass else: msg = "Input not understood." _LOGGER.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) options = ["region_set", "genome"] if background not in options: msg = "Option `background` must be one of '{}'.".format( "', '".join(options) ) raise ValueError(msg) # compare genomic regions and chromatin_states enr = list() msg = "'{}' step selected, but analysis does not have '{}'." msg2 = "'genome' selected, but analysis does not have '{}'." for step, matrix, matrix_b in [ ( "genomic_region", "region_annotation_mapping", "region_annotation_b_mapping", ), ( "chromatin_state", "chrom_state_annotation_mapping", "chrom_state_annotation_b_mapping", ), ]: if step not in steps: continue if not hasattr(self, matrix): _LOGGER.warning(msg.format(step, matrix)) continue _LOGGER.debug("Getting enrichment of regions in '{}'.".format(step)) # Count foreground occurences annot = getattr(self, matrix) res = annot.loc[set(regions), step].value_counts().to_frame("foreground") # Count background occurences # # in case of background == 'genome', we simply replace the dataframes if background == "genome": try: annot = getattr(self, matrix_b) except AttributeError: _LOGGER.warning(msg2.format(matrix_b)) continue # # account for foreground regions not annotated res_b = annot.loc[:, step].value_counts().to_frame(name="universe") if not all([x in res_b.index for x in res.index]): m = res.index[~res.index.isin(res_b.index)] msg3 = "Foreground regions contains type of {} not in background: {}".format( step, "', '".join(m) ) msg3 += " Continuing without those." _LOGGER.warning(msg3) res = res.reindex(res_b.index) # # join res = res.join(res_b, how="outer").fillna(0).astype(int) # Calculate log fold enrichment: # # normalize to total: res.loc[:, "foreground_fraction"] = ( res["foreground"] / res["foreground"].sum() ) res.loc[:, "universe_fraction"] = res["universe"] / res["universe"].sum() res.loc[:, "log2_fold_change"] = np.log2( res["foreground_fraction"] / res["universe_fraction"] ) # Calculate overlap p-value: for feature in res["foreground"].index: a = res.loc[feature, "foreground"] b = res.loc[:, "foreground"].drop(feature).sum() c = annot.loc[(~annot.index.isin(regions)), step].value_counts()[ feature ] d = ( annot.loc[(~annot.index.isin(regions)), step] .value_counts() .drop(feature) .sum() ) res.loc[feature, "odds_ratio"], res.loc[ feature, "p_value" ] = fisher_exact([[a, c], [b, d]], alternative="two-sided") res.loc[:, "log2_odds_ratio"] = np.log2(res["odds_ratio"]) res.loc[:, "-log10(p-value)"] = log_pvalues(res["p_value"]) res.loc[:, "region_type"] = step # Append enr.append(res) # save enr = pd.concat(enr) = "region" enr.to_csv(os.path.join(output_dir, prefix + ".csv"), index=True) return enr
[docs] def characterize_regions_function( self, differential, output_dir, prefix, universe_file=None, run=True, genome=None, steps=["region", "lola", "meme", "homer", "enrichr"], ): """ Performs a range of functional enrichments of a set of regions given in `differential` (a dataframe which is typically a subset of an annotated coverage dataframe). Will extract regions, their underlying sequence, associated genes, perform enrichment of genomic regions, chromatin states against a background, motif enrichment, location overlap analysis (LOLA), and gene set enrichment (using the Enrichr API). This requires several programs and R libraries: - MEME suite (AME) - HOMER suite ( - LOLA (R library) Additionally, some genome-specific databases are needed to run these programs. Parameters ---------- differential : :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` Results of differential analysis for a given comparison of interest. output_dir : :obj:`str` Directory to output results to. prefix : :obj:`str` Prefix to use for output files. universe_file : :obj:`str`, optional Path to BED file with set of universe regions where differential were selected from. Default is analysis.sites. run: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to run enrichment commands now or to simply prepare the input files for it. Default is :obj:`True`. genome : :obj:`str`, optional Genome assembly of analysis. Default is analysis' genome assembly. steps : :obj:`list`, optional Which steps of the analysis to perform. Default is all: ['region', 'lola', 'meme', 'homer', 'enrichr']. """ from ngs_toolkit.general import meme_ame, homer_motifs, lola, enrichr from ngs_toolkit.utils import bed_to_fasta, standard_score from ngs_toolkit.utils import location_index_to_bed # use all sites as universe if universe_file is None: try: universe_file = getattr(self, "sites").fn "Using default background region set from 'analysis.sites': {}'.".format( universe_file ) ) except AttributeError as e: _LOGGER.error( "Background region set 'analysis.sites' is not set! Cannot run LOLA!" ) raise e if genome is None: genome = self.genome # make output dirs if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) bed = location_index_to_bed(differential.index) # save to bed bed_file = os.path.join(output_dir, "{}_regions.bed".format(prefix)) bed.to_csv(bed_file, sep="\t", header=False, index=False) # save as tsv tsv_file = os.path.join(output_dir, "{}_regions.tsv".format(prefix)) bed.reset_index().to_csv(tsv_file, sep="\t", header=False, index=False) # export gene names clean_gene = ( differential["gene_name"] .str.split(",") .apply(pd.Series, 1) .stack() .drop_duplicates() ) clean_gene = clean_gene[~clean_gene.isin([".", "nan", ""])] clean_gene.to_csv( os.path.join(output_dir, "{}.gene_symbols.txt".format(prefix)), header=False, index=False, ) if "ensembl_gene_id" in differential.columns: # export ensembl gene names clean = ( differential["ensembl_gene_id"] .str.split(",") .apply(pd.Series, 1) .stack() .drop_duplicates() ) clean.to_csv( os.path.join(output_dir, "{}_genes.ensembl.txt".format(prefix)), header=False, index=False, ) # export gene symbols with scaled absolute fold change if "log2FoldChange" in differential.columns: differential["score"] = standard_score(abs(differential["log2FoldChange"])) differential["abs_fc"] = abs(differential["log2FoldChange"]) d = differential[["gene_name", "score"]].sort_values( "score", ascending=False ) # split gene names from score if a reg.element was assigned to more than one gene a = d["gene_name"].str.split(",").apply(pd.Series, 1).stack() a.index = a.index.droplevel(1) = "gene_name" d = d[["score"]].join(a) # reduce various ranks to mean per gene d = d.groupby("gene_name").mean().reset_index() d.to_csv( os.path.join(output_dir, "{}.gene_symbols.score.csv".format(prefix)), index=False, ) # get fasta file with sequence underlying region if ("meme" in steps) or ("homer" in steps): hint = " Will not do motif enrichment analysis." fasta_file = os.path.join(output_dir, "{}_regions.fa".format(prefix)) resources = self.get_resources(steps=["genome"])["genome_file"] if "fasta" not in resources: reason = ( "Could not get genome sequence file in either FASTA or 2bit format." ) _LOGGER.warning(reason + hint) else: try: bed_to_fasta( input_bed=bed_file, output_fasta=fasta_file, genome_file=resources["fasta"], ) except EnvironmentError: reason = "Could not get FASTA sequence for regions." _LOGGER.warning(reason + hint) if not run: return if "region" in steps: self.region_context_enrichment(differential, output_dir=output_dir) # MEME if "meme" in steps:"Running MEME-AME for '{}'".format(prefix)) omap = {"hg38": "human", "hg19": "human", "mm10": "mouse"} meme_ame(fasta_file, output_dir, organism=omap[genome]) # HOMER if "homer" in steps:"Running HOMER for '{}'".format(prefix)) homer_motifs(bed_file, output_dir, genome=genome) # LOLA if "lola" in steps:"Running LOLA for '{}'".format(prefix)) try: lola(bed_file, universe_file, output_dir, genome=genome) except: _LOGGER.error("LOLA analysis for '{}' failed!".format(prefix)) # Enrichr if "enrichr" in steps:"Running Enrichr for '{}'".format(prefix)) results = enrichr(clean_gene.to_frame(name="gene_name")) results.to_csv( os.path.join(output_dir, "{}_regions.enrichr.csv".format(prefix)), index=False, encoding="utf-8", )