Source code for ngs_toolkit.analysis

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ngs_toolkit import _CONFIG, _LOGGER
from ngs_toolkit.decorators import check_organism_genome

# TODO: Add PAGE as enrichment method
# TODO: Analysis.annotate_samples: reimplement to support CNV dict of resolutions
# TODO: Analysis.annotate_samples: implement connection to analysis' numeric_attributes or another way of preserving dtypes
# TODO: Add function to complete comparison_table information such as "comparison_genome" and "data_type" and call it when setting automatically
# TODO: Add function to create comparison_table from samples' group_attributes

# TODO: idea: make Analysis.annotate() call both annotate_features(), annotate_samples() and their ancestors with `steps`
# TODO: Idea: merging analysis. If same type, merge matrices, otherwise use dicts?
# TODO: Idea: if genome of analysis is set, get required static files for that genome assembly automatically
# TODO: Idea: Analysis.load_data: get default output_map by having functions declare what they output perhaps also with a dict of kwargs to pass to pandas.read_csv

[docs]class Analysis(object): """ Generic class holding functions and data from a typical NGS analysis. Other modules implement classes inheriting from this that in general contain data type-specific functions (e.g. :class:`~ngs_toolkit.atacseq.ATACSeqAnalysis` has a :func:`~ngs_toolkit.atacseq.ATACSeqAnalysis.get_consensus_sites` function to generate a peak consensus map). Objects of this type can be used to store data (e.g. dataframes), variables (e.g. paths to files or configurations) and are easily serializable (saved to a file as an object) for rapid loading and cross-environment portability. See the :func:`~ngs_toolkit.analysis.Analysis.to_pickle`, :func:`~ngs_toolkit.analysis.Analysis.from_pickle` and :func:`~ngs_toolkit.analysis.Analysis.update` functions for this. Parameters ---------- name : :obj:`str`, optional Name of the analysis. Defaults to "analysis". from_pep : :obj:`str`, optional PEP configuration file to initialize analysis from. The analysis will adopt as much attributes from the PEP as possible but keyword arguments passed at initialization will still have priority. Defaults to :obj:`None` (no PEP used). from_pickle : :obj:`str`, optional Pickle file of an existing serialized analysis object from which the analysis should be loaded. Defaults to :obj:`None` (will not load from pickle). root_dir : :obj:`str`, optional Base directory for the project. Defaults to current directory or to what is specified in PEP if :attr:`~ngs_toolkit.analysis.Analysis.from_pep`. data_dir : :obj:`str`, optional Directory containing processed data (e.g. by looper) that will be input to the analysis. This is in principle not required. Defaults to "data". results_dir : :obj:`str`, optional Directory to contain outputs produced by the analysis. Defaults to "results". prj : :class:`peppy.Project`, optional A :class:`peppy.Project` object that this analysis is tied to. Defaults to :obj:`None`. samples : :obj:`list`, optional List of :class:`peppy.Sample` objects that this analysis is tied to. Defaults to :obj:`None`. subset_to_data_type : :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to keep only samples that match the data type of the analysis. Defaults to :obj:`True`. kwargs : :obj:`dict`, optional Additional keyword arguments will simply be stored as object attributes. """ _data_type = None def __init__( self, name=None, from_pep=False, from_pickle=False, root_dir=None, data_dir="data", results_dir="results", prj=None, samples=None, subset_to_data_type=True, **kwargs ): # Add given args and kwargs to object _LOGGER.debug("Adding given arguments to analysis object.") = name self.root_dir = root_dir self.prj = prj self.samples = samples # Add default values for matrices self.raw_matrix_name = "matrix_raw" self.norm_matrix_name = "matrix_norm" self.feature_matrix_name = "matrix_features" _LOGGER.debug("Adding additional kwargs to analysis object.") self.__dict__.update(kwargs) # If from_pickle, load and return if from_pickle is not False: "Updating analysis object from pickle file: '{}'.".format(from_pickle) ) self.update(pickle_file=from_pickle) return None _LOGGER.debug("Setting data type-specific attributes to None.") attrs = [ "data_type", "__data_type__", "var_unit_name", "quantity", "norm_units", "raw_matrix_name", "norm_matrix_name", "annot_matrix_name", "norm_method", ] for attr in attrs: if not hasattr(self, attr): setattr(self, attr, None) if not hasattr(self, "thresholds"): self.thresholds = {"alpha": 0.05, "log2_fold_change": 0} if not hasattr(self, "output_files"): self.output_files = list() # Generate from PEP configuration file if from_pep is not False: from inspect import signature from peppy import Project args = signature(Project).parameters.keys() prj_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in args} self.from_pep(pep_config=from_pep, **prj_kwargs) # Store projects attributes in self _LOGGER.debug("Trying to set analysis attributes.") self.set_project_attributes( overwrite=False, subset_to_data_type=subset_to_data_type) # Get name if is None: = "analysis" # Try to set genome if not set self.organism, self.genome = (None, None) _LOGGER.debug("Trying to get analysis genome.") self.set_organism_genome() # Set root_dir if self.root_dir is None: self.root_dir = os.curdir self.root_dir = os.path.abspath(self.root_dir) # Set data and results dir self.data_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, data_dir) self.results_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, results_dir) # # if given absolute paths, keep them, otherwise append to root directory for dir_, attr in [(data_dir, "data_dir"), (results_dir, "results_dir")]: if not os.path.isabs(dir_): setattr(self, attr, os.path.join(self.root_dir, dir_)) else: setattr(self, attr, dir_) # Try to make directories for directory in [self.data_dir, self.results_dir]: if not os.path.exists(directory): try: os.makedirs(directory) except OSError: _LOGGER.debug( "Could not make directory for Analysis: '{}'".format(directory) ) # Add sample input file locations _LOGGER.debug("Trying to set sample input file attributes.") self.set_samples_input_files() # Set pickle file if not hasattr(self, "pickle_file"): self.pickle_file = os.path.join(self.results_dir, + ".pickle") def __repr__(self): t = ( "'{}' analysis".format(self.data_type) if self.data_type is not None else "Analysis" ) samples = ( " with {} samples".format(len(self.samples)) if self.samples is not None else "" ) organism = ( " of organism '{}'".format(self.organism) if self.organism is not None else "" ) genome = " ({})".format(self.genome) if self.genome is not None else "" suffix = "." return t + " '{}'".format( + samples + organism + genome + suffix def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): pass @staticmethod def _overwride_sample_representation(): """ Make peppy.Sample objects have a more pretty representation. """ from peppy import Sample def r(self): return Sample.__repr__ = r @staticmethod def _check_data_type_is_supported(data_type): """ Check if data type is allowed in ngs_toolkit configuration. Parameters ---------- data_type : :obj:`str` Data type to check. Returns ---------- bool Whether data_type is supported. """ supported = _CONFIG["supported_data_types"] return data_type in supported def _get_data_type(self, data_type=None): """ Get data type of current object, throwing an error if data_type is not allowed in ngs_toolkit configuration. Parameters ---------- data_type : :obj:`str`, optional Data type to check. Returns ---------- str A supported data_type. """ if data_type is None: msg = "Data type not defined and Analysis object does not have" msg += " a `data_type` attribute." try: data_type = self.data_type except AttributeError as e: _LOGGER.error(msg) raise e if data_type is None: _LOGGER.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) else: msg = "Data type is not supported." hint = " Check which data types are supported in the 'supported_data_types'" hint += " section of the configuration file." if not self._check_data_type_is_supported(data_type): raise ValueError(msg + hint) return data_type def _check_samples_have_file(self, attr, f=all, samples=None): """ Checks that there are existing files for an attribute of the analysis samples. This requires a reducing function such as 'all' or 'any' to evaluate how to return a value across all samples. Parameters ---------- attr : :obj:`str` An attribute of the analysis' samples to check existence of files. f : function, optional Function to reduce output across samples. Defaults to `all`. samples : :obj:`list`, optional Samples to consider. Defaults to all in analysis. Returns ---------- bool Whether samples have file. Raises ------- AttributeError: If attribute does not exist in samples """ if samples is None: samples = self.samples try: files = [str(getattr(sample, attr)) for sample in samples] except AttributeError: msg = "Sample did not have attribute '{}'".format(attr) _LOGGER.error(msg) raise return f([os.path.exists(file) for file in files]) def _get_samples_have_file(self, attr, samples=None): """ Get samples with an existing file under `attr`. Parameters ---------- attr : :obj:`str` Attribute to check samples : :obj:`list`, optional Samples to consider. Defaults to all in analysis. Returns ------- list List of peppy.Sample objects. Raises ------- AttributeError: If attribute does not exist in samples """ if samples is None: samples = self.samples return [ sample for sample in samples if os.path.exists(str(getattr(sample, attr))) ] def _get_samples_missing_file(self, attr, samples=None): """ Get samples without an existing file under `attr`. Parameters ---------- attr : :obj:`str` Attribute to check samples : :obj:`list`, optional Samples to consider. Defaults to all in analysis. Returns ------- list List of peppy.Sample objects. Raises ------- AttributeError: If attribute does not exist in samples """ if samples is None: samples = self.samples return [ sample for sample in samples if sample not in self._get_samples_have_file(attr, samples=samples) ] def _get_samples_with_input_file(self, input_file, permissive=False, samples=None): """ Get samples with existing files of attribute `input_file`. If none has, raise error. Else, if permissive, return samples with existing file. Otherwise return only with all samples have it, otherwise throw IOError. Parameters ---------- input_file : :obj:`str` Attribute to check. permissive: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to allow returning a subset of samples if not all have file. Defaults to :obj:`False`. samples : :obj:`list`, optional Samples to consider. Defaults to all in analysis. Returns ------- list List of peppy.Sample objects. Raises ------- IOError If not permissive and not all sample input files are found. """ if samples is None: samples = self.samples check = self._check_samples_have_file( attr=input_file, f=all, samples=samples ) if check: return samples missing = self._get_samples_missing_file(attr=input_file, samples=samples) msg = "None of the samples have '{}' files.".format(input_file) if all([s in missing for s in samples]): if permissive: _LOGGER.warning(msg) return [] else: _LOGGER.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) msg = "Not all samples have '{}' files.".format(input_file) hint = " Samples missing files: '{}'".format(", ".join([ for s in missing])) if permissive: _LOGGER.warning(msg + hint) return [s for s in samples if s not in missing] else: _LOGGER.error(msg + hint) raise IOError(msg) @staticmethod def _format_string_with_environment_variables(string): """ Given a string, containing curly braces with dollar sign, format it with the environment variables. Parameters ---------- string : :obj:`str` String to format. Returns ---------- str Formated string. Raises ------- ValueError If not all patterns are set environment variables. """ if string is None: return string to_format = pd.Series(string).str.extractall(r"\${(.*?)}")[0].values attrs = os.environ if not all([x in attrs for x in to_format]): msg = "Not all required patterns were found in the environment variables." _LOGGER.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) for attr in to_format: string = string.replace("${" + attr + "}", "{" + attr + "}") return string.format(**attrs) def _format_string_with_attributes(self, string): """ Given a string, containing curly braces, format it with the attributes from self. Parameters ---------- string : :obj:`str` String to format. Returns ---------- str Formated string. Raises ------- ValueError If not all patterns are analysis variables. """ if string is None: return string to_format = pd.Series(string).str.extractall(r"{(.*?)}")[0].values attrs = self.__dict__.keys() if not all([x in attrs for x in to_format]): msg = "Not all required patterns were found as attributes of object '{}'.".format( self ) _LOGGER.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return string.format(**self.__dict__)
[docs] def from_pep(self, pep_config, **kwargs): """ Create a peppy.Project from a PEP configuration file and associate is with the analysis. Parameters ---------- pep_config : :obj:`str` PEP configuration file. Attributes ---------- prj : :obj:`peppy.Project` peppy.Project from given PEP configuration file. """ import peppy # peppy.project.logging.disable() self.prj = peppy.Project(cfg=pep_config, **kwargs)
[docs] def update(self, pickle_file=None): """ Update all of the object"s attributes with the attributes from a serialized object (ie object stored in a file) object. Parameters ---------- pickle_file : :obj:`str`, optional Pickle file to load. Defaults to the analysis' `pickle_file`. """ self.__dict__.update(self.from_pickle(pickle_file=pickle_file).__dict__)
[docs] def set_organism_genome(self): """ Attempt to derive the analysis' organism and genome assembly by inspecting the same attributes of its samples. Attributes ---------- organism : :obj:`str` Organism of the analysis if all samples agree in these attributes. genome : :obj:`str` Genome assembly of the analysis if all samples agree in these attributes. """ if self.samples is None: _LOGGER.warning( "Genome assembly for analysis was not set and cannot be derived from samples." ) else: hint = "Will not set an organism for analysis." organisms = list(set([s.organism for s in self.samples])) if len(organisms) == 1:"Setting analysis organism as '{}'.".format(organisms[0])) self.organism = organisms[0] elif len(organisms) == 0: msg = "Did not found any organism in the analysis samples. " _LOGGER.warning(msg + hint) else: msg = "Found several organism for the various analysis samples. " _LOGGER.warning(msg + hint) hint = "Will not set a genome for analysis." genomes = list(set([s.genome for s in self.samples])) if len(genomes) == 1:"Setting analysis genome as '{}'.".format(genomes[0])) self.genome = genomes[0] elif len(genomes) == 0: msg = "Did not found any genome assembly in the analysis samples. " _LOGGER.warning(msg + hint) else: msg = ( "Found several genome assemblies for the various analysis samples. " ) _LOGGER.warning(msg + hint)
[docs] def set_project_attributes(self, overwrite=True, subset_to_data_type=True): """ Set Analysis object attributes ``samples``, ``sample_attributes`` and ``group_atrributes`` to the values in the associated Project object if existing. Parameters ---------- overwrite: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to overwrite attribute values if existing. Defaults to :obj:`True`. subset_to_data_type: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to subset samples and comparison_table to entries of same data_type as analysis. Defaults to :obj:`True`. Attributes ---------- samples : :obj:`list` List of peppy.Samples if contained in the PEP configuration. sample_attributes : :obj:`list` Sample attributes if specified in the PEP configuration. group_attributes : :obj:`list` Groups attributes if specified in the PEP configuration. comparison_table : :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` Comparison table if specified in the PEP configuration. """ hint = " Adding a '{}' section to your project configuration file allows the analysis" hint += " object to use those attributes during the analysis." if self.prj is not None: self.prj.root_dir = self.prj.output_dir for attr, parent in [ ("name", self.prj), ("root_dir", self.prj), ("samples", self.prj), ("sample_attributes", self.prj), ("group_attributes", self.prj), ("comparison_table", self.prj.metadata), ]: if not hasattr(parent, attr): _LOGGER.warning( "Associated project does not have any '{}'.".format(attr) + hint.format(attr) if attr != "samples" else "" ) else: msg = "Setting project's '{0}' as the analysis '{0}'.".format(attr) if overwrite: setattr(self, attr, getattr(parent, attr)) else: if not hasattr(self, attr): setattr(self, attr, getattr(parent, attr)) else: if getattr(self, attr) is None: setattr(self, attr, getattr(parent, attr)) else: _LOGGER.debug( "{} already exist for analysis, not overwriting.".format( attr.replace("_", " ").capitalize() ) ) if subset_to_data_type: if hasattr(self, "samples"): if self.data_type is not None: "Subsetting samples for samples of type '{}'.".format( self.data_type ) ) self.samples = [ s for s in self.samples if s.protocol == self.data_type ] if hasattr(self, "comparison_table"): if isinstance(getattr(self, "comparison_table"), str): _LOGGER.debug("Reading up comparison table.") self.comparison_table = pd.read_csv(self.comparison_table) if ( (self.comparison_table is not None) and (self.data_type is not None) and ("data_type" in self.comparison_table.columns) ): "Subsetting comparison_table for comparisons of type '{}'.".format( self.data_type ) ) self.comparison_table.query( "data_type == @self.data_type", inplace=True ) else: _LOGGER.warning( "Analysis object does not have an attached Project. " + "Will not add special attributes to analysis such as " + "samples, their attributes and comparison table." )
[docs] def set_samples_input_files(self, overwrite=True): """ Add input file values to sample objects dependent on data type. These are specified in the `ngs_toolkit` configuration file under "sample_input_files:<data type>:<attribute>". Parameters ---------- overwrite: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to overwrite attribute values if existing. Defaults to :obj:`True`. """ def _format_string_with_sample_attributes(sample, string): """ Given a string, containing curly braces, format it with the attributes from the sample object or the analysis. """ if string is None: return string # fix around sample.__dict__ being overwritten sample_dict = {x: sample[x] for x in sample} to_format = pd.Series(string).str.extractall(r"{(.*?)}")[0].values attrs = [x for x in sample_dict.keys()] if not all([x in attrs for x in to_format]): d = sample_dict.copy() d.update(self.__dict__) return string.format(**d) else: return string.format(**sample_dict) if self.samples is None: _LOGGER.warning( "Analysis object does not have attached Samples. " + "Will not add special attributes to samples such as " + "input file locations." ) return msg = "Setting '{}' in sample {} as '{}'." for data_type in _CONFIG["sample_input_files"]: for sample in [s for s in self.samples if s.protocol == data_type]: if ("name" in sample) and ("sample_name" not in sample): sample.sample_name = for attr, value in _CONFIG["sample_input_files"][data_type].items(): try: value = _format_string_with_sample_attributes(sample, value) except KeyError: if (attr != "log2_read_counts"): _LOGGER.error("Failed formatting for sample '{}', value '{}'." .format(, value)) continue if overwrite: _LOGGER.debug(msg.format(attr,, value)) setattr(sample, attr, value) else: if not hasattr(sample, attr): _LOGGER.debug(msg.format(attr,, value)) setattr(sample, attr, value) else: if getattr(sample, attr) is None: _LOGGER.debug(msg.format(attr,, value)) setattr(sample, attr, value) else: _LOGGER.debug( "{} already exists in sample, not overwriting.".format( attr.replace("_", " ").capitalize() ) )
[docs] def to_pickle(self, timestamp=False): """ Serialize object (ie save to disk) to pickle format. Parameters ---------- timestamp: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to timestamp the file. Defaults to :obj:`False`. """ import datetime import time import pickle if timestamp: ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") p = self.pickle_file.replace(".pickle", ".{}.pickle".format(ts)) else: p = self.pickle_file pickle.dump(self, open(p, "wb"), protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
[docs] def from_pickle(self, pickle_file=None): """ Load object from pickle file. Parameters ---------- pickle_file : :obj:`str`, optional Pickle file to load. Default is the object's attribute ``pickle_file``. Returns ------- :class:`~ngs_toolkit.Analysis` The analysis serialized in the pickle file. """ import pickle if pickle_file is None: pickle_file = self.pickle_file return pickle.load(open(pickle_file, "rb"))
[docs] def load_data( self, output_map=None, only_these_keys=None, prefix="{results_dir}/{name}", permissive=True, ): """ Load the output files of the major functions of the Analysis. Parameters ---------- output_map : :obj:`dict` Dictionary with {attribute_name: (file_path, kwargs)} to load the files. The kwargs in the tuple will be passed to :func:`pandas.read_csv`. Default is the required to read the keys in ``only_these_keys``. only_these_keys : :obj:`list`, optional Iterable of analysis attributes to load up. Possible attributes: "matrix_raw", "matrix_norm", "matrix_features", "differential_results", "differential_enrichment". Default is all of the above. prefix : :obj:`str`, optional String prefix of files to load. Variables in curly braces will be formated with attributes of analysis. Default is "{results_dir}/{name}". permissive : :obj:`bool`, optional Whether an error should be ignored if reading a file causes IOError. Default is :obj:`True`. Attributes ---------- <various> : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Dataframes holding the respective data, available as attributes described in the ``only_these_keys`` parameter. Raises ---------- IOError If not permissive and a file is not found. """ from ngs_toolkit.utils import fix_dataframe_header, get_this_file_or_timestamped prefix = self._format_string_with_attributes(prefix) if output_map is None: kwargs = {"index_col": 0} output_map = { "matrix_raw": (prefix + ".matrix_raw.csv", kwargs), "matrix_norm": ( prefix + ".matrix_norm.csv", {"index_col": 0, "header": None}, ), "matrix_features": (prefix + ".matrix_features.csv", kwargs), "differential_results": ( os.path.join( self.results_dir, "differential_analysis_{}".format(self.data_type), "differential_analysis.deseq_result.all_comparisons.csv", ), kwargs, ), } if only_these_keys is None: only_these_keys = list(output_map.keys()) output_map = {k: v for k, v in output_map.items() if k in only_these_keys} for name, (file, kwargs) in output_map.items():"Loading '{}' analysis attribute.".format(name)) try: setattr(self, name, pd.read_csv( get_this_file_or_timestamped(file), **kwargs)) # Fix possible multiindex for matrix_norm if name == "matrix_norm": if not isinstance(getattr(self, name).columns, pd.MultiIndex): _LOGGER.debug("Trying to fix 'matrix_norm' dataframe header.") setattr(self, name, fix_dataframe_header(getattr(self, name))) except IOError as e: if not permissive: raise e else: _LOGGER.warning(e)
# if "differential_enrichment" in output_map: # self.enrichment_results = dict() # self.enrichment_results["enrichr"] = pd.read_csv( # os.path.join( # "results", # "differential_analysis_RNA-seq", # "enrichments", # "differential_analysis.enrichr.csv", # ) # )
[docs] def record_output_file( self, file_name, name="analysis", dump_yaml=True, output_yaml="{root_dir}/{name}.analysis_record.yaml"): """ Record an analysis output. Will also write all records to a YAML file and call `Analysis.generate_report` if specified in general configuration. Parameters ---------- file_name : :obj:`str` Filename of output to report. name : :obj:`str`, optional Name of the output to report. Defaults to "analysis". dump_yaml : :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to dump records to yaml file. Defaults to :obj:`True`. output_yaml : :obj:`str`, optional YAML file to dump records to. Will be formated with Analysis variables. Defaults to "{root_dir}/{name}.analysis_record.yaml". Attributes ---------- output_files : :obj:`list` Appends a tuple of (``name``, ``file_name``) to ``output_files``. """ self.output_files.append((name, file_name)) if dump_yaml: import yaml yaml.safe_dump( self.output_files, open(self._format_string_with_attributes(output_yaml), "w")) if _CONFIG["preferences"]["report"]["continuous_generation"]: self.generate_report()
[docs] def generate_report( self, output_html="{root_dir}/{name}.analysis_report.html", template=None, pip_versions=True): """ Record an analysis output. Parameters ---------- output_html : :obj:`str` Filename of output to report. Defaults to "{root_dir}/{name}.analysis_report.html". template : :obj:`None`, optional Name of the output to report. Default is the HTML template distributed with ngs-toolkit. pip_versions: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether the versions of Python packages should be included in the report by using pip freeze. Default is :obj:`True`. """ import os import time from jinja2 import Template import pkg_resources import sys from ngs_toolkit._version import __version__ try: from pip._internal.operations import freeze except ImportError: # pip < 10.0 from pip.operations import freeze def fix_name(x, name): return (" - ".join( os.path.basename(x).replace(name, "").split(".")[:-1]) .replace("_", " ").capitalize()) output_html = self._format_string_with_attributes(output_html) # Lets reorganize the output_files # into a dict of {name: list(file_names)} keys = set([x[0] for x in self.output_files]) outputs = {k: list() for k in keys} for key, file in self.output_files: outputs[key].append(file) # Select image outputs (non-CSV files) images = { k: [x for x in v if x.endswith(".svg")] for k, v in outputs.items() } # Generate dict = {"section": [(caption, file), ...]} images = { k.capitalize().replace("_", " "): [ ( fix_name(x,, x, ) for x in v] for k, v in images.items()} csvs = { k: [x for x in v if x.endswith(".csv")] for k, v in outputs.items() } csvs = { k.capitalize().replace("_", " "): [ ( fix_name(x,, x, ) for x in v] for k, v in csvs.items()} if template is None: resource_package = "ngs_toolkit" resource_path = '/'.join(('templates', 'report.html')) template = Template( pkg_resources.resource_string(resource_package, resource_path).decode()) else: template = Template(open(template, 'r').read()) output = template.render( analysis=self, project_repr={k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if isinstance(v, str)}, samples=[s.to_dict() for s in self.samples] if self.samples is not None else [], time=time.asctime(), images=images, csvs=csvs, python_version=sys.version, library_version=__version__, freeze=[] if not pip_versions else freeze.freeze()) with open(output_html, 'w') as handle: handle.write(output)
[docs] def set_matrix( self, matrix_name, csv_file, prefix="{results_dir}/{name}", **kwargs ): """ Set an existing CSV file as the value of the analysis' matrix. Parameters ---------- matrix_name : :obj:`str` The attribute name of the matrix. Options are "matrix_raw" and "matrix_norm". csv_file : :obj:`str` Path to valid CSV file to be used as matrix. Assumes header and index column. Customize additional overwriding options to read CSV by passing kwargs. prefix : :obj:`str`, optional String prefix of paths to save files. Variables in curly braces will be formated with attributes of analysis. Defaults to "{results_dir}/{name}". **kwargs : :obj:`dict` Additional keyword arguments will be passed to :obj:`pandas.read_csv`. Attributes ---------- matrix_name : :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` An attribute named `matrix_name` holding the respecive matrix. """ from ngs_toolkit.utils import fix_dataframe_header prefix = self._format_string_with_attributes(prefix) output_file = prefix + "." + matrix_name + ".csv" options = {"index_col": 0} options.update(kwargs) df = pd.read_csv(csv_file, **options) if isinstance(df.columns, pd.MultiIndex): df = fix_dataframe_header(df)"Set {} as '{}' attribute.".format(csv_file, matrix_name)) setattr(self, matrix_name, df)"Saving '{}' attribute to {}.".format(matrix_name, output_file)) df.to_csv(output_file, index=True)
[docs] @check_organism_genome def get_resources( self, steps=["blacklist", "tss", "genomic_context"], organism=None, genome_assembly=None, output_dir=None, overwrite=False, ): """ Get genome-centric resources used by several `ngs_toolkit` analysis functions. Parameters ---------- steps : :obj:`list`, optional What kind of annotations to get. Options are: - "genome": Genome sequence (2bit format) - "blacklist": Locations of blacklisted regions for genome - "tss": Locations of gene"s TSSs - "genomic_context": Genomic context of genome Defaults to ["blacklist", "tss", "genomic_context"]. organism : :obj:`str`, optional Organism to get for. Currently supported are "human" and "mouse". Defaults to analysis' own organism. genome_assembly : :obj:`str`, optional Genome assembly to get for. Currently supported are "hg19", "hg38" and "mm10". Defaults to analysis' own genome assembly. output_dir : :obj:`str`, optional Directory to save results to. Defaults to the value of ``preferences:root_reference_dir`` in the configuration, if that is not set, to a directory called "reference" in the analysis root directory. overwrite: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether existing files should be overwritten by new ones. Otherwise they will be kept and no action is made. Defaults to :obj:`False`. Returns ------- : dict Dictionary with keys same as the options as steps, containing paths to the requested files. The values of the 'genome' step are also a dictionary with keys "2bit" and "fasta" for each file type respectively. """ from ngs_toolkit.general import ( get_genome_reference, get_blacklist_annotations, get_tss_annotations, get_genomic_context, ) from ngs_toolkit.utils import get_this_file_or_timestamped if organism is None: organism = self.organism if genome_assembly is None: genome_assembly = self.genome if output_dir is None: output_dir = self._format_string_with_environment_variables( _CONFIG["preferences"]["root_reference_dir"] ) if output_dir is None: output_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, "reference") args = { "organism": organism, "genome_assembly": genome_assembly, "output_dir": output_dir, "overwrite": overwrite, } mapping = {"hg19": "grch37", "hg38": "grch38", "mm10": "grcm38"} output = dict() if "genome" in steps: output["genome_file"] = dict() output["genome_file"]["2bit"] = get_genome_reference( file_format="2bit", **args ) fasta = output["genome_file"]["2bit"].replace(".2bit", ".fa") if os.path.exists(fasta): output["genome_file"]["fasta"] = fasta else: output["genome_file"]["fasta"] = get_genome_reference( file_format="fasta", **args ) if "blacklist" in steps: output["blacklist_file"] = get_blacklist_annotations(**args) if "tss" in steps: get_tss_annotations(**args) output["tss_file"] = get_this_file_or_timestamped(os.path.join( output_dir, "{}.{}.gene_annotation.protein_coding.tss.bed".format( self.organism, mapping[self.genome] ), )) if "genomic_context" in steps: get_genomic_context(**args) output["genomic_context_file"] = os.path.join( output_dir, "{}.{}.genomic_context.bed".format(self.organism, mapping[self.genome]), ) return output
[docs] def normalize_rpm( self, matrix="matrix_raw", samples=None, mult_factor=1e6, log_transform=True, pseudocount=1, save=True, assign=True, ): """ Normalization of matrix of (n_features, n_samples) by total in each sample. Parameters ---------- matrix : :obj:`str`, optional Attribute name of matrix to normalize. Defaults to "matrix_raw". samples : :obj:`list`, optional Iterable of peppy.Sample objects to restrict matrix to. Defaults to all samples in matrix. mult_factor : float, optional A constant to multiply values for. Defaults to 1e6. log_transform: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to log transform values or not. Defaults to :obj:`True`. pseudocount : {int, float}, optional A constant to add to values. Defaults to 1. save: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to write normalized DataFrame to disk. Defaults to :obj:`True`. assign: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to assign the normalized DataFrame to an attribute ``. Defaults to :obj:`True`. Attributes ---------- matrix_norm : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` If `assign` is True, a pandas DataFrame normalized with respective method. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Normalized pandas DataFrame. """ to_norm = self.get_matrix(matrix=matrix, samples=samples) # apply normalization over total matrix_norm = (to_norm / to_norm.sum()) * mult_factor # Make non-negative if matrix_norm.min().min() <= 0: matrix_norm += np.absolute(matrix_norm.min().min()) # Log2 transform if log_transform: matrix_norm = np.log2(pseudocount + matrix_norm) if save: matrix_norm.to_csv( os.path.join(self.results_dir, + ".matrix_norm.csv"), index=True, ) if assign: self.matrix_norm = matrix_norm self.norm_method = "rpm" return matrix_norm
[docs] def normalize_quantiles( self, matrix="matrix_raw", samples=None, implementation="Python", log_transform=True, pseudocount=1, save=True, assign=True, ): """ Quantile normalization of matrix of (n_features, n_samples). Parameters ---------- matrix : :obj:`str` Attribute name of matrix to normalize. Defaults to "matrix_raw". samples : :obj:`list`, optional Iterable of peppy.Sample objects to restrict matrix to. Defaults to all in matrix. implementation : :obj:`str`, optional One of `"Python"` or `"R"`. Dictates which implementation is to be used. The R implementation comes from the `preprocessCore` package, and the Python one is from They give very similar results. Default is "Python". log_transform: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to log transform values or not. Default is :obj:`True`. pseudocount : float, optional A constant to add before log transformation. Default is 1. save: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to write normalized DataFrame to disk. Default is :obj:`True`. assign: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to assign the normalized DataFrame to an attribute `matrix_norm`. Default is :obj:`True`. Attributes ---------- matrix_norm : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` If `assign` is True, a pandas DataFrame normalized with respective method. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Normalized pandas DataFrame. """ from ngs_toolkit.utils import normalize_quantiles_r, normalize_quantiles_p to_norm = self.get_matrix(matrix=matrix, samples=samples) if implementation == "R": matrix_norm = pd.DataFrame( normalize_quantiles_r(to_norm.values), index=to_norm.index, columns=to_norm.columns, ) elif implementation == "Python": matrix_norm = normalize_quantiles_p(to_norm) else: msg = "Implementation of quantile normalization must be one of 'R' of 'Python'" _LOGGER.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # Make non-negative if matrix_norm.min().min() <= 0: matrix_norm += np.absolute(matrix_norm.min().min()) # Log2 transform if log_transform: matrix_norm = np.log2(pseudocount + matrix_norm) if save: matrix_norm.to_csv( os.path.join(self.results_dir, + ".matrix_norm.csv"), index=True, ) if assign: self.matrix_norm = matrix_norm self.norm_method = "quantile" return matrix_norm
[docs] def normalize_median( self, matrix="matrix_raw", samples=None, function=np.nanmedian, fillna=True, save=True, assign=True, ): """ Normalization of matrices of (n_features, n_samples) by subtracting the median from each sample/feature. Most appopriate for CNV data. Parameters ---------- matrix : :obj:`str`, optional Attribute name of dictionary of matrices to normalize. Defaults to "matrix_raw". samples : :obj:`list`, optional Samples to restrict analysis to. Defaults to all samples in Analysis object. function : function, optional An alternative function to calculate across samples. Data will be subtracted by this. Defaults to ``numpy.nanmedian``. fillna: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to fill NaN with zero. Defaults to :obj:`True`. save: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether results should be saved to disc. Defaults to :obj:`True`. assign: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether results should be assigned to Analysis object. Defaults to :obj:`True`. Attributes ---------- matrix_norm : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` If `assign` is True, a pandas DataFrame normalized with respective method. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Normalized pandas DataFrame. """ matrix = self.get_matrix(matrix, samples=samples) matrix_norm = dict() to_norm = self.get_matrix(matrix=matrix, samples=samples) matrix_norm = (to_norm.T - function(to_norm, axis=1)).T if fillna: matrix_norm = matrix_norm.fillna(0) if save: matrix_norm.to_csv( os.path.join(self.results_dir, + ".matrix_norm.csv"), index=True, ) if assign: self.matrix_norm = matrix_norm self.norm_method = "median" return matrix_norm
[docs] def normalize_pca( self, pc, matrix="matrix_raw", samples=None, save=True, assign=True ): """ Normalization of a matrix by subtracting the contribution of Principal Component `pc` from each sample/feature. Parameters ---------- pc : :obj:`int` Principal Component to remove. 1-based. matrix : :obj:`str`, optional Attribute name of dictionary of matrices to normalize. Defaults to "matrix_raw". samples : :obj:`list`, optional Samples to restrict analysis to. Defaults to all samples. save: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether results should be saved to disc. Defaults to :obj:`True`. assign: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether results should be assigned to Analysis object. Defaults to :obj:`True`. Attributes ---------- matrix_norm : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` If `assign` is True, a pandas DataFrame normalized with respective method. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Normalized pandas DataFrame. """ from ngs_toolkit.general import subtract_principal_component if pc is None: raise ValueError("Principal Component to remove must be specified!") matrix = self.get_matrix(matrix, samples=samples) # first make sure data is centered to_norm = self.normalize_median( matrix, samples=samples, save=False, assign=False ) # then remove the PC matrix_norm = subtract_principal_component(to_norm.T.fillna(0), pc=pc).T if save: matrix_norm.to_csv( os.path.join(self.results_dir, + ".matrix_norm.csv"), index=True, ) if assign: self.matrix_norm = matrix_norm self.norm_method = "pca" return matrix_norm
[docs] def normalize( self, method="quantile", matrix="matrix_raw", samples=None, save=True, assign=True, **kwargs ): """ Normalization of matrix of (n_features, n_samples). Parameters ---------- method : :obj:`str`, optional Normalization method to apply. One of: - `rpm`: Reads per million normalization (RPM). - `quantile`: Quantile normalization and log2 transformation. - `cqn`: Conditional quantile normalization (uses `cqn` R package). Not available for RNA-seq. - `median`: Substraction of median per feature. Only useful for CNV. - `pca`: Subtraction of Principal Component from matrix. Requires which PC to subtract. `pc` must be passed as kwarg. Defaults to "quantile". matrix : :obj:`str`, optional Attribute name of matrix to normalize. Defaults to "matrix_raw". samples : :obj:`list`, optional Iterable of peppy.Sample objects to restrict matrix to. Default is all samples in matrix. save: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to write normalized DataFrame to disk. Defaults to :obj:`True`. assign: :obj:`bool` Whether to assign the result to "matrix_norm". Defaults to :obj:`True`. Attributes ---------- matrix_norm : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` If `assign` is True, a pandas DataFrame normalized with respective method. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Normalized pandas DataFrame. """ if method == "rpm": return self.normalize_rpm( matrix=matrix, samples=samples, save=save, assign=assign ) elif method == "quantile": return self.normalize_quantiles( matrix=matrix, samples=samples, save=save, assign=assign ) elif method == "cqn": if self.data_type == "RNA-seq": raise ValueError( "Cannot use `cqn` normalization with this data_type: {}".format( self.data_type ) ) return self.normalize_cqn( matrix=matrix, samples=samples, save=save, assign=assign ) elif method == "median": return self.normalize_median( matrix=matrix, samples=samples, save=save, assign=assign ) elif method == "pca": if "pc" not in kwargs: raise ValueError("`pca` normalization requires `pc` as kwarg") return self.normalize_pca( matrix=matrix, samples=samples, save=save, assign=assign, pc=kwargs["pc"], ) else: msg = "Requested normalization method is not available!" _LOGGER.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def remove_factor_from_matrix( self, factor, method="combat", covariates=None, matrix="matrix_norm", samples=None, save=True, assign=True, make_positive=True ): """ Get a matrix that is an attribute of self subsetted for the requested samples. Parameters ---------- matrix : {str, pandas.DataFrame} The name of the attribute with the matrix or a DataFrame already. samples : :obj:`list` Iterable of peppy.Sample objects to restrict matrix to. Default (:obj:`None` is passed) is not to subset matrix. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Requested matrix (dataframe). """ from combat import combat from patsy import dmatrix if method != "combat": msg = "Only implemented method is 'combat'." _LOGGER.error(msg) raise NotImplementedError(msg) matrix = self.get_matrix(matrix, samples=samples) # make vector of factor to remove samples = [s for s in self.samples if in matrix.columns] batch = pd.Series( [getattr(s, factor) for s in samples], index=[ for s in samples]) # make design model of covariates if covariates is not None: _LOGGER.debug("Generating design matrix for covariates.") if not isinstance(matrix.columns, pd.MultiIndex): _LOGGER.debug("Matrix was not MultiIndex, annotating matrix with sample attributes.") matrix = self.annotate_samples(matrix=matrix, save=False, assign=False) d = matrix.columns.to_frame().set_index("sample_name") covariates = dmatrix("~ " + " + ".join(covariates), d) matrix_norm = combat(matrix, batch=batch, model=covariates) if save: matrix_norm.to_csv( os.path.join(self.results_dir, + ".matrix_norm.csv"), index=True, ) if assign: self.matrix_norm = matrix_norm self.norm_method = "{} + {}".format( self.norm_method, method).replace("None + ", "") return matrix_norm
[docs] def get_matrix(self, matrix, samples=None): """ Get a matrix that is an attribute of self subsetted for the requested samples. Parameters ---------- matrix : {str, pandas.DataFrame} The name of the attribute with the matrix or a DataFrame already. samples : :obj:`list` Iterable of peppy.Sample objects to restrict matrix to. Default (:obj:`None` is passed) is not to subset matrix. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Requested matrix (dataframe). """ if isinstance(matrix, str): matrix = getattr(self, matrix) if samples is None: # all samples in matrix return matrix else: # subset to requested samples return matrix.loc[:, [ for s in samples]]
[docs] def get_matrix_stats(self, matrix="matrix_raw", samples=None): """ Gets a matrix of feature-wise (ie for every gene or region) statistics such across samples such as mean, variance, deviation, dispersion and amplitude. Parameters ---------- matrix : :obj:`str` Attribute name of matrix to normalize. Defaults to "matrix_raw". samples : :obj:`list` [:class:`peppy.Sample`] Subset of samples to use. Defaults to all in analysis. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Statistics for each feature. Attributes ---------- stats : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A DataFrame with statistics for each feature. """ matrix = self.get_matrix(matrix=matrix, samples=samples) metrics = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.Index(matrix.index, name=self.var_unit_name)) # calculate mean coverage metrics.loc[:, "mean"] = matrix.mean(axis=1) # calculate coverage variance metrics.loc[:, "variance"] = matrix.var(axis=1) # calculate std deviation (sqrt(variance)) metrics.loc[:, "std_deviation"] = np.sqrt(metrics.loc[:, "variance"]) # calculate dispersion (variance / mean) metrics.loc[:, "dispersion"] = metrics.loc[:, "variance"] / metrics.loc[:, "mean"] # calculate qv2 (std / mean) ** 2 metrics.loc[:, "qv2"] = ( metrics.loc[:, "std_deviation"] / metrics.loc[:, "mean"] ) ** 2 # calculate "amplitude" (max - min) metrics.loc[:, "amplitude"] = metrics.max(axis=1) - metrics.min(axis=1) # calculate interquantile range metrics.loc[:, "iqr"] = metrics.quantile(0.75, axis=1) - metrics.quantile( 0.25, axis=1 ) = "index" metrics.to_csv( os.path.join(self.results_dir, + ".stats_per_feature.csv"), index=True, ) self.stats = metrics return self.stats
[docs] def annotate_features( self, samples=None, matrix="matrix_norm", feature_tables=None, permissive=True ): """ Annotates analysis features (regions/genes) by aggregating annotations per feature (genomic context, chromatin state, gene annotations and statistics) if present and relevant depending on the data type of the Analysis. The numeric matrix to be used is specified in `matrix`. If any two two annotation dataframes have equally named columns (e.g. chrom, start, end), the value of the first is kept. Parameters ---------- samples : :obj:`list` Iterable of peppy.Sample objects to restrict matrix to. Calculated metrics will be restricted to these samples. Defaults to all in analysis (the matrix will not be subsetted). matrix : :obj:`str` Attribute name of matrix to annotate. Defaults to "matrix_norm". feature_tables : :obj:`list` Attribute names of dataframes used to annotate the numeric dataframe. Default is ["gene_annotation", "region_annotation", "chrom_state_annotation", "support", "stats"] for ATAC-seq and ChIP-seq and ["stats"] for all others. permissive: :obj:`bool` Whether DataFrames that do not exist should be simply skipped or an error will be thrown. Defaults to :obj:`True`. Raises ---------- AttributeError If not `permissive` a required DataFrame does not exist as an object attribute. Attributes ---------- matrix_features : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A pandas DataFrame containing annotations of the region features. """ if samples is None: samples = self.samples matrix = getattr(self, matrix) next_matrix = matrix # add closest gene msg = "`{}` attribute does not exist." if feature_tables is None: if self.data_type in ["ATAC-seq", "ChIP-seq"]: feature_tables = [ "gene_annotation", "region_annotation", "chrom_state_annotation", "support", "stats"] else: feature_tables = ["stats"] for matrix_name in feature_tables: if hasattr(self, matrix_name): matrix = getattr(self, matrix_name) self.matrix_features = pd.merge( next_matrix, matrix[matrix.columns.difference(next_matrix.columns)], left_index=True, right_index=True, how="left", ) next_matrix = self.matrix_features else: if not permissive: _LOGGER.error(msg.format(matrix_name)) raise AttributeError(msg.format(matrix_name)) else: _LOGGER.warning(msg.format(matrix_name) + " Proceeding anyway.") if not hasattr(self, "matrix_features"): self.matrix_features = next_matrix # Pair indexes msg = "Annotated matrix does not have same feature length as matrix_raw matrix." if not self.matrix_raw.shape[0] == self.matrix_features.shape[0]: _LOGGER.error(msg) raise AssertionError(msg) self.matrix_features.index = self.matrix_raw.index = "index" # Save self.matrix_features.to_csv( os.path.join(self.results_dir, + ".matrix_features.csv"), index=True, )
[docs] def annotate_samples( self, matrix="matrix_norm", attributes=None, numerical_attributes=None, save=True, assign=True, ): """ Annotate matrix ``(n_features, n_samples)`` with sample metadata (creates MultiIndex on columns). Numerical attributes can be pass as a iterable to ``numerical_attributes`` to be converted. Parameters ---------- matrix : :obj:`str`, optional Attribute name of matrix to annotate. Defaults to "matrix_norm". attributes : :obj:`list`, optional Desired attributes to be annotated. Defaults to all attributes in the original sample annotation sheet of the analysis' Project. numerical_attributes : :obj:`list`, optional Attributes which are numeric even though they might be so in the samples" attributes. Will attempt to convert values to numeric. save: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to write normalized DataFrame to disk. Default is :obj:`True`. assign: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to assign the normalized DataFrame to "matrix_norm". Default is :obj:`True`. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Annotated dataframe with requested sample attributes. Attributes ---------- matrix_norm : :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` A pandas DataFrame with MultiIndex column index containing the sample's attributes specified. """ if (attributes is None) and hasattr(self, "sample_attributes"): "Using 'sample_attributes' from analysis to annotate matrix: {}".format( ",".join(self.sample_attributes) ) ) attributes = self.sample_attributes if (attributes is None) and hasattr(self, "prj"): _LOGGER.warning( "Analysis has no 'sample_attributes' set. " + "Will use all columns from project annotation sheet: {}".format( ",".join(self.prj.sheet.columns) ) ) attributes = self.prj.sheet.columns if attributes is None: msg = "Attributes not given and could not be set from Analysis or Project." raise ValueError(msg) if self.data_type == "CNV": if matrix is None: if not isinstance(getattr(self, matrix), pd.DataFrame): _LOGGER.error( "For CNV data type, the matrix to be annotated must be" + " directly passed to the function throught the `matrix` argument!" ) raise ValueError matrix = self.get_matrix(matrix) if isinstance(matrix.columns, pd.core.indexes.multi.MultiIndex): matrix.columns = matrix.columns.get_level_values("sample_name") samples = [s for s in self.samples if in matrix.columns.tolist()] attrs = list() for attr in attributes: _LOGGER.debug("Attribute: '{}'".format(attr)) ll = list() for sample in samples: # keep order of samples in matrix try: ll.append(getattr(sample, attr)) except AttributeError: ll.append(np.nan) if numerical_attributes is not None: if attr in numerical_attributes: ll = pd.Series(ll).replace("", np.nan).astype(float).tolist() attrs.append(ll) # Generate multiindex columns index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(attrs, names=attributes) df = matrix[[ for s in samples]] df.columns = index # Save if save: df.to_csv( os.path.join(self.results_dir, + ".matrix_norm.csv"), index=True, ) if assign: self.matrix_norm = df return df
[docs] def annotate_matrix(self, **kwargs): """ Convinience function to create dataframes annotated with feature and samples attributes. Simply calls ``Analysis.annotate_features`` and ``analysis.annotate_samples``. Parameters ---------- kwargs : :obj:`dict` Additional keyword arguments are passed to the above mentioned functions. """ self.annotate_features(**kwargs) self.annotate_samples(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_level_colors( self, index=None, matrix="matrix_norm", levels=None, pallete="tab20", uniform_cmap="plasma", diverging_cmap="RdYlBu_r", nan_color=(0.662745, 0.662745, 0.662745, 1.0), as_dataframe=False, ): """ Get tuples of floats representing a colour for a sample in a given variable in a dataframe"s index (particularly useful with MultiIndex dataframes). If given, will use the provieded ``index`` argument, otherwise, the columns and its levels of an attribute of self named ``matrix``. ``levels`` can be passed to subset the levels of the index. Will try to guess if each variable is categorical or numerical and return either colours from a colour ``pallete`` or a ``cmap``, respectively with null values set to ``nan_color`` (a 4-value tuple of floats). Parameters ---------- index : pandas.Index, optional Pandas Index to use. Default is to use the column Index of the provided ``matrix``. matrix : :obj:`str`, optional Name of analysis attribute containing a dataframe with pandas.MultiIndex columns to use. Default is to use the provided ``index``. levels : :obj:`list`, optional Levels of multiindex to restrict to. Defaults to all in index under use. pallete : :obj:`str`, optional Name of matplotlib color palete to use with categorical levels. See Defaults to "tab20". {uniform_cmap, diverging_cmap} : :obj:`str`, optional Name of matplotlib color paletes to use with numerical levels. Uniform will be used if values in level are non-negative, while diverging if including negative. See Defaults to "plasma" and "RdYlBu_r", respectively. nan_color : tuple, optional Color for missing (i.e. NA) values. Defaults to ``(0.662745, 0.662745, 0.662745, 0.5)`` == ``grey``. as_dataframe: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether a dataframe should be returned. Defaults to :obj:`False`. Returns ------- {list, pandas.DataFrame} Matrix of shape (level, sample) with rgb values of each of the variable. If as_dataframe, this will be a pandas.DataFrame otherwise, list of lists. """ import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if index is None: index = self.get_matrix(matrix).columns if levels is not None: drop = [ for l in index.levels if not in levels] index = index.droplevel(drop) # Handle special case of single level if not isinstance(index, pd.core.indexes.multi.MultiIndex): index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([index.values], names=[]) _pallete = plt.get_cmap(pallete) _uniform_cmap = plt.get_cmap(uniform_cmap) _diverging_cmap = plt.get_cmap(diverging_cmap) colors = list() for l, level in enumerate(index.levels): # For empty levels (all values nan), return nan colour if level.empty: colors.append([nan_color] * len(index)) _LOGGER.warning("Level {} has only NaN values.".format( continue # determine the type of data in each level # TODO: check this works in all cases values = index.get_level_values( if sum([isinstance(x, str) for x in values]) >= 1: dtype = "categorical" else: dtype = "numerical or boolean" # Add either colors based on categories or numerical scale if dtype == "categorical": _LOGGER.debug( "Level '{}' has a categorical type.".format(, dtype ) ) n = len(set(values)) # get n equidistant colors p = [_pallete(1.0 * i / n) for i in range(n)] color_dict = dict(zip(list(set(index.get_level_values(, p)) # color for nan cases color_dict[np.nan] = nan_color col = [color_dict[x] for x in index.get_level_values(] else: # Create a range of either 0-max if only positive values are found # or symmetrically from the maximum absolute value found if all((values.dropna() == True) | (values.dropna() == False)): # boolean colormap _LOGGER.debug( "Level '{}' has a boolean type.".format(, dtype ) ) norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=-0.2, vmax=1.2) col = _diverging_cmap(norm(values.astype(float))) elif not any(values.dropna() < 0): # uniform colormap with no negative values # works with True/False and nan (the later are replaced after anyway) _LOGGER.debug( "Level '{}' has a numeric type with no negative values.".format(, dtype ) ) norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize( vmin=values.min(), vmax=values.max()) col = _uniform_cmap(norm(values.astype(float))) else: # numeric diverging centered on zero _LOGGER.debug( "Level '{}' has a numeric type with negative values.".format(, dtype ) ) v = np.nanmax(np.absolute(values)) norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=-v, vmax=v) col = _diverging_cmap(norm(values.astype(float))) # replace color for nan cases col[ np.where( index.get_level_values( ) ] = nan_color # append vector (list) of sample values to list of levels colors.append([tuple(x) for x in col]) if as_dataframe: return pd.DataFrame(colors, index=index.names, columns=index).T return colors
[docs] def unsupervised_analysis( self, steps=["correlation", "manifold", "pca", "pca_association"], matrix="matrix_norm", samples=None, attributes_to_plot=None, output_dir="{results_dir}/unsupervised_analysis_{data_type}", output_prefix="all_{var_unit_name}s", standardize_matrix=True, manifold_algorithms=[ "MDS", "Isomap", "LocallyLinearEmbedding", "SpectralEmbedding", "TSNE", ], maniford_kwargs={}, display_corr_values=False, plot_max_pcs=4, save_additional=False, prettier_sample_names=True, rasterized=False, dpi=300, **kwargs ): """ General unsupervised analysis of a matrix. Apply unsupervised clustering, manifold learning and dimensionality reduction methods on numeric matrix. Colours and labels samples by their attributes as given in `attributes_to_plot`. This analysis has 4 possible steps: - "correlation": Pairwise sample correlation with 2 distance metrics plotted as heatmap. - "manifold": Manifold learning of latent spaces for projection of samples. See here available algorithms: - "pca": For PCA analysis, if `test_pc_association` is `True`, will compute association of PCs with sample attributes given in `attributes_to_plot`. For numeric attributes, the Pearson correlation will be computed and for categoriacal, a pairwise Kruskal-Wallis H-test (ANOVA). - "pca_association": For PCA analysis, if `test_pc_association` is `True`, will compute association of PCs with sample attributes given in `attributes_to_plot`. For numeric attributes, the Pearson correlation will be computed and for categoriacal, a pairwise Kruskal-Wallis H-test (ANOVA). Parameters ---------- steps : :obj:`list`, optional List of step keywords to be performed as described above. Defaults to all available. matrix : :obj:`str`, optional Name of analysis attribute contatining the numeric dataframe to perform analysis on. Must have a pandas.MultiIndex as column index. Defaults to "matrix_norm". samples : :obj:`list`, optional List of sample objects to restrict analysis to. Defaults to all in analysis. attributes_to_plot : :obj:`list`, optional List of attributes shared between sample groups should be plotted. Defaults to attributes in analysis.group_attributes. output_dir : :obj:`str`, optional Directory for generated files and plots. Defaults to "{results_dir}/unsupervised_analysis_{data_type}". output_prefix : :obj:`str`, optional Prefix for output files. Defaults to "all_regions" if data_type is ATAC-seq and "all_genes" if data_type is RNA-seq. standardize_matrix: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to standardize variables in `matrix` by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance. It is not applied to the "correlation" step. Default is :obj:`True`. manifold_algorithms : :obj:`list`, optional List of manifold algorithms to use. See available algorithms here: Defaults to ['MDS', 'Isomap', 'LocallyLinearEmbedding', 'SpectralEmbedding', 'TSNE'], maniford_kwargs : :obj:`dict`, optional Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the algorithms in ``manifold_algorithms``. Should be of the form {"algorithm_name": {"key": value}} display_corr_values: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether values in heatmap of sample correlations should be displayed overlaid on top of colours. Defaults to :obj:`False`. save_additional: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether additional results such as PCA projection, loadings should be saved. Defaults to :obj:`False`. prettier_sample_names: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether it should attempt to prettify sample names by removing the data type from plots. Defaults to :obj:`True`. rasterized: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether elements with many objects should be rasterized. Defaults to :obj:`False`. dpi : :obj:`int`, optional Definition of rasterized image in dots per inch (dpi). Defaults to 300. **kwargs: optional kwargs are passed to :func:`~ngs_toolkit.Analysis.get_level_colors` and :func:``. """ # TODO: Treat PCA as just one of several possible decomposition methods # by either: # - creating a new, independent decomposition section # - lumping all under common decomposition/manifold and handle it internally, # add association testing under that for any arbitrary from collections import defaultdict import itertools import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import savefig, plot_projection import seaborn as sns from sklearn import manifold from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from statsmodels.sandbox.stats.multicomp import multipletests from scipy.stats import kruskal, pearsonr output_dir = self._format_string_with_attributes(output_dir) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) matrix = self.get_matrix(matrix) if ("pca_association" in steps) and ("pca" not in steps): steps.append("pca") output_prefix = self._format_string_with_attributes(output_prefix) if not isinstance(matrix.columns, pd.core.indexes.multi.MultiIndex): msg = "Provided quantification matrix must have columns with MultiIndex." hint = " Will try to use `analysis.annotate_samples` to do that." + hint) matrix = self.annotate_samples(matrix=matrix, save=False, assign=False) if samples is None: samples = [ s for s in self.samples if in matrix.columns.get_level_values("sample_name") ] else: samples = [ s for s in samples if in matrix.columns.get_level_values("sample_name") ] if len(samples) == 0: msg = "None of the samples could be found in the quantification matrix." _LOGGER.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if len(samples) == 1: msg = "Only one sample could be found in the quantification matrix." hint = " Function needs more than one." _LOGGER.error(msg + hint) raise ValueError(msg) msg = ( "`attributes_to_plot` were not specified and the analysis does not have a " ) msg += " 'group_attributes' variable." if attributes_to_plot is None: try: attributes_to_plot = self.group_attributes except AttributeError: _LOGGER.error(msg) raise # Raise error when requested factor is not known miss = [attr for attr in attributes_to_plot if attr not in matrix.columns.names] if len(miss) > 0: msg = "Requested '{}' value is not present as column level of matrix.".format(", ".join(miss)) _LOGGER.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # remove attributes not in matrix attributes_to_plot = [ attr for attr in attributes_to_plot if attr in matrix.columns.names ] # remove attributes with all NaNs attributes_to_plot = [ attr for attr in attributes_to_plot if not pd.isnull(matrix.columns.get_level_values(attr)).all() ] if len(attributes_to_plot) == 0: msg = ( "None of the factors in `attributes_to_plot` could be found in the " + "quantification matrix index or they are all NaN." ) _LOGGER.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # All regions, matching samples (provided samples in matrix) x = matrix.loc[ :, matrix.columns.get_level_values("sample_name").isin( [ for s in samples] ), ] # Get matrix of samples vs levels with colors as values cd_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in ['pallete', 'uniform_cmap', 'diverging_cmap']} # # it will always be a matrix for all samples color_dataframe = self.get_level_colors( index=matrix.columns, levels=['sample_name'] + attributes_to_plot if 'sample_name' not in attributes_to_plot else attributes_to_plot, as_dataframe=True, **cd_kwargs ) if "sample_name" not in attributes_to_plot: color_dataframe = color_dataframe.drop("sample_name", axis=1) # will be filtered now by the requested samples if needed color_dataframe = color_dataframe.loc[x.columns.get_level_values("sample_name"), :] projection_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in [ "plot_max_dims", "rasterized", "plot_group_centroids", "axis_ticklabels", "axis_ticklabels_name", "axis_lines", "legends", "always_legend"]} if isinstance(x.columns, pd.MultiIndex): sample_display_names = x.columns.get_level_values("sample_name") else: sample_display_names = x.columns if "correlation" in steps: # Pairwise correlations for method in ["pearson", "spearman"]: "Plotting pairwise correlation with '{}' metric.".format(method) ) xp = x.copy() xp.columns = xp.columns.get_level_values("sample_name") xp = xp.astype(float).corr(method) cd = color_dataframe cd.index = cd.index.get_level_values("sample_name") g = sns.clustermap( xp, xticklabels=False, yticklabels=sample_display_names, annot=display_corr_values, cmap="Spectral_r", figsize=(0.4 * x.shape[1], 0.4 * x.shape[1]), cbar_kws={"label": "{} correlation".format(method.capitalize())}, row_colors=cd, col_colors=cd, ) g.ax_heatmap.set_yticklabels( g.ax_heatmap.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0, fontsize="xx-small" ) g.ax_heatmap.set_xlabel(None, visible=False) g.ax_heatmap.set_ylabel(None, visible=False) savefig( g.fig, os.path.join( output_dir, "{}.{}.{}_correlation.clustermap.svg".format(, output_prefix, method ), ), ) if standardize_matrix: std = StandardScaler() x = pd.DataFrame(std.fit_transform(x.T).T, index=x.index, columns=x.columns) if "manifold" in steps: # Manifolds # TODO: test usage of non default manifolds from sklearn params = defaultdict(dict) params.update( { "MDS": {"n_jobs": -1}, "Isomap": {"n_jobs": -1}, "LocallyLinearEmbedding": {}, "SpectralEmbedding": {"n_jobs": -1}, "TSNE": {"init": "pca"}, } ) params.update(maniford_kwargs) for algo in manifold_algorithms: msg = "Learning manifold with '{}' algorithm".format(algo) + ".") manif = getattr(manifold, algo)(**params[algo]) try: x_new = manif.fit_transform(x.T) except (TypeError, ValueError): hint = " Number of samples might be too small to perform '{}'".format( algo ) _LOGGER.error(msg + " failed!" + hint) continue x_new = pd.DataFrame( x_new, index=x.columns, columns=list(range(x_new.shape[1])) ) if save_additional: for d, label in [(x_new, "embedding")]: _LOGGER.debug("Saving {} {} matrix to disk.".format(algo, label)) d.to_csv( os.path.join( output_dir, "{}.{}.{}.{}.csv" .format(, output_prefix, algo.lower(), label) ) ) "Plotting projection of manifold with '{}' algorithm.".format(algo) ) plot_projection( df=x_new, color_dataframe=color_dataframe, dims=1, output_file=os.path.join( output_dir, "{}.{}.{}.svg".format(, output_prefix, algo.lower()), ), attributes_to_plot=attributes_to_plot, axis_ticklabels_name=algo, **projection_kwargs ) if "pca" in steps: # PCA pcs = min(*x.shape) - 1 "Decomposing data with 'PCA' algorithm for {} dimensions.".format(pcs) ) pca = PCA(n_components=pcs, svd_solver="arpack") x_new = pca.fit_transform(x.T) pcs_order = range(pca.n_components_) x_new = pd.DataFrame(x_new, index=x.columns, columns=pcs_order) comps = pd.DataFrame(pca.components_.T, index=x.index, columns=pcs_order) if save_additional: for d, label in [(x_new, "embedding"), (comps, "loading")]: _LOGGER.debug("Saving PCA {} matrix to disk.".format(label)) d.to_csv( os.path.join( output_dir, "{}.{}.pca.{}.csv" .format(, output_prefix, label) ) ) # Write % variance expained to disk variance = pd.Series( pca.explained_variance_ratio_ * 100, name="percent_variance", index=pcs_order, ).to_frame() variance["log_variance"] = np.log10(pca.explained_variance_) variance.index = variance.index.values = "PC" variance.to_csv( os.path.join( output_dir, "{}.{}.pca.explained_variance.csv".format(, output_prefix), ) ) # plot % explained variance per PC"Plotting variance explained with PCA.") fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(4 * 3, 4)) axis[0].plot(variance.index.values, variance["percent_variance"], "o-") axis[0].set_ylim( ( 0, variance["percent_variance"].max() + variance["percent_variance"].max() * 0.1, ) ) axis[1].plot(variance.index.values, variance["log_variance"], "o-") axis[2].plot(variance.index.values, variance["percent_variance"].cumsum(), "o-") axis[2].set_ylim((0, 100)) for ax in axis: ax.axvline(len(attributes_to_plot), linestyle="--") ax.set_xlabel("PC") axis[0].set_ylabel("% variance") axis[1].set_ylabel("log variance") axis[2].set_ylabel("Cumulative % variance") sns.despine(fig) savefig( fig, os.path.join( output_dir, "{}.{}.pca.explained_variance.svg".format(, output_prefix), ), ) # plot pca pcs = min(x_new.shape[1] - 1, plot_max_pcs)"Plotting PCA up to ({} + 1) dimensions.".format(pcs)) plot_projection( df=x_new, color_dataframe=color_dataframe, dims=pcs, output_file=os.path.join( output_dir, "{}.{}.pca.svg".format(, output_prefix) ), attributes_to_plot=attributes_to_plot, axis_ticklabels_name="PCA", **projection_kwargs ) if "pca_association" in steps: # Test association of PCs with attributes "Computing association of given attributes with principal components." ) associations = list() for attr in attributes_to_plot: # Get all values of samples for this attr groups = x_new.index.get_level_values(attr).unique().dropna() if groups.nunique() == 1: _LOGGER.warning("Attribute '{}' cannot be tested because all values are equal or null.".format(attr)) continue # Determine if attr is categorical or continuous if ( all([isinstance(i, (str, bool)) for i in groups]) ): variable_type = "categorical" elif all( [ isinstance(i, (int, float,, np.float)) for i in groups ] ): variable_type = "numerical" else: _LOGGER.warning("Attribute '{}' cannot be tested because data type is not undestood.".format(attr)) variable_type = "not-detected" _LOGGER.debug("Attribute '{}' is of type {}.".format(attr, variable_type)) for pc in pcs_order: _LOGGER.debug("Attribute '{}'; PC {}.".format(attr, pc + 1)) if variable_type == "categorical": # It categorical, test pairwise combinations of attributes for group1, group2 in itertools.combinations(groups, 2): _LOGGER.debug("Testing group '{}' with '{}'.".format(group1, group2)) g1_mask = x_new.index.get_level_values(attr) == group1 g2_mask = x_new.index.get_level_values(attr) == group2 g1_values = x_new.loc[g1_mask, pc] g2_values = x_new.loc[g2_mask, pc] # Test ANOVA (or Kruskal-Wallis H-test) p = kruskal(g1_values, g2_values)[1] # Append associations.append( [pc + 1, attr, variable_type, group1, group2, p] ) elif variable_type == "numerical": # It numerical, calculate pearson correlation pc_values = x_new.loc[:, pc] trait_values = x_new.index.get_level_values(attr) p = pearsonr(pc_values, trait_values)[1] associations.append( [pc + 1, attr, variable_type, np.nan, np.nan, p] ) else: associations.append( [pc + 1, attr, variable_type, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan] ) associations = pd.DataFrame( associations, columns=[ "pc", "attribute", "variable_type", "group_1", "group_2", "p_value", ], ) if associations.empty: msg = "Couldn't test any associations between PCs and factors." hint = " Perhaps PCA produced only 1 PC or the type of the factors could not be detected?" _LOGGER.warning(msg + hint) return # correct p-values associations.loc[:, "adj_pvalue"] = multipletests( associations["p_value"], method="fdr_bh" )[1] # write"Saving associations.") associations.to_csv( os.path.join( output_dir, "{}.{}.pca.variable_principle_components_association.csv".format(, output_prefix ), ), index=False, ) if associations['attribute'].nunique() < 2:"Few attributes tested, can't plot associations.") return # Plot for var in ["p_value", "adj_pvalue"]: pivot = ( associations.groupby(["pc", "attribute"]) .min()[var] .reset_index() .pivot(index="pc", columns="attribute", values=var) .dropna(axis=1) ) # skip if dataframe has no variation if (pivot.nunique() == 1).all().all(): continue # heatmap of -log p-values g = sns.clustermap( -np.log10(pivot), row_cluster=False, annot=True, cbar_kws={"label": "-log10(p_value) of association"}, rasterized=rasterized, vmin=0, ) g.ax_heatmap.set_xticklabels( g.ax_heatmap.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right" ) savefig( g.fig, os.path.join( output_dir, "{}.{}.pca.variable_principle_components_association.{}.svg".format(, output_prefix, var ), ), ) # heatmap of masked significant g = sns.clustermap( (pivot < 0.05).astype(int), row_cluster=False, cbar_kws={"label": "significant association"}, rasterized=rasterized, vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap="Paired", ) g.ax_heatmap.set_xticklabels( g.ax_heatmap.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right" ) savefig( g.fig, os.path.join( output_dir, "{}.{}.pca.variable_principle_components_association.{}.masked.svg".format(, output_prefix, var ), ), )
[docs] def differential_analysis( self, comparison_table=None, samples=None, covariates=None, filter_support=True, output_dir="{results_dir}/differential_analysis_{data_type}", output_prefix="differential_analysis", overwrite=True, distributed=False, **kwargs ): """ Perform differential regions/genes across samples that are associated with a certain trait. Currently the only implementation is with DESeq2. This implies the rpy2 library and the respective R library are installed. Requires the R package "DESeq2" to be installed: >>> if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) >>> install.packages("BiocManager") >>> BiocManager::install("DESeq2") For other implementations of differential analysis see `ngs_toolkit.general.least_squares_fit` and `ngs_toolkit.general.differential_from_bivariate_fit`. Parameters ---------- comparison_table : :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` A dataframe with "comparison_name", "comparison_side" and "sample_name", "sample_group" columns. Defaults to the analysis' own "comparison_table" attribute. samples : :obj:`list`, optional Samples to limit analysis to. Defaults to all samples in analysis object. covariates : :obj:`list`, optional Additional variables to take into account in the model fitting. Defaults to None. filter_support: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether features not supported in a given comparison should be removed (i.e. regions with no peaks in any sample in a comparison are not tested) Applies only to ATAC-/ChIP-seq data. Default is :obj:`True`. output_dir : :obj:`str`, optional Output directory for analysis. Variables in curly braces will be formated with attributes from analysis. Defaults to "{results_dir}/differential_analysis_{data_type}". output_prefix : :obj:`str`, optional Prefix for output files. Defaults to "differential_analysis". overwrite: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether results should be overwritten in case they already exist. Defaults to :obj:`True`. distributed: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether analysis should be distributed in a computing cluster for each comparison. Currently, only a SLURM implementation is available. If `True`, will not return results. Defaults to :obj:`False`. kwargs : :obj:`dict`, optional Additional keyword arguments are passed to :func:`~ngs_toolkit.utils.submit_job` and then to the chosen `divvy` submission template according to `computing_configuration`. Pass for example `cores=4, mem=8000, partition="longq", time="08:00:00"`. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Results for all comparisons. Will be :obj:`None` if `distributed` is `True`. Attributes ---------- differential_results : :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` Pandas dataframe with results. """ # TODO: for complex designs (one sample is in multiple groups/comparisons) implement running one comparison after the other import sys from ngs_toolkit.general import deseq_analysis from ngs_toolkit.utils import submit_job if comparison_table is None: msg = "`comparison_table` was not given and is not set in analysis object." hint = "Add a `comparison_table` attribute to the analysis object." try: comparison_table = self.comparison_table except AttributeError as e: _LOGGER.error(msg) raise e # Check comparisons # check comparison table has required columns req_attrs = [ "comparison_name", "comparison_side", "sample_name", "sample_group", ] if not all([x in comparison_table.columns for x in req_attrs]): raise AssertionError( "Given comparison table does not have all of '{}' columns.".format( "', '".join(req_attrs) ) ) # check all comparisons have samples in two sides if not all( comparison_table.groupby("comparison_name")["comparison_side"].nunique() == 2 ): msg = "All comparisons must have samples in each side of the comparison." raise AssertionError(msg) # check if any comparison and sample group has samples disagreeing in their side if not all( comparison_table.groupby(["comparison_name", "sample_group"])[ "comparison_side" ].nunique() == 1 ): msg = "Samples in same comparison and group must agree on their side of the comparison." raise AssertionError(msg) # Handle samples under self if samples is None: samples = self.samples samples = [ s for s in samples if in comparison_table["sample_name"].tolist() ] # Make output dir output_dir = self._format_string_with_attributes(output_dir) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) # Get matrix and samples count_matrix = self.matrix_raw if samples is None: samples = self.samples samples = [ s for s in samples if ( in comparison_table["sample_name"].tolist()) & ( in count_matrix.columns) ] count_matrix = count_matrix[[ for s in samples]] # Get experiment matrix # by getting any other relevant covariates as required if covariates is not None: sample_table = pd.DataFrame([s.as_series() for s in samples]) # check all covariates are in the samples and none is null if not all([x in sample_table.columns for x in covariates]): msg = "Not all of the specified covariate variables are in the selected samples." raise AssertionError(msg) if sample_table[covariates].isnull().any().any(): msg = "None of the selected samples can have a Null value in the specified covariate variables." _LOGGER.error(msg) raise AssertionError(msg) # add covariates to comparison table comparison_table = ( comparison_table.set_index("sample_name") .join(sample_table.set_index("sample_name")[covariates]) .reset_index() ) # Make table for DESeq2 experiment_matrix = comparison_table.loc[ :, ["sample_name", "sample_group"] + (covariates if covariates is not None else []), ].drop_duplicates() # Check whether the is a complex design complx = (comparison_table.groupby('sample_name')['sample_group'].nunique() > 1).any() if complx: distributed = True if "computing_configuration" not in kwargs: msg = "Detected complex design with samples in various groups." msg += " Will run analysis in distributed mode, but running in 'localhost'." kwargs['computing_configuration'] = "localhost" # Make formula for DESeq2 formula = "~ {}sample_group".format( " + ".join(covariates) + " + " if covariates is not None else "" ) # Run DESeq2 analysis if not distributed: # filter features without support for given comparison if (self.data_type != "RNA-seq") and filter_support: if not hasattr(self, "support"): msg = "`filter_support` enabled but analysis has no `support` attribute!" _LOGGER.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) _LOGGER.debug("Filtering out unsupported regions.") sup =[ :, [ for s in self.samples if in comparison_table["sample_name"].tolist() ], ] count_matrix = count_matrix.loc[(sup > 0).any(axis=1), :] results = deseq_analysis( count_matrix, experiment_matrix, comparison_table, formula, output_dir, output_prefix, overwrite=overwrite, ) try: results = results.set_index("index") except KeyError: pass "Setting results of differential analysis to a variable 'differential_results'." ) self.differential_results = results return results else: for comparison_name in comparison_table[ "comparison_name" ].drop_duplicates(): # make directory for comparison input/output out = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(output_dir), comparison_name) if not os.path.exists(out): os.makedirs(out) comp = comparison_table.loc[ comparison_table["comparison_name"] == comparison_name, : ] comp.to_csv(os.path.join(out, "comparison_table.csv"), index=False) exp = experiment_matrix.loc[ experiment_matrix["sample_name"].isin(comp["sample_name"].tolist()) & experiment_matrix["sample_group"].isin( comp["sample_group"].tolist() ), :, ] exp.to_csv(os.path.join(out, "experiment_matrix.csv"), index=False) count = count_matrix.loc[:, comp["sample_name"].drop_duplicates()] # filter features without support for given comparison if ( self.data_type in ["ATAC-seq", "ChIP-seq", "ChIPmentation"] and filter_support ): if not hasattr(self, "support"): msg = "`filter_support` enabled by analysis has no `support` attribute!" _LOGGER.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) _LOGGER.debug( "Filtering out unsupported regions for comparison '{}'.".format( comparison_name ) ) sup =[ :, [ for s in self.samples if in comp["sample_name"].tolist() ], ] sup = sup.reindex(count.index).dropna() count = count.reindex(sup[(sup > 0).any(axis=1)].index) count.to_csv(os.path.join(out, "count_matrix.csv"), index=True) # Assemble job and submit job_name = "deseq_job.{}".format(comparison_name) log_file = os.path.join(out, job_name + ".log") job_file = os.path.join(out, job_name + ".sh") cmd = ( "date\n{executable} -m --output_prefix " "{output_prefix} --formula '{formula}' {overwrite} {out}\ndate".format( executable=sys.executable, output_prefix=output_prefix, formula=formula, overwrite=" --overwrite" if overwrite else "", out=out, ) ) submit_job( cmd, job_file, log_file=log_file, jobname=job_name, **kwargs) try: if kwargs["computing_configuration"] == "localhost":"Collecting differential results.") return self.collect_differential_analysis( comparison_table=comparison_table, overwrite=overwrite) except KeyError: pass
[docs] def collect_differential_analysis( self, comparison_table=None, input_dir="{results_dir}/differential_analysis_{data_type}", input_prefix="differential_analysis", output_dir="{results_dir}/differential_analysis_{data_type}", output_prefix="differential_analysis", permissive=True, assign=True, save=True, overwrite=False, ): """ Collect results from DESeq2 differential analysis. Particularly useful when running ``differential_analysis`` in distributed mode. Parameters ---------- comparison_table : :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` A dataframe with "comparison_name", "comparison_side" and "sample_name", "sample_group" columns. Defaults to the analysis's own "comparison_table" attribute. input_dir, output_dir : :obj:`str`, optional In-/Output directory of files. Values within curly brackets "{data_type}", will be formated with attributes from analysis. Defaults to "{results_dir}/differential_analysis_{data_type}". input_prefix, output_prefix : :obj:`str`, optional Prefix of the in-/output files. Defaults for both is "differential_analysis". permissive: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether non-existing files should be skipped or an error be thrown. Defaults to :obj:`True`. assign: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to add results to a `differential_results` attribute. Defaults to :obj:`True`. save: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to save results to disk. Defaults to :obj:`True`. overwrite: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether results should be overwritten in case they already exist. Defaults to :obj:`False`. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Results for all comparisons. Will be :obj:`None` if ``overwrite`` is :obj:`False` and a results file already exists. Attributes ---------- differential_results : :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` Pandas dataframe with results. """ from tqdm import tqdm if comparison_table is None: msg = "`comparison_table` was not given and is not set in analysis object." hint = "Add a `comparison_table` attribute to the analysis object." try: comparison_table = self.comparison_table except AttributeError as e: _LOGGER.error(msg) raise e input_dir = self._format_string_with_attributes(input_dir) # Make output dir output_dir = self._format_string_with_attributes(output_dir) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) results_file = os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".deseq_result.all_comparisons.csv" ) if not overwrite and os.path.exists(results_file): msg = "Differential analysis results '{}' already exist and argument `overwrite` is False." hint = " Will not do ``anything``." _LOGGER.warning(msg.format(results_file) + hint) return if ("data_type" in comparison_table.columns) and (self.data_type is not None): comps = ( comparison_table.loc[ comparison_table["data_type"] == self.data_type, "comparison_name" ] .drop_duplicates() .sort_values()) else: msg = "Comparison table does not have a 'data_type' column." msg += " Collecting all comparisons in table" _LOGGER.warning(msg) comps = comparison_table['comparison_name'].drop_duplicates().sort_values() results = list() for comp in tqdm(comps, total=len(comps), desc="Comparison"): res_file = os.path.join( input_dir, comp, input_prefix + ".deseq_result.{}.csv".format(comp) ) _LOGGER.debug("Collecting comparison '{}'".format(comp)) try: res2 = pd.read_csv(res_file, index_col=0) except IOError as e: if permissive: _LOGGER.warning( "Results file for comparison '{}' do not exist. Skipping.".format( comp ) ) continue else: raise e results.append(res2) if len(results) == 0: msg = "No comparison had a valid results file!" if permissive: _LOGGER.warning(msg) return else: _LOGGER.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) results = pd.concat(results) # set index if "index" in results.columns: results = results.set_index("index") if save: results.to_csv(results_file, index=True) if assign: self.differential_results = results return results
[docs] def plot_differential( self, steps=[ "distributions", "counts", "scatter", "volcano", "ma", "stats_heatmap", "correlation", "heatmap", ], results=None, comparison_table=None, samples=None, matrix="matrix_norm", only_comparison_samples=False, alpha=0.05, corrected_p_value=True, fold_change=None, diff_based_on_rank=False, max_rank=1000, ranking_variable="pvalue", respect_stat_thresholds=True, output_dir="{results_dir}/differential_analysis_{data_type}", output_prefix="differential_analysis", plot_each_comparison=True, mean_column="baseMean", log_fold_change_column="log2FoldChange", p_value_column="pvalue", adjusted_p_value_column="padj", comparison_column="comparison_name", rasterized=True, robust=False, feature_labels=False, group_colours=True, group_attributes=None, **kwargs ): """ Plot differential features (eg chromatin region, genes) discovered with supervised group comparisons by ``ngs_toolkit.general.differential_analysis``. This will plot number and direction of discovered features, scatter, MA and volcano plots for each comparison and joint heatmaps of log fold changes, normalized values or Z-scores of individual samples or groups in the differential features. Parameters ---------- steps : :obj:`list`, optional Types of plots to make: - "distributions": Distribution of p-values and fold-changes - "counts" - Count of differential features per comparison given certain thresholds. - "scatter" - Scatter plots (group 1 vs group 2). - "volcano" - Volcano plots (log fold change vs -log p-value) - "ma" - MA plots (log mean vs log fold change) - "stats_heatmap" - Heatmap of p-values and fold-changes for comparisons. - "correlation" - Correlation of samples or sample groups in differential features. - "heatmap" - Heatmaps of samples or sample groups in differential features. Defaults to all of the above. results : :obj:`pandas.DataFrame`, optional Data frame with differential analysis results. See ``ngs_toolkit.general.differential_analysis`` for more information. comparison_table : :obj:`pandas.DataFrame`, optional Comparison table. If provided, group-wise plots will be produced. Defaults to the analysis' "comparison_table" attribute. samples : :obj:`list`, optional List of sample objects to restrict analysis to. Defaults to all samples in analysis. matrix : :obj:`str`, optional Matrix of quantification to use for plotting feature values across samples/groups. Defaults to "matrix_norm". only_comparison_samples: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to use only samples present in the `comparison_table` and `results` table. Defaults to :obj:`False`. alpha : float, optional Significance level to consider a feature differential. Defaults to 0.05. corrected_p_value: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to use a corrected p-valueto consider a feature differential. Defaults to :obj:`True`. fold_change : float, optional Effect size (log2 fold change) to consider a feature differential. Considers absolute values. Default is no log2 fold change threshold. diff_based_on_rank: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether a feature should be considered differential based on its rank. Use in combination with `max_rank`, `ranking_variable` and `respect_stat_thresholds`. Defaults to :obj:`False`. max_rank : :obj:`int`, optional Rank to use when using `diff_based_on_rank`. Defaults to 1000. ranking_variable : :obj:`str`, optional Which variable to use for ranking when using `diff_based_on_rank`. Defaults to "pvalue". respect_stat_thresholds: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether the statistical thresholds from `alpha` and `fold_change` should still be respected when using `diff_based_on_rank`. Defaults to :obj:`True`. output_dir : :obj:`str`, optional Directory to create output files. Defaults to "{results_dir}/differential_analysis_{data_type}" output_prefix : :obj:`str`, optional Prefix to use when creating output files. Defaults to "differential_analysis". plot_each_comparison: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether each comparison should be plotted in scatter, MA and volcano plots. Useful to turn off with many comparisons. Defaults to :obj:`True`. mean_column : :obj:`str`, optional Column in `results` data frame containing values for mean values across samples. Defaults to "baseMean". log_fold_change_column : :obj:`str`, optional Column in `results` data frame containing values for log2FoldChange values across samples. Defaults to "log2FoldChange". p_value_column : :obj:`str`, optional Column in `results` data frame containing values for p-values across samples. Defaults to "pvalue". adjusted_p_value_column : :obj:`str`, optional Column in `results` data frame containing values for adjusted p-values across samples. Defaults to "padj". comparison_column : :obj:`str`, optional Column in `results` data frame containing the name of the comparison. Defaults to "comparison_name". rasterized: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether plots with many objects should be rasterized. Defaults to :obj:`True`. robust: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether heatmap color scale ranges should be robust (using quantiles) rather than extreme values. Useful for noisy/extreme data. Defaults to :obj:`False`. feature_labels: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether features (regions/genes) should be labeled in heatmaps. Defaults to :obj:`False`. group_colours: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether groups of samples should be coloured in heatmaps. Defaults to :obj:`True`. group_attributes : :obj:`list`, optional Which variables to colour if `group_colours` if :obj:`True`. Defaults to all of analysis.group_attributes. **kwargs: :obj:`dict`, optional Additional keyword arguments will be passed to `Analysis.get_level_colors`. """ # TODO: split plotting into smaller parts import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import add_colorbar_to_axis, savefig import seaborn as sns if results is None: msg = ( "Differential results dataframe not given and Analysis object does not" ) msg += " have a `differential_results` attribute." hint = " Run differential_analysis to produce differential results." try: results = self.differential_results except AttributeError as e: _LOGGER.error(msg + hint) raise e if (results is None) or (not isinstance(results, pd.DataFrame)): hint = " Run differential_self to produce differential results." _LOGGER.error(msg) raise ValueError results = results.copy() req_attrs = [ mean_column, log_fold_change_column, p_value_column, adjusted_p_value_column, comparison_column, ] if not all([x in results.columns for x in req_attrs]): raise AssertionError( "Results dataframe must have '{}' columns.".format(", ".join(req_attrs)) ) # Make output dir output_dir = self._format_string_with_attributes(output_dir) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) # Get matrix and samples if samples is None: samples = self.samples matrix = self.get_matrix(matrix, samples) if not isinstance(matrix.columns, pd.core.indexes.multi.MultiIndex): msg = "Provided quantification matrix must have columns with MultiIndex." hint = " Will try to use `analysis.annotate_samples` to do that." + hint) matrix = self.annotate_samples(matrix=matrix, save=False, assign=False) samples = [s for s in samples if in matrix.columns] # Get labels var_name = self.var_unit_name quantity = self.quantity if comparison_table is None: msg = "`comparison_table` was not given and is not set in analysis object." hint = "Will skip certain plots done at comparison level. " hint += "Add a `comparison_table` attribute to the analysis object." try: comparison_table = self.comparison_table except AttributeError: _LOGGER.warning(msg) if only_comparison_samples and comparison_table is not None: # select only comparisons from results table comparison_table = comparison_table.loc[ comparison_table["comparison_name"].isin( results["comparison_name"].unique().tolist() ) ] samples = [ s for s in samples if in comparison_table["sample_name"].tolist() ] matrix = matrix[[ for s in samples]] # Handle group colouring if group_colours: if group_attributes is None: try: group_attributes = self.group_attributes except AttributeError: msg = "`group_colours` is True, and `group_attributes` was not given and cannot be get from analysis!" raise AssertionError(msg) # This will always be a matrix for all samples # Get matrix of samples vs levels with colors as values cd_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in ['pallete', 'uniform_cmap', 'diverging_cmap']} color_dataframe = pd.DataFrame( self.get_level_colors( index=matrix.columns, levels=group_attributes, **cd_kwargs ), index=group_attributes, columns=matrix.columns, ) # will be filtered now by the requested samples if needed color_dataframe = color_dataframe[[ for s in samples]] color_dataframe = color_dataframe.loc[:, matrix.columns] # Extract significant based on p-value and fold-change if fold_change is not None: fc = results[log_fold_change_column].abs() > fold_change else: fc = [True] * results.shape[0] if corrected_p_value: p_var = adjusted_p_value_column else: p_var = p_value_column results.loc[(results[p_var] < alpha) & fc, "diff"] = True results.loc[:, "diff"] = results.loc[:, "diff"].fillna(False) # Declare significant based on top ranked features if diff_based_on_rank: for comparison in results[comparison_column].unique(): if ranking_variable == log_fold_change_column: i = ( results.loc[ results[comparison_column] == comparison, ranking_variable ] .abs() .sort_values() .tail(max_rank) .index ) else: i = ( results.loc[ results[comparison_column] == comparison, ranking_variable ] .sort_values() .head(max_rank) .index ) results.loc[ (results[comparison_column] == comparison) & results.index.isin(i), "diff_rank", ] = True results.loc[:, "diff_rank"] = results.loc[:, "diff_rank"].fillna(False) if respect_stat_thresholds: results.loc[:, "diff"] = (results.loc[:, "diff"].isin([True])) & ( results.loc[:, "diff_rank"].isin([True]) ) else: results.loc[:, "diff"] = results.loc[:, "diff_rank"] # Annotate direction of change results.loc[:, "direction"] = results.loc[:, log_fold_change_column].apply( lambda x: "up" if x >= 0 else "down" ) # PLOTS"Starting to generate plots for differential comparisons.") comparisons = sorted(results[comparison_column].drop_duplicates()) n_side = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(comparisons)))) # P-value and Fold-change distributions if "distributions" in steps: for variable, label, axvline in [ (p_value_column, "P-value", False), (adjusted_p_value_column, "Adjusted p-value", False), (log_fold_change_column, "log2(fold-change)", True), ]:"Plotting distribution of {}.".format(label)) # log fold-changes distributions fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4, 4)) sns.distplot(results[variable].dropna(), kde=False, hist=True, ax=axis) if axvline: axis.axvline(0, color="black", alpha=0.5) axis.set_xlabel(label) axis.set_ylabel(var_name.capitalize() + "s (frequency)") sns.despine(fig) savefig( fig, os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + "." + variable + ".distribution.svg" ), ) if plot_each_comparison: # per comparison g = sns.FacetGrid( data=results, col=comparison_column, col_wrap=n_side, height=3, aspect=1, ), variable, kde=False, hist=True) for ax in g.axes: ax.set_yscale("log") if axvline: ax.axvline(0, color="black", alpha=0.5) ax.set_xlabel(label) ax.set_ylabel(var_name.capitalize() + "s (frequency)") sns.despine(g.fig) savefig( g.fig, os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + "." + variable + ".distribution.per_comparison.svg", ), ) # Number of differential vars if "counts" in steps: "Calculating number of differential {}s per comparison.".format( var_name ) ) n_vars = float(matrix.shape[0]) total_diff = ( results.groupby([comparison_column])["diff"] .sum() .sort_values(ascending=False) .reset_index() ) split_diff = ( results.groupby([comparison_column, "direction"])["diff"] .sum() .sort_values(ascending=False) .reset_index() ) split_diff.loc[split_diff["direction"] == "down", "diff"] *= -1 split_diff["label"] = ( split_diff[comparison_column].astype(str) + ", " + split_diff["direction"] ) total_diff["diff_perc"] = (total_diff["diff"] / n_vars) * 100 split_diff["diff_perc"] = (split_diff["diff"] / n_vars) * 100 "Plotting number of differential {}s per comparison.".format(var_name) ) fig, axis = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(4 * 2, 4 * 2)) sns.barplot( data=total_diff, x="diff", y=comparison_column, orient="h", ax=axis[0, 0], ) sns.barplot( data=total_diff, x="diff_perc", y=comparison_column, orient="h", ax=axis[0, 1], ) sns.barplot( data=split_diff, x="diff", y=comparison_column, hue="direction", dodge=False, orient="h", ax=axis[1, 0], ) sns.barplot( data=split_diff, x="diff_perc", y=comparison_column, hue="direction", dodge=False, orient="h", ax=axis[1, 1], ) for ax in axis[0, :]: ax.set_xlabel("", visible=False) for ax in axis[:, 1]: ax.set_yticklabels(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) axis[-1, 0].set_xlabel("Frequency of differential {}s".format(var_name)) axis[-1, 1].set_xlabel( "Frequency of differential {}s (% of total)".format(var_name) ) for ax in axis[1, :].flatten(): ax.axvline(0, linestyle="--", color="black", alpha=0.6) m = split_diff["diff"].abs().max() axis[1, 0].set_xlim((-m, m)) m = split_diff["diff_perc"].abs().max() axis[1, 1].set_xlim((-m, m)) sns.despine(fig) savefig( fig, os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".number_differential.directional.svg" ), ) if plot_each_comparison: _LOGGER.debug("Doing detailed plotting per comparison:") # Add same colour scale to all plots/comparisons smallest_p_value = -np.log10( np.nanpercentile(results[p_value_column], 1e-5) ) if smallest_p_value in [np.inf, np.nan]: smallest_p_value = 300 _LOGGER.debug( "Maximum -log10(p-value) across comparisons is {}".format( smallest_p_value ) ) pval_cmap = "Reds" # Pairwise scatter plots if (comparison_table is not None) and ("scatter" in steps): "Plotting scatter of {} distribution for each group in each comparison.".format( var_name ) ) fig, axes = plt.subplots( n_side, n_side, figsize=(n_side * 4, n_side * 4), sharex=True, sharey=True, ) if n_side > 1 or n_side > 1: axes = iter(axes.flatten()) else: axes = iter([axes]) for comparison in comparisons: _LOGGER.debug("Comparison '{}'...".format(comparison)) c = comparison_table.loc[ comparison_table[comparison_column] == comparison, : ] a = c.loc[c["comparison_side"] >= 1, "sample_name"] b = c.loc[c["comparison_side"] <= 0, "sample_name"] a = matrix.loc[ :, [ for s in samples if in a.tolist() and s.library == self.data_type ], ].mean(axis=1) b = matrix.loc[ :, [ for s in samples if in b.tolist() and s.library == self.data_type ], ].mean(axis=1) # Hexbin plot ax = next(axes) ax.hexbin( b, a, alpha=0.85, cmap="Greys", color="black", edgecolors="white", linewidths=0, bins="log", mincnt=1, rasterized=True, ) # Scatter for significant features diff_vars = results.loc[ (results[comparison_column] == comparison) & (results["diff"].isin([True])), :, ] if diff_vars.shape[0] > 0: # get color vector based on p-value col = -np.log10( results.loc[ (results[comparison_column] == comparison) & (results["diff"].isin([True])), p_value_column, ].squeeze() ) _LOGGER.debug( "Shapes: {} {} {}".format(a.shape, b.shape, diff_vars.shape) ) # in case there's just one significant feature: if isinstance(col, np.float_): col = np.array([col]) collection = ax.scatter( b.loc[diff_vars.index], a.loc[diff_vars.index], alpha=0.5, s=2, c=col, cmap=pval_cmap, vmin=0, vmax=smallest_p_value, ) add_colorbar_to_axis(collection, label="-log10(p-value)") ax.set_title(comparison) # Name groups xl = ( c.loc[c["comparison_side"] <= 0, "sample_group"] .drop_duplicates() .squeeze() ) yl = ( c.loc[c["comparison_side"] >= 1, "sample_group"] .drop_duplicates() .squeeze() ) if not (isinstance(xl, str) and isinstance(yl, str)): xl = "Down-regulated" yl = "Up-regulated" ax.set_xlabel(xl) ax.set_ylabel(yl) # x = y square lims = [ np.min([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]), np.max([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim()]), ] ax.plot( lims, lims, linestyle="--", alpha=0.5, zorder=0, color="black" ) ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.set_xlim(lims) ax.set_ylim(lims) for ax in axes: ax.set_visible(False) sns.despine(fig) savefig( fig, os.path.join(output_dir, output_prefix + ".scatter_plots.svg") ) # Volcano plots if "volcano" in steps:"Plotting volcano plots for each comparison.") fig, axes = plt.subplots( n_side, n_side, figsize=(n_side * 4, n_side * 4), sharex=False, sharey=False, ) if n_side > 1 or n_side > 1: axes = iter(axes.flatten()) else: axes = iter([axes]) for comparison in comparisons: _LOGGER.debug("Comparison '{}'...".format(comparison)) t = results.loc[results[comparison_column] == comparison, :] # Hexbin plot ax = next(axes) ax.hexbin( t[log_fold_change_column], -np.log10(t[p_value_column]), alpha=0.85, cmap="Greys", color="black", edgecolors="white", linewidths=0, bins="log", mincnt=1, rasterized=True, ) # Scatter for significant diff_vars = t.loc[t["diff"].isin([True]), :] if diff_vars.shape[0] > 0: collection = ax.scatter( t.loc[diff_vars.index, log_fold_change_column], -np.log10(t.loc[diff_vars.index, p_value_column]), alpha=0.5, s=2, c=-np.log10(t.loc[diff_vars.index, p_value_column]), cmap=pval_cmap, vmin=0, vmax=smallest_p_value, ) add_colorbar_to_axis(collection, label="-log10(p-value)") ax.set_title(comparison) ax.set_xlabel("log2(fold-change)") ax.set_ylabel("-log10(p-value)") ax.axvline(0, linestyle="--", alpha=0.5, zorder=0, color="black") ll = np.max([abs(ii) for ii in ax.get_xlim()]) ax.set_xlim(-ll, ll) # Add lines of significance ax.axhline( -np.log10(t.loc[t["diff"].isin([True]), p_value_column].max()), linestyle="--", alpha=0.5, zorder=0, color="black", ) if fold_change is not None: ax.axvline( -fold_change, linestyle="--", alpha=0.5, zorder=0, color="black", ) ax.axvline( fold_change, linestyle="--", alpha=0.5, zorder=0, color="black", ) for ax in axes: ax.set_visible(False) sns.despine(fig) savefig( fig, os.path.join(output_dir, output_prefix + ".volcano_plots.svg") ) # MA plots if "ma" in steps:"Plotting MA plots for each comparison.") fig, axes = plt.subplots( n_side, n_side, figsize=(n_side * 4, n_side * 4), sharex=False, sharey=False, ) if n_side > 1 or n_side > 1: axes = iter(axes.flatten()) else: axes = iter([axes]) for comparison in comparisons: _LOGGER.debug("Comparison '{}'...".format(comparison)) t = results.loc[results[comparison_column] == comparison, :] # Hexbin plot ax = next(axes) ax.hexbin( np.log10(t[mean_column]), t[log_fold_change_column], alpha=0.85, cmap="Greys", color="black", edgecolors="white", linewidths=0, bins="log", mincnt=1, rasterized=True, ) # Scatter for significant diff_vars = t.loc[t["diff"].isin([True]), :] if diff_vars.shape[0] > 0: collection = ax.scatter( np.log10(t.loc[diff_vars.index, mean_column]), t.loc[diff_vars.index, log_fold_change_column], alpha=0.5, s=2, c=-np.log10(t.loc[diff_vars.index, p_value_column]), cmap=pval_cmap, vmin=0, vmax=smallest_p_value, ) add_colorbar_to_axis(collection, label="-log10(p-value)") ax.set_title(comparison) ax.set_xlabel("Mean {}".format(quantity.lower())) ax.set_ylabel("log2(fold-change)") ax.axhline(0, linestyle="--", alpha=0.5, zorder=0, color="black") ll = np.max([abs(ii) for ii in ax.get_ylim()]) ax.set_ylim(-ll, ll) # Add lines of significance if fold_change is not None: ax.axhline( -fold_change, linestyle="--", alpha=0.5, zorder=0, color="black", ) ax.axhline( fold_change, linestyle="--", alpha=0.5, zorder=0, color="black", ) for ax in axes: ax.set_visible(False) sns.despine(fig) savefig(fig, os.path.join(output_dir, output_prefix + ".ma_plots.svg")) if results.loc[:, "diff"].sum() < 1: msg = "No significantly different regions found in any comparison." msg += " Skipping heatmap plots on differential {}s.".format(var_name) _LOGGER.warning(msg) return # Observe values of variables across all comparisons all_diff = results[results["diff"].isin([True])].index.drop_duplicates() if isinstance(matrix.columns, pd.MultiIndex): sample_cols = matrix.columns.get_level_values("sample_name").tolist() else: sample_cols = matrix.columns.tolist() if (comparison_table is not None) and ("heatmap" in steps): "A comparison table was given, will try to plot values per sample group." ) if results[comparison_column].drop_duplicates().shape[0] > 1:"Getting per-group values for each comparison.") groups = pd.DataFrame() for sample_group in comparison_table["sample_group"].drop_duplicates(): c = comparison_table.loc[ comparison_table["sample_group"] == sample_group, "sample_name" ].drop_duplicates() if c.shape[0] > 0: groups.loc[:, sample_group] = matrix[ [d for d in c if d in sample_cols] ].mean(axis=1) if groups.empty: # It seems comparisons were not done in a all-versus-all fashion for group in comparison_table["sample_group"].drop_duplicates(): c = comparison_table.loc[ comparison_table["sample_group"] == group, "sample_name" ].drop_duplicates() if c.shape[0] > 0: groups.loc[:, group] = matrix[c].mean(axis=1) # Select only differential regions from groups groups = groups.loc[all_diff, :].sort_index(axis=1) n = groups.isnull().sum().sum() if n > 0: _LOGGER.warning( "{} {}s (across all comparisons) were not found in quantification matrix!".format( n, var_name ) ) m = groups.columns[groups.isnull().sum() == groups.shape[0]] if len(m) > 0: _LOGGER.warning( "{} comparison groups were not found in quantification matrix: '{}'!".format( len(m), ", ".join(m) ) + " Proceeding without those." ) groups = groups.loc[:, ~groups.columns.isin(m)] f = groups.index[groups.isnull().sum(1) == groups.shape[1]] if len(f) > 0: _LOGGER.warning( "{} {}s were not found in quantification matrix!".format( len(m), var_name ) + " Proceeding without those." ) groups = groups.dropna() n = groups.isnull().sum().sum() if n != 0: _LOGGER.error( "{} {}s (across all comparisons) still have NaNs. Cannot proceed!".format( n, var_name ) ) else: "Plotting clustered heatmaps of sample groups in all differential {}s found.".format( var_name ) ) figsize = (max(5, 0.12 * groups.shape[1]), 5) # Heatmaps # Comparison level g = sns.clustermap( groups.corr(), xticklabels=False, yticklabels=True, cbar_kws={ "label": "Pearson correlation\non differential {}s".format( var_name ) }, metric="correlation", rasterized=True, figsize=(figsize[0], figsize[0]), ) g.ax_heatmap.set_yticklabels( g.ax_heatmap.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0, fontsize="xx-small", ) savefig( g.fig, os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".diff_{}.groups.clustermap.corr.svg".format( var_name ), ), ) g = sns.clustermap( groups, xticklabels=True, yticklabels=feature_labels, cbar_kws={ "label": "{} of\ndifferential {}s".format( quantity, var_name ) }, robust=robust, metric="correlation", rasterized=True, figsize=figsize, ) g.ax_heatmap.set_ylabel( "Differential {}s (n = {})".format( var_name, groups.shape[0] ) ) g.ax_heatmap.set_xticklabels( g.ax_heatmap.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90, fontsize="xx-small", ) g.ax_heatmap.set_yticklabels( g.ax_heatmap.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0, fontsize="xx-small", ) savefig( g.fig, os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".diff_{}.groups.clustermap.svg".format(var_name), ), ) g = sns.clustermap( groups, xticklabels=True, yticklabels=feature_labels, z_score=0, cbar_kws={ "label": "Z-score of {}\non differential {}s".format( quantity, var_name ) }, cmap="RdBu_r", center=0, robust=robust, metric="correlation", rasterized=True, figsize=figsize, ) g.ax_heatmap.set_ylabel( "Differential {}s (n = {})".format( var_name, groups.shape[0] ) ) g.ax_heatmap.set_xticklabels( g.ax_heatmap.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90, fontsize="xx-small", ) g.ax_heatmap.set_yticklabels( g.ax_heatmap.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0, fontsize="xx-small", ) savefig( g.fig, os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".diff_{}.groups.clustermap.z0.svg".format(var_name), ), ) # same without clustering g = sns.clustermap( groups, col_cluster=False, xticklabels=True, yticklabels=feature_labels, cbar_kws={ "label": "{} of\ndifferential {}s".format( quantity, var_name ) }, robust=robust, metric="correlation", rasterized=True, figsize=figsize, ) g.ax_heatmap.set_ylabel( "Differential {}s (n = {})".format( var_name, groups.shape[0] ) ) g.ax_heatmap.set_xticklabels( g.ax_heatmap.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90, fontsize="xx-small", ) g.ax_heatmap.set_yticklabels( g.ax_heatmap.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0, fontsize="xx-small", ) savefig( g.fig, os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".diff_{}.groups.sorted.clustermap.svg".format( var_name ), ), ) g = sns.clustermap( groups, col_cluster=False, xticklabels=True, yticklabels=feature_labels, z_score=0, cbar_kws={ "label": "Z-score of {}\non differential {}s".format( quantity, var_name ) }, cmap="RdBu_r", center=0, robust=robust, metric="correlation", rasterized=True, figsize=figsize, ) g.ax_heatmap.set_ylabel( "Differential {}s (n = {})".format( var_name, groups.shape[0] ) ) g.ax_heatmap.set_xticklabels( g.ax_heatmap.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90, fontsize="xx-small", ) g.ax_heatmap.set_yticklabels( g.ax_heatmap.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0, fontsize="xx-small", ) savefig( g.fig, os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".diff_{}.groups.sorted.clustermap.z0.svg".format( var_name ), ), ) # Fold-changes and P-values # pivot table of genes vs comparisons if "stats_heatmap" in steps:"Getting fold-change and p-value values per comparison.") if is None: = "index" fold_changes = pd.pivot_table( results.loc[all_diff, :].reset_index(),, columns=comparison_column, values=log_fold_change_column, ).fillna(0) p_values = (-np.log10( pd.pivot_table( results.loc[all_diff, :].reset_index(),, columns=comparison_column, values=adjusted_p_value_column, ) )).fillna(0) # get a signed p-value if fold_changes.shape == p_values.shape: p_values *= (fold_changes > 0).astype(int).replace(0, -1) for matrix_, label, desc in [ (fold_changes, "log fold change", "log fold change"), (p_values, "p value", "-log10(signed p-value)"), ]: if matrix_.isnull().sum().sum() > 0: _LOGGER.warning( "Some sample groups or regions in {} matrix contain NaNs. Removing those.".format( label ) ) matrix_ = matrix_.dropna().T.dropna().T if matrix_.shape[1] > 1: "Plotting group-wise correlation of {}s per sample groups in all differential {}s found.".format( var_name, label ) ) figsize = (max(5, 0.12 * matrix_.shape[1]), 5) grid = sns.clustermap( matrix_.corr(), xticklabels=False, yticklabels=True, cbar_kws={"label": "Pearson correlation\non {}s".format(desc)}, vmin=0, vmax=1, metric="correlation", rasterized=True, figsize=(figsize[0], figsize[0]), ) grid.ax_heatmap.set_yticklabels( grid.ax_heatmap.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0, fontsize="xx-small", ) grid.ax_heatmap.set_xlabel("Comparison groups") grid.ax_heatmap.set_ylabel("Comparison groups") savefig( grid.fig, os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".diff_{}.groups.{}.clustermap.corr.svg".format( var_name, label.replace(" ", "_") ), ), ) "Plotting clustered heatmaps of {}s per sample groups in all differential {}s found.".format( var_name, label ) ) try: grid = sns.clustermap( matrix_.loc[all_diff, :], xticklabels=True, yticklabels=feature_labels, cbar_kws={ "label": "{} of\ndifferential {}s".format( desc, var_name ) }, cmap="RdBu_r", center=0, robust=robust, metric="correlation", rasterized=True, figsize=figsize, ) grid.ax_heatmap.set_ylabel( "Differential {}s (n = {})".format( var_name, matrix_.loc[all_diff, :].shape[0] ) ) grid.ax_heatmap.set_xticklabels( grid.ax_heatmap.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90, fontsize="xx-small", ) grid.ax_heatmap.set_yticklabels( grid.ax_heatmap.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0, fontsize="xx-small", ) grid.ax_heatmap.set_xlabel("Comparison groups") savefig( grid.fig, os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".diff_{}.groups.{}.clustermap.svg".format( var_name, label.replace(" ", "_") ), ), ) except FloatingPointError: _LOGGER.error( "{} likely contains null or infinite values. Cannot plot.".format( label ) ) # Sample level if "heatmap" in steps: "Getting per sample values of {} in all differential {}s found.".format( quantity, var_name ) ) if isinstance(matrix.columns, pd.core.indexes.multi.MultiIndex): matrix.columns = matrix.columns.get_level_values("sample_name") matrix2 = matrix.loc[all_diff, :].sort_index(axis=1) n = matrix2.isnull().sum().sum() if n > 0: _LOGGER.warning( "WARNING! {} {} (across all comparisons) were not found in quantification matrix!".format( n, var_name ) + " Proceeding without those." ) matrix2 = matrix2.dropna() figsize = (max(5, 0.12 * matrix2.shape[1]), 5) if group_colours: extra = {"col_colors": color_dataframe.T} else: extra = {} "Plotting sample-wise correlation heatmaps of {} values per sample in all differential {}s found.".format( quantity, var_name ) ) grid = sns.clustermap( matrix2.corr(), yticklabels=True, xticklabels=False, cbar_kws={ "label": "Pearson correlation\non differential {}s".format(var_name) }, metric="correlation", figsize=(figsize[0], figsize[0]), rasterized=rasterized, robust=robust, **extra ) grid.ax_heatmap.set_yticklabels( grid.ax_heatmap.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0, fontsize="xx-small" ) savefig( grid.fig, os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".diff_{}.samples.clustermap.corr.svg".format(var_name), ), ) "Plotting clustered heatmaps of {} values per sample in all differential {}s found.".format( quantity, var_name ) ) grid = sns.clustermap( matrix2, yticklabels=feature_labels, cbar_kws={ "label": "{} of\ndifferential {}s".format(quantity, var_name) }, xticklabels=True, vmin=0, metric="correlation", figsize=figsize, rasterized=rasterized, robust=robust, **extra ) grid.ax_heatmap.set_ylabel( "Differential {}s (n = {})".format(var_name, matrix2.shape[0]) ) grid.ax_heatmap.set_xticklabels( grid.ax_heatmap.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90, fontsize="xx-small" ) grid.ax_heatmap.set_yticklabels( grid.ax_heatmap.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0, fontsize="xx-small" ) savefig( grid.fig, os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".diff_{}.samples.clustermap.svg".format(var_name), ), ) grid = sns.clustermap( matrix2, yticklabels=feature_labels, z_score=0, cbar_kws={ "label": "Z-score of {}\non differential {}s".format( quantity, var_name ) }, xticklabels=True, cmap="RdBu_r", center=0, metric="correlation", figsize=figsize, rasterized=rasterized, robust=robust, **extra ) grid.ax_heatmap.set_ylabel( "Differential {}s (n = {})".format(var_name, matrix2.shape[0]) ) grid.ax_heatmap.set_xticklabels( grid.ax_heatmap.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90, fontsize="xx-small" ) grid.ax_heatmap.set_yticklabels( grid.ax_heatmap.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0, fontsize="xx-small" ) savefig( grid.fig, os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".diff_{}.samples.clustermap.z0.svg".format(var_name), ), ) grid = sns.clustermap( matrix2, col_cluster=False, yticklabels=feature_labels, cbar_kws={ "label": "{} of\ndifferential {}s".format(quantity, var_name) }, xticklabels=True, vmin=0, metric="correlation", figsize=figsize, rasterized=rasterized, robust=robust, **extra ) grid.ax_heatmap.set_ylabel( "Differential {}s (n = {})".format(var_name, matrix2.shape[0]) ) grid.ax_heatmap.set_xticklabels( grid.ax_heatmap.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90, fontsize="xx-small" ) grid.ax_heatmap.set_yticklabels( grid.ax_heatmap.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0, fontsize="xx-small" ) savefig( grid.fig, os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".diff_{}.samples.sorted.clustermap.svg".format(var_name), ), ) grid = sns.clustermap( matrix2, col_cluster=False, yticklabels=feature_labels, z_score=0, cbar_kws={ "label": "Z-score of {}\non differential {}s".format( quantity, var_name ) }, xticklabels=True, cmap="RdBu_r", center=0, metric="correlation", figsize=figsize, rasterized=rasterized, robust=robust, **extra ) grid.ax_heatmap.set_ylabel( "Differential {}s (n = {})".format(var_name, matrix2.shape[0]) ) grid.ax_heatmap.set_xticklabels( grid.ax_heatmap.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90, fontsize="xx-small" ) grid.ax_heatmap.set_yticklabels( grid.ax_heatmap.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0, fontsize="xx-small" ) savefig( grid.fig, os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".diff_{}.samples.sorted.clustermap.z0.svg".format(var_name), ), )
[docs] def differential_overlap( self, differential=None, output_dir="{results_dir}/differential_analysis_{data_type}", output_prefix="differential_analysis", ): """ Visualize intersection of sets of differential regions/genes. Parameters ---------- differential : :obj:`pandas.DataFrame`, optional DataFrame containing result of comparisons filtered for features considered as differential. Defaults to the ``differential_results`` attribute, subset by the object's ``thresholds``. output_dir : :obj:`str`, optional Directory to create output files. Defaults to "{results_dir}/differential_analysis_{data_type}". output_prefix : :obj:`str`, optional Prefix to use when creating output files. Defaults to "differential_analysis". """ # Make output dir import itertools import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import savefig from ngs_toolkit.utils import log_pvalues from scipy.stats import fisher_exact import seaborn as sns from statsmodels.sandbox.stats.multicomp import multipletests from tqdm import tqdm output_dir = self._format_string_with_attributes(output_dir) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) total = self.matrix_raw.shape[0] unit = self.var_unit_name if differential is None: differential = self.differential_results.loc[ (self.differential_results["padj"] < self.thresholds["alpha"]) ] if "direction" not in differential.columns: differential.loc[:, "direction"] = differential["log2FoldChange"].apply( lambda x: "up" if x > 0 else "down" ) = "index" differential.loc[:, "intersect"] = 1 piv = pd.pivot_table( differential.reset_index(), index="index", columns=["comparison_name", "direction"], values="intersect", fill_value=0, ) intersections = pd.DataFrame( columns=[ "group1", "group2", "dir1", "dir2", "size1", "size2", "intersection", "union", ] ) perms = list( itertools.permutations( piv.T.groupby(level=["comparison_name", "direction"]).groups.items(), 2 ) ) for ((k1, dir1), i1), ((k2, dir2), i2) in tqdm( perms, total=len(perms), desc="Permutations" ): i1 = set(piv[i1][piv[i1] == 1].dropna().index) i2 = set(piv[i2][piv[i2] == 1].dropna().index) intersections = intersections.append( pd.Series( [ k1, k2, dir1, dir2, len(i1), len(i2), len(i1.intersection(i2)), len(i1.union(i2)), ], index=[ "group1", "group2", "dir1", "dir2", "size1", "size2", "intersection", "union", ], ), ignore_index=True, ) # convert to % intersections.loc[:, "intersection"] = intersections["intersection"].astype( float ) intersections.loc[:, "perc_1"] = ( intersections["intersection"] / intersections["size1"] * 100.0 ) intersections.loc[:, "perc_2"] = ( intersections["intersection"] / intersections["size2"] * 100.0 ) intersections.loc[:, "intersection_max_perc"] = intersections[ ["perc_1", "perc_2"] ].max(axis=1) # calculate p-value from Fisher"s exact test intersections.loc[:, "a"] = intersections["intersection"] intersections.loc[:, "b"] = ( intersections["size1"] - intersections["intersection"] ) intersections.loc[:, "c"] = ( intersections["size2"] - intersections["intersection"] ) intersections.loc[:, "d"] = total - intersections[ ["size1", "size2", "intersection"] ].sum(axis=1) for i, row in intersections.loc[:, ["a", "b", "c", "d"]].astype(int).iterrows(): odds, p = fisher_exact(row.values.reshape((2, 2)), alternative="greater") intersections.loc[i, "odds_ratio"] = odds intersections.loc[i, "p_value"] = p # intersections["q_value"] = intersections["p_value"] * intersections.shape[0] intersections.loc[:, "q_value"] = multipletests(intersections["p_value"])[1] intersections.loc[:, "log_p_value"] = log_pvalues(intersections["p_value"]) intersections.loc[:, "log_q_value"] = log_pvalues(intersections["q_value"]) # save intersections.to_csv( os.path.join(output_dir, output_prefix + ".differential_overlap.csv"), index=False, ) intersections = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(output_dir, output_prefix + ".differential_overlap.csv") ) for metric, label, description, fill_value in [ ("intersection", "intersection", "total in intersection", 0), ("intersection_max_perc", "percentage_overlap", "max of intersection %", 0), ("log_p_value", "significance", "p-value", 0), ]: _LOGGER.debug(metric) # make pivot tables piv_up = pd.pivot_table( intersections[ (intersections["dir1"] == "up") & (intersections["dir2"] == "up") ], index="group1", columns="group2", values=metric, ).fillna(fill_value) piv_down = pd.pivot_table( intersections[ (intersections["dir1"] == "down") & (intersections["dir2"] == "down") ], index="group1", columns="group2", values=metric, ).fillna(fill_value) if metric == "intersection": piv_up = np.log10(1 + piv_up) piv_down = np.log10(1 + piv_down) np.fill_diagonal(piv_up.values, np.nan) np.fill_diagonal(piv_down.values, np.nan) # heatmaps if metric == "intersection_max_perc": extra = {"vmin": 0, "vmax": 100} else: extra = {} fig, axis = plt.subplots( 1, 2, figsize=(8 * 2, 8), subplot_kw={"aspect": "equal"} ) sns.heatmap( piv_down, square=True, cmap="Blues", cbar_kws={"label": "Concordant {}s ({})".format(unit, description)}, ax=axis[0], **extra ) sns.heatmap( piv_up, square=True, cmap="Reds", cbar_kws={"label": "Concordant {}s ({})".format(unit, description)}, ax=axis[1], **extra ) axis[0].set_title("Downregulated {}s".format(unit)) axis[1].set_title("Upregulated {}s".format(unit)) axis[0].set_xticklabels(axis[0].get_xticklabels(), rotation=90, ha="center") axis[1].set_xticklabels(axis[1].get_xticklabels(), rotation=90, ha="center") axis[0].set_yticklabels(axis[0].get_yticklabels(), rotation=0, ha="right") axis[1].set_yticklabels(axis[1].get_yticklabels(), rotation=0, ha="right") savefig( fig, os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".differential_overlap.{}.up_down_split.svg".format(label), ), ) # combined heatmap # with upregulated {}s in upper square matrix and downredulated in down square piv_combined = pd.DataFrame( np.triu(piv_up), index=piv_up.index, columns=piv_up.columns ).replace(0, np.nan) piv_combined.update( pd.DataFrame( np.tril(-piv_down), index=piv_down.index, columns=piv_down.columns ).replace(0, np.nan) ) piv_combined = piv_combined.fillna(fill_value) if metric == "intersection": piv_combined = np.log10(1 + piv_combined) np.fill_diagonal(piv_combined.values, np.nan) if metric == "intersection_max_perc": extra = {"vmin": -150, "vmax": 150} else: extra = {} fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(8, 8)) sns.heatmap( piv_combined, square=True, cmap="RdBu_r", center=0, cbar_kws={"label": "Concordant {}s ({})".format(unit, description)}, ax=axis, **extra ) axis.set_xticklabels(axis.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90, ha="center") axis.set_yticklabels(axis.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0, ha="right") savefig( fig, os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".differential_overlap.{}.up_down_together.svg".format(label), ), ) # Rank plots if metric == "log_pvalue": r = pd.melt( piv_combined.reset_index(), id_vars=["group1"], var_name="group2", value_name="agreement", ) r = r.dropna().sort_values("agreement") r = r.iloc[range(0, r.shape[0], 2)] r["rank"] = r["agreement"].rank(ascending=False) fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(3 * 4, 4)) axis[0].scatter(r["rank"], r["agreement"]) axis[0].axhline(0, linestyle="--", color="black") axis[1].scatter(r["rank"].tail(10), r["agreement"].tail(10)) axis[2].scatter(r["rank"].head(10), r["agreement"].head(10)) for i, row in r.tail(10).iterrows(): axis[1].text( row["rank"], row["agreement"], s=row["group1"] + "\n" + row["group2"], fontsize=5, ) for i, row in r.head(10).iterrows(): axis[2].text( row["rank"], row["agreement"], s=row["group1"] + "\n" + row["group2"], fontsize=5, ) for ax in axis: ax.set_ylabel("Agreement (-log(p-value))") ax.set_xlabel("Rank") sns.despine(fig) savefig( fig, os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".differential_overlap.{}.agreement.rank.svg".format(label), ), ) # Observe disagreement # (overlap of down-regulated with up-regulated and vice-versa) piv_up = pd.pivot_table( intersections[ (intersections["dir1"] == "up") & (intersections["dir2"] == "down") ], index="group1", columns="group2", values=metric, ) piv_down = pd.pivot_table( intersections[ (intersections["dir1"] == "down") & (intersections["dir2"] == "up") ], index="group1", columns="group2", values=metric, ) piv_disagree = pd.concat([piv_up, piv_down]).groupby(level=0).max() if metric == "intersection": piv_disagree = np.log10(1 + piv_disagree) np.fill_diagonal(piv_disagree.values, np.nan) fig, axis = plt.subplots( 1, 2, figsize=(16, 8), subplot_kw={"aspect": "equal"} ) sns.heatmap( piv_disagree, square=True, cmap="Greens", cbar_kws={"label": "Discordant {}s ({})".format(unit, description)}, ax=axis[0], ) norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=piv_disagree.max().max()) cmap = plt.get_cmap("Greens") for j, g2 in enumerate(piv_disagree.index): for i, g1 in enumerate(piv_disagree.columns): axis[1].scatter( len(piv_disagree.index) - (j + 0.5), len(piv_disagree.index) - (i + 0.5), s=(100 ** (norm(piv_disagree.loc[g1, g2]))) - 1, color=cmap(norm(piv_disagree.loc[g1, g2])), marker="o", ) axis[1].set_title("Rotate plot -90 degrees") axis[0].set_xticklabels(axis[0].get_xticklabels(), rotation=90, ha="center") axis[0].set_yticklabels(axis[0].get_yticklabels(), rotation=0, ha="right") axis[1].set_xlim((0, len(piv_disagree.index))) axis[1].set_ylim((0, len(piv_disagree.columns))) savefig( fig, os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".differential_overlap.{}.disagreement.svg".format(label), ), ) # Rank plots if metric == "log_pvalue": r = pd.melt( piv_disagree.reset_index(), id_vars=["group1"], var_name="group2", value_name="disagreement", ) r = r.dropna().sort_values("disagreement") r = r.iloc[range(0, r.shape[0], 2)] r["rank"] = r["disagreement"].rank(ascending=False) fig, axis = plt.subplots( 1, 2, figsize=(2 * 4, 4), subplot_kw={"aspect": "equal"} ) axis[0].scatter(r["rank"], r["disagreement"]) axis[1].scatter(r["rank"].tail(10), r["disagreement"].tail(10)) for i, row in r.tail(10).iterrows(): axis[1].text( row["rank"], row["disagreement"], s=row["group1"] + "\n" + row["group2"], fontsize=5, ) for ax in axis: ax.set_ylabel("Disagreement (-log(p-value))") ax.set_xlabel("Rank") sns.despine(fig) savefig( fig, os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".differential_overlap.{}.disagreement.rank.svg".format( label ), ), )
[docs] @check_organism_genome def differential_enrichment( self, differential=None, output_dir="{results_dir}/differential_analysis_{data_type}/enrichments", output_prefix="differential_analysis", genome=None, steps=["region", "lola", "meme", "homer", "enrichr"], directional=True, max_diff=1000, sort_var="pvalue", distributed=False, overwrite=False, ): """ Perform various types of enrichment analysis given a dataframe of the results from differential analysis. Performs enrichment of gene sets (RNA-seq and ATAC-seq), genomic regions, chromatin states Location Overlap Analysis (LOLA) and TF motif enrichment (over-representation and de-novo search) (ATAC-seq only). Parameters ---------- differential : :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` Data frame with differential results as produced by ``differential_analysis``, but filtered by some threshold for the relevant (significant regions). Must contain a "comparison_name" column. Defaults to ``analysis.differential_results``. output_dir : :obj:`str`, optional Directory to create output files. Defaults to "{results_dir}/differential_analysis_{data_type}". output_prefix : :obj:`str`, optional Prefix to use when creating output files. Defaults to "differential_analysis". genome : :obj:`str`, optional Genome assembly of the analysis. Defaults to Analysis's ``genome`` attribute. steps : :obj:`list`, optional Steps of the analysis to perform. Defaults to all possible: ["region", lola", "meme", "homer", "enrichr"]. directional: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether enrichments should be performed in a direction-dependent way (up-regulated and down-regulated features separately). This requires a column named "log2FoldChange" to exist. Defaults to :obj:`True`. max_diff : :obj:`int`, optional Number of maximum features to perform enrichment for ranked by variable in `max_diff`. Defaults to 1000. sort_var : :obj:`str`, optional Variable to sort for when setting `max_diff`. Defaults to "pvalue". distributed: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether work should be submitted as jobs in a computing cluster. Defaults to :obj:`False`. overwrite: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether output files should be overwritten when `distributed` is :obj:`True`. Defaults to :obj:`False`. Attributes ---------- enrichment_results : :obj:`dict` Dictionary with keys as in `steps` and values with pandas.DataFrame of enrichment results. """ # TODO: inspect given matrix and warn if matrix hasn't been subset for 'significant' features # TODO: separate and fix mouse TF ids # TODO: separate homer_consensus output processing # TODO: add overwrite function when distributed==False from ngs_toolkit.parsers import parse_ame, parse_homer from ngs_toolkit.general import enrichr, run_enrichment_jobs from tqdm import tqdm serial = not distributed if differential is None: msg = "Data frame with differential comparison results `differential` " msg += "was not passed and is not defined in the Analysis object as a " msg += "`differential_results` attribute." hint = " Run analysis.differential_analysis to get differential results." try: differential = self.differential_results except AttributeError as e: _LOGGER.error(msg) raise e if differential is None: _LOGGER.error(msg) raise ValueError if genome is None: genome = self.genome matrix = self.matrix_features known = ["region", "lola", "meme", "homer", "enrichr"] if not all([x in known for x in steps]): _LOGGER.warning( "Not all provided steps for enrichment are known! Proceeding anyway." ) output_dir = self._format_string_with_attributes(output_dir) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) region_enr = list() lola_enr = list() meme_enr = list() homer_enr = list() pathway_enr = list() possible_steps = [ # name, df, function, kwargs, suffix, joint_output_suffix ( "region", region_enr, pd.read_csv, {}, "region_type_enrichment.csv", ".region_type_enrichment.csv", ), ("meme", meme_enr, parse_ame, {}, "ame.txt", ".meme_ame.csv"), ("homer", homer_enr, parse_homer, {}, "homerResults", ".homer_motifs.csv"), ( "lola", lola_enr, pd.read_csv, {"sep", "\t"}, "allEnrichments.tsv", ".lola.csv", ), ( "enrichr", pathway_enr, pd.read_csv, {"encoding": "utf-8"}, output_prefix + "_regions.enrichr.csv", ".enrichr.csv", ), ] if self.data_type == "RNA-seq": possible_steps = [x for x in possible_steps if x[0] == "enrichr"] # Examine each region cluster comps = differential["comparison_name"].drop_duplicates() for comp in tqdm(comps, total=len(comps), desc="Comparison"): if directional: # Separate in up/down-regulated genes params = [(np.less, 0, "down", "head"), (np.greater, 0, "up", "tail")] else: # get all genes params = [(np.less, np.inf, "all", "head")] for f, arg, direction, top in params: if directional: diff = differential.loc[ (differential["comparison_name"] == comp) & (f(differential["log2FoldChange"], arg)), :, ].index else: diff = differential.loc[ (differential["comparison_name"] == comp), : ].index # Handle extremes of regions if diff.shape[0] < 1: continue if diff.shape[0] > max_diff: if directional: diff = getattr( differential[ (differential["comparison_name"] == comp) & (f(differential["log2FoldChange"], arg)) ][sort_var].sort_values(), top, )(max_diff).index else: diff = getattr( differential[(differential["comparison_name"] == comp)][ sort_var ].sort_values(), top, )(max_diff).index # Add data_type specific info comparison_df = matrix.loc[diff, :] if comparison_df.shape != comparison_df.dropna().shape: _LOGGER.warning( "There are differential regions which are not in the set" + " of annotated regions for comparison '{}'!".format(comp) + " Continuing enrichment without those." ) comparison_df = comparison_df.dropna() # Prepare output dir comparison_dir = os.path.join( output_dir, "{}.{}".format(comp, direction) ) if not os.path.exists(comparison_dir): os.makedirs(comparison_dir) # Prepare files and run (if not distributed) if self.data_type == "RNA-seq": _LOGGER.debug( "Doing genes of comparison '{}', direction '{}'.".format( comp, direction ) ) = "gene_name" # write gene names to file clean = ( comparison_df.reset_index()["gene_name"] .drop_duplicates() .sort_values() ) clean.to_csv( os.path.join( comparison_dir, output_prefix + ".gene_symbols.txt" ), header=False, index=False, ) if "enrichr" in steps: if serial: if not os.path.exists( os.path.join( comparison_dir, output_prefix + ".enrichr.csv" ) ): enr = enrichr(comparison_df.reset_index()) enr.to_csv( os.path.join( comparison_dir, output_prefix + ".enrichr.csv" ), index=False, encoding="utf-8", ) else: _LOGGER.debug( "Doing regions of comparison '{}', direction '{}'.".format( comp, direction ) ) # do the suite of region enrichment analysis self.characterize_regions_function( comparison_df, output_dir=comparison_dir, prefix=output_prefix, run=serial, genome=genome, steps=steps, ) # collect enrichments if serial: # read/parse, label and append for name, df, function, kwargs, suffix, _ in possible_steps: if name in steps: enr = function( os.path.join(comparison_dir, suffix), **kwargs ) enr.loc[:, "comparison_name"] = comp enr.loc[:, "direction"] = direction enr.loc[:, "label"] = "{}.{}".format(comp, direction) df.append(enr) if serial: # write combined enrichments"Saving combined enrichments for all comparisons.") self.enrichment_results = dict() for name, df, function, kwargs, suffix, output_suffix in possible_steps: if name in steps: self.enrichment_results[name] = pd.concat(df, axis=0) self.enrichment_results[name].to_csv( os.path.join(output_dir, output_prefix + output_suffix), index=False, encoding="utf-8", ) else: background = "" if self.data_type != "RNA-seq": try:"Using background region set from analysis.sites") background = getattr(self, "sites").fn except AttributeError: _LOGGER.warning( "Using no background region set because 'analysis.sites' is not set!" )"Submitting enrichment jobs.") run_enrichment_jobs( results_dir=output_dir, genome=genome, background_bed=background, steps=steps, overwrite=overwrite, pep_config=self.prj.config_file, )
[docs] def collect_differential_enrichment( self, steps=["region", "lola", "motif", "homer", "homer_consensus", "enrichr"], directional=True, permissive=True, output_dir="{results_dir}/differential_analysis_{data_type}/enrichments", input_prefix="differential_analysis", output_prefix="differential_analysis", differential=None, ): """ Collect the results of enrichment analysis ran after a differential analysis. Parameters ---------- steps : :obj:`list`, optional Steps of the enrichment analysis to collect results for. Defaults to ["region", "lola", "meme", "homer", "enrichr"]. directional: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether enrichments were made in a direction-dependent way (up-regulated and down-regulated features separately). This implies a column named "direction" exists". Defaults to :obj:`True`. differential : :obj:`pandas.DataFrame`, optional Data frame with differential results to select which comparisons to collect enrichments for. Usually produced by ``ngs_toolkit.general.differential_analysis``. Defaults to analysis's ``differential_results`` attributes. output_dir : :obj:`str`, optional Directory to create output files. Defaults to "{results_dir}/differential_analysis_{data_type}". input_prefix, output_prefix : :obj:`str`, optional File prefix of input/output files. Defaults to "differential_analysis". permissive: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to skip non-existing files, giving a warning. Defaults to :obj:`True`. Attributes ---------- enrichment_results : :obj:`dict` Dictionary with keys as in ``steps`` and values with pandas.DataFrame of enrichment results. """ # TODO: separate and fix mouse TF ids # TODO: separate homer_consensus output processing from ngs_toolkit.parsers import parse_ame, parse_homer from tqdm import tqdm output_dir = self._format_string_with_attributes(output_dir) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) data_type_steps = { "ATAC-seq": [ "region", "lola", "motif", "homer", "homer_consensus", "enrichr", ], "ChIP-seq": [ "region", "lola", "motif", "homer", "homer_consensus", "enrichr", ], "RNA-seq": ["enrichr"], } if steps is None: steps = [s for s in steps if s in data_type_steps[self.data_type]] for step in steps: if step not in data_type_steps[self.data_type]: steps.pop(steps.index(step)) if len(steps) == 0: msg = "No valid steps for the respective data type selected." _LOGGER.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if differential is None: differential = self.differential_results msg = "Collecting enrichments of comparison '{}', direction '{}'." error_msg = "{} results for comparison '{}', direction '{}' were not found!" region_enr = list() lola_enr = list() meme_enr = list() homer_enr = list() homer_consensus = list() pathway_enr = list() possible_steps = [ # name, df, function, kwargs, suffix, joint_output_suffix ( "region", region_enr, pd.read_csv, {}, "region_type_enrichment.csv", ".region_type_enrichment.csv", ), ("meme", meme_enr, parse_ame, {}, "ame.txt", ".meme_ame.csv"), ("homer", homer_enr, parse_homer, {}, "homerResults", ".homer_motifs.csv"), ( "homer_consensus", homer_consensus, pd.read_csv, {"sep": "\t"}, "knownResults.txt", ".homer_consensus.csv", ), ( "lola", lola_enr, pd.read_csv, {"sep": "\t"}, "allEnrichments.tsv", ".lola.csv", ), ( "enrichr", pathway_enr, pd.read_csv, {"encoding": "utf-8"}, input_prefix + ".enrichr.csv", ".enrichr.csv", ), ] if self.data_type == "RNA-seq": possible_steps = [x for x in possible_steps if x[0] == "enrichr"] # Examine each region cluster comps = differential["comparison_name"].drop_duplicates() for comp in tqdm(comps, total=len(comps), desc="Comparison"): if directional: # Separate in up/down-regulated genes params = list() if ( differential[ (differential["comparison_name"] == comp) & (differential["log2FoldChange"] > 0) ].shape[0] > 0 ): params.append("up") if ( differential[ (differential["comparison_name"] == comp) & (differential["log2FoldChange"] < 0) ].shape[0] > 0 ): params.append("down") if len(params) == 0: continue else: params = ["all"] for direction in params: comparison_dir = os.path.join( output_dir, "{}.{}".format(comp, direction) ) _LOGGER.debug(msg.format(comp, direction)) # read/parse, label and append for name, df, function, kwargs, suffix, _ in possible_steps: if name in steps: try: enr = function( os.path.join(comparison_dir, suffix), **kwargs ) except (IOError, AttributeError) as e: if permissive: _LOGGER.warning(error_msg.format(name, comp, direction)) else: raise e else: if not enr.empty: enr.loc[:, "comparison_name"] = comp enr.loc[:, "direction"] = direction enr.loc[:, "label"] = "{}.{}".format(comp, direction) df.append(enr) else: _LOGGER.warning( "Comparison '{}' {} results are empty!".format( comp, name ) ) # write combined enrichments"Saving combined enrichments for all comparisons.") self.enrichment_results = dict() for name, df, function, kwargs, suffix, output_suffix in possible_steps: if name in steps: if len(df) == 0: msg = "No comparison has '{}' results!".format(name) _LOGGER.warning(msg) else: self.enrichment_results[name] = pd.concat(df, axis=0) self.enrichment_results[name].to_csv( os.path.join(output_dir, output_prefix + output_suffix), index=False, encoding="utf-8", )
[docs] def plot_differential_enrichment( self, steps=["region", "lola", "motif", "great", "enrichr"], plot_types=["barplots", "scatter", "correlation", "heatmap"], enrichment_type=None, enrichment_table=None, direction_dependent=True, output_dir="{results_dir}/differential_analysis_{data_type}/enrichments", comp_variable="comparison_name", output_prefix="differential_analysis", rasterized=True, clustermap_metric="correlation", top_n=5, z_score=0, cmap=None, ): """ Make plots illustrating enrichment of features for various comparisons. Input can be the dictionary under `analysis.enrichment_results` or a single dataframe of enrichment terms across several comparisons for a given type of enrichment. In the later case both `enrichment_table` and `enrichment_type` must be given. Parameters ---------- steps : :obj:`list`, optional Types of the enrichment analysis to plot. Options are ["region", "lola", "motif", "great", "enrichr"]. Defaults to all keys present in analysis.enrichment_results. plot_types : :obj:`list`, optional Types of plots to do for each enrichment type. One of ["barplot", "scatter", "correlation", "heatmap"]. Defaults to all of the above. enrichment_type : :obj:`str`, optional Type of enrichment if run for a single type of enrichment. In this case `enrichment_table` must be given. One of {"region", "lola", "motif", "great", "enrichr"}. Default (``None``) is to run all keys present in analysis.enrichment_results. enrichment_table : :obj:`pandas.DataFrame`, optional Data frame with enrichment results as produced by ``differential_enrichment`` or ``collect_differential_enrichment``. If given, `enrichment_type` must be given too. Default (``None``) is the dataframes in all values present in analysis.enrichment_results. direction_dependent: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether enrichments were made in a direction-dependent way (up-regulated and down-regulated features separately). This implies a column named "direction" exists". Defaults to :obj:`True`. output_dir : :obj:`str`, optional Directory to create output files. Defaults to "{results_dir}/differential_analysis_{data_type}/enrichments". comp_variable : :obj:`str`, optional Column defining which comparison enrichment terms belong to. Defaults to "comparison_name". output_prefix : :obj:`str`, optional Prefix to use when creating output files. Defaults to "differential_analysis". rasterized: :obj:`bool`, optional Whether or not to rasterize heatmaps for efficient plotting. Defaults to :obj:`True`. clustermap_metric : :obj:`str`, optional Distance metric to use for clustermap clustering, See for valid values. Default to "correlation" (Pearson's). top_n : :obj:`int`, optional Top terms to use to display in plots. Defaults to 5. z_score : {bool, int}, optional Which dimention/axis to perform Z-score transformation for. Pass :obj:`False` to skip plotting Z-score heatmaps. Numpy/Pandas conventions are used: `0` is row-wise (in this case across comparisons) and `1` is column-wise (across terms). Defaults to 0. cmap : :obj:`str`, optional Colormap to use in heatmaps. Defaults to :obj:`None`. """ # TODO: split function in its smaller parts and call them appropriately. import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import savefig from ngs_toolkit.utils import log_pvalues from scipy.stats import zscore import seaborn as sns def enrichment_barplot(input_df, x, y, group_variable, top_n, output_file): n = len(input_df[group_variable].drop_duplicates()) n_side = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n))) top_data = ( input_df.set_index(x) .groupby(group_variable)[y] .nlargest(top_n) .reset_index() ) fig, axis = plt.subplots( n_side, n_side, figsize=(4 * n_side, n_side * max(5, 0.12 * top_n)), sharex=False, sharey=False, ) if isinstance(axis, np.ndarray): axis = iter(axis.flatten()) else: axis = iter(np.array([axis])) for comp in top_data[group_variable].drop_duplicates().sort_values(): df2 = top_data.loc[top_data[group_variable] == comp, :] ax = next(axis) sns.barplot( df2[y], df2[x], estimator=max, orient="horizontal", ax=ax, color=sns.color_palette("colorblind")[0], ) ax.set_title(comp) for ax in axis: ax.set_visible(False) sns.despine(fig) savefig(fig, output_file) def enrichment_correlation_plot( input_df, output_file, label="Pearson correlation of enrichment" ): try: g = sns.clustermap( input_df.T.corr(), rasterized=rasterized, xticklabels=True, yticklabels=True, cbar_kws={"label": label}, ) g.ax_heatmap.set_xticklabels( g.ax_heatmap.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90 ) g.ax_heatmap.set_yticklabels(g.ax_heatmap.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0) savefig(g.fig, output_file) except FloatingPointError: msg = "Plotting of correlation matrix failed: {}".format(output_file) _LOGGER.warning(msg) def enrichment_clustermap( input_df, output_file, label="Enrichment\nof differential regions", z_score=None, params=None, ): if params is None: params = dict() # plot clustered heatmap shape = input_df.shape # # fix some labels input_df.index = input_df.index.str.replace(r"_Homo.*", "") input_df.index = input_df.index.str.replace(r"_Mus.*", "") input_df.index = input_df.index.str.replace(r" \(GO:.*", "") input_df.index = input_df.index.str.replace("_", " ") if z_score is not None: params.update({"cmap": "RdBu_r", "center": 0, "z_score": z_score}) try: g = sns.clustermap( input_df, figsize=(0.25 * shape[1], 0.20 * shape[0]), metric=clustermap_metric, xticklabels=True, yticklabels=True, rasterized=rasterized, cbar_kws={"label": label}, **params ) g.ax_heatmap.set_xticklabels( g.ax_heatmap.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90, va="top", ha="center", fontsize="xx-small", ) g.ax_heatmap.set_yticklabels( g.ax_heatmap.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0, ha="left", va="center", fontsize="xx-small", ) g.ax_heatmap.set_xlabel("Comparison") g.ax_heatmap.set_ylabel("Term") savefig(g.fig, output_file) except FloatingPointError: msg = "Plotting of correlation matrix failed: {}".format(output_file) _LOGGER.warning(msg) if steps is None: steps = ["region", "lola", "motif", "great", "enrichr"] if (enrichment_table is None) and (enrichment_type is None): if not hasattr(self, "enrichment_results"): msg = "'enrichment_table' and 'enrichment_type' were not given " msg += ( "but analysis also does not have a 'enrichment_results' attribute." ) _LOGGER.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) else: for step in steps: if step not in self.enrichment_results: msg = "'{}' in steps but it is not a value in analysis.enrichment_results!" continue _LOGGER.warning(msg) enrichment_table = self.enrichment_results[step] self.plot_differential_enrichment( steps=[step], plot_types=plot_types, enrichment_table=enrichment_table, enrichment_type=step, direction_dependent=direction_dependent, output_dir=output_dir, comp_variable=comp_variable, output_prefix=output_prefix, rasterized=rasterized, clustermap_metric=clustermap_metric, top_n=top_n if step != "motif" else 300, z_score=z_score, cmap=cmap, ) return if enrichment_type not in [ "region", "lola", "enrichr", "motif", "homer_consensus", "great", ]: raise AssertionError( "`enrichment_type` must be one of 'lola', 'enrichr', 'motif', 'homer_consensus', 'great'." ) output_dir = self._format_string_with_attributes(output_dir) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) if z_score == 0: z_score_label = "Row" elif z_score == 1: z_score_label = "Column" elif z_score in [None, False]: pass else: raise ValueError("Argument 'z_score' must be on of 0, 1 or None.") enrichment_table = enrichment_table.copy() if ("direction" in enrichment_table.columns) and direction_dependent: enrichment_table.loc[:, comp_variable] = ( enrichment_table[comp_variable].astype(str).str.replace("_", " ") + " - " + enrichment_table["direction"].astype(str) ) if enrichment_type == "region":"Plotting enrichments for 'region'") from import plot_region_context_enrichment enrichment_table["-log10(p-value)"] = log_pvalues( enrichment_table["p_value"] ) if not == "region": enrichment_table = enrichment_table.set_index("region") # Plot terms of each comparison in barplots and volcano plots plot_region_context_enrichment( enrichment_table, output_dir=output_dir, output_prefix=output_prefix, across_attribute=comp_variable, pvalue=0.05, top_n=top_n, ) # pivot table if ("correlation" not in plot_types) and ("heatmap" not in plot_types): return region_pivot = pd.pivot_table( enrichment_table, values="log2_odds_ratio", columns=comp_variable, index="region", ).fillna(0) # plot correlation if "correlation" in plot_types: enrichment_correlation_plot( input_df=region_pivot, label="Correlation of enrichment\nof differential regions", output_file=os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".region_type_enrichment.correlation.svg", ), ) # plot clustered heatmaps if "heatmap" in plot_types: enrichment_clustermap( region_pivot, output_file=os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".region_type_enrichment.cluster_specific.svg", ), label="log2(odd ratio) of enrichment\nof differential regions", params={"cmap": "RdBu_r", "center": 0}, ) if enrichment_type == "lola":"Plotting enrichments for 'lola'") # get a unique label for each lola region set enrichment_table.loc[:, "label"] = ( # TODO: re-write enrichment_table["collection"].astype(str) + ", " + enrichment_table["description"].astype(str) + ", " + enrichment_table["filename"].astype(str) + ", " + enrichment_table["cellType"].astype(str) + ", " + enrichment_table["tissue"].astype(str) + ", " + enrichment_table["antibody"].astype(str) + ", " + enrichment_table["treatment"].astype(str) ) enrichment_table.loc[:, "label"] = ( enrichment_table["label"] .str.replace("nan", "") .str.replace("None", "") .str.replace(", $", "") .str.replace(", , ", ", ") .str.decode("unicode_escape") ).astype(str) # Replace inf values with maximum non-inf p-value observed r = enrichment_table.loc[ enrichment_table["pValueLog"] != np.inf, "pValueLog" ].max() r += r * 0.1 enrichment_table.loc[:, "pValueLog"] = enrichment_table[ "pValueLog" ].replace(np.inf, r) # Plot top_n terms of each comparison in barplots if "barplots" in plot_types: enrichment_barplot( enrichment_table, x="label", y="pValueLog", group_variable=comp_variable, top_n=top_n, output_file=os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".lola.barplot.top_{}.svg".format(top_n), ), ) # Significance vs fold enrichment over background if "scatter" in plot_types: n = len(enrichment_table[comp_variable].drop_duplicates()) n_side = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n))) fig, axis = plt.subplots( n_side, n_side, figsize=(3 * n_side, 3 * n_side), sharex=False, sharey=False, ) axis = axis.flatten() for i, comp in enumerate( enrichment_table[comp_variable].drop_duplicates().sort_values() ): enr = enrichment_table[enrichment_table[comp_variable] == comp] enr.loc[:, "combined"] = ( enr[["logOddsRatio", "pValueLog"]].apply(zscore).mean(axis=1) ) axis[i].scatter( enr["logOddsRatio"], enr["pValueLog"], c=enr["combined"], s=8, alpha=0.75, ) # label top points for j in enr["pValueLog"].sort_values().tail(5).index: axis[i].text( enr.loc[j, "logOddsRatio"], enr.loc[j, "pValueLog"], s=enr.loc[j, "label"], ha="right", fontsize=5, ) axis[i].set_title(comp) for ax in axis.reshape((n_side, n_side))[:, 0]: ax.set_ylabel("-log10(p-value)") for ax in axis.reshape((n_side, n_side))[-1, :]: ax.set_xlabel("log odds ratio") sns.despine(fig) savefig( fig, os.path.join(output_dir, output_prefix + ".lola.scatterplot.svg"), ) # Plot heatmaps of terms for each comparison if len(enrichment_table[comp_variable].drop_duplicates()) < 2: return # pivot table if ("correlation" not in plot_types) and ("heatmap" not in plot_types): return lola_pivot = pd.pivot_table( enrichment_table, values="pValueLog", columns=comp_variable, index="label", ).fillna(0) lola_pivot = lola_pivot.replace( np.inf, lola_pivot[lola_pivot != np.inf].max().max() ) # plot correlation if "correlation" in plot_types: enrichment_correlation_plot( input_df=lola_pivot, label="Correlation of enrichment\nof differential regions", output_file=os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".lola.correlation.svg" ), ) # plot clustered heatmaps of top terms if "heatmap" in plot_types: top = ( enrichment_table.set_index("label") .groupby(comp_variable)["pValueLog"] .nlargest(top_n) ) top_terms = top.index.get_level_values("label").unique() enrichment_clustermap( lola_pivot.loc[top_terms, :], output_file=os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".lola.cluster_specific.svg" ), label="-log10(p-value) of enrichment\nof differential regions", ) if z_score is not False: enrichment_clustermap( lola_pivot.loc[top_terms, :], output_file=os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".lola.cluster_specific.{}_z_score.svg".format( z_score_label ), ), label="{} Z-score of enrichment\nof differential regions".format( z_score_label ), z_score=z_score, ) if enrichment_type == "motif":"Plotting enrichments for 'motif'") enrichment_table.loc[:, "log_p_value"] = log_pvalues( enrichment_table["p_value"] ) # Plot top_n terms of each comparison in barplots if "barplots" in plot_types: enrichment_barplot( enrichment_table, x="TF", y="log_p_value", group_variable=comp_variable, top_n=top_n, output_file=os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".motifs.barplot.top_{}.svg".format(top_n), ), ) if len(enrichment_table[comp_variable].drop_duplicates()) < 2: return # Plot heatmaps of terms for each comparison if ("correlation" not in plot_types) and ("heatmap" not in plot_types): return motifs_pivot = pd.pivot_table( enrichment_table, values="log_p_value", columns="TF", index=comp_variable, ).fillna(0) # plot correlation if "correlation" in plot_types: enrichment_correlation_plot( input_df=motifs_pivot, label="Correlation of enrichment\nof differential regions", output_file=os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".motifs.correlation.svg" ), ) # plot clustered heatmaps of top terms if "heatmap" in plot_types: top = ( enrichment_table.set_index("TF") .groupby(comp_variable)["log_p_value"] .nlargest(top_n) ) top_terms = top.index.get_level_values("TF").unique() enrichment_clustermap( motifs_pivot.loc[:, top_terms], output_file=os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".motifs.cluster_specific.svg" ), label="-log10(p-value) of enrichment\nof differential regions", ) if z_score is not False: enrichment_clustermap( motifs_pivot.loc[:, top_terms], output_file=os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".motifs.cluster_specific.{}_z_score.svg".format( z_score_label ), ), label="{} Z-score of enrichment\nof differential regions".format( z_score_label ), z_score=z_score, ) if enrichment_type == "homer_consensus":"Plotting enrichments for 'homer_consensus'") enrichment_table.loc[:, "enrichment_over_background"] = ( enrichment_table["% of Target Sequences with Motif"] / enrichment_table["% of Background Sequences with Motif"] ) enrichment_table.loc[:, "log_p_value"] = log_pvalues( enrichment_table["P-value"] ) # Plot top_n terms of each comparison in barplots top_n = min( top_n, enrichment_table.set_index("Motif Name") .groupby(comp_variable)["log_p_value"] .count() .min() - 1, ) if "barplots" in plot_types: enrichment_barplot( enrichment_table, x="Motif Name", y="log_p_value", group_variable=comp_variable, top_n=top_n, output_file=os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".homer_consensus.barplot.top_{}.svg".format(top_n), ), ) # Significance vs fold enrichment over background if "scatter" in plot_types: n = len(enrichment_table[comp_variable].drop_duplicates()) n_side = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n))) fig, axis = plt.subplots( n_side, n_side, figsize=(3 * n_side, 3 * n_side), sharex=False, sharey=False, ) axis = axis.flatten() for i, comp in enumerate( enrichment_table[comp_variable].drop_duplicates().sort_values() ): enr = enrichment_table[enrichment_table[comp_variable] == comp] enr.loc[:, "Motif Name"] = ( enr["Motif Name"] .str.replace(".*BestGuess:", "") .str.replace(r"-ChIP-Seq.*", "") ) enr.loc[:, "combined"] = ( enr[["enrichment_over_background", "log_p_value"]] .apply(zscore) .mean(axis=1) ) axis[i].scatter( enr["enrichment_over_background"], enr["log_p_value"], c=enr["combined"], s=8, alpha=0.75, ) # label top points for j in enr["combined"].sort_values().tail(5).index: axis[i].text( enr.loc[j, "enrichment_over_background"], enr.loc[j, "log_p_value"], s=enr.loc[j, "Motif Name"], ha="right", fontsize=5, ) axis[i].set_title(comp) for ax in axis.reshape((n_side, n_side))[:, 0]: ax.set_ylabel("-log10(p-value)") for ax in axis.reshape((n_side, n_side))[-1, :]: ax.set_xlabel("Enrichment over background") sns.despine(fig) savefig( fig, os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".homer_consensus.scatterplot.svg" ), ) # Plot heatmaps of terms for each comparison if len(enrichment_table[comp_variable].drop_duplicates()) < 2: return for label, metric in [ ("-log10(p-value) of enrichment\nin", "log_p_value"), ("Enrichment over background of\n", "enrichment_over_background"), ]: # pivot table if ("correlation" not in plot_types) and ("heatmap" not in plot_types): return motifs_pivot = pd.pivot_table( enrichment_table, values=metric, columns="Motif Name", index=comp_variable, ).fillna(0) # plot correlation if "correlation" in plot_types: enrichment_correlation_plot( input_df=motifs_pivot, label="Correlation of enrichment\nof differential regions", output_file=os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".homer_consensus.correlation.svg", ), ) top = ( enrichment_table.set_index("Motif Name") .groupby(comp_variable)[metric] .nlargest(top_n) ) top_terms = top.index.get_level_values("Motif Name").unique() # plot clustered heatmaps of top terms if "heatmap" in plot_types: enrichment_clustermap( motifs_pivot.loc[:, top_terms].T, output_file=os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".homer_consensus.cluster_specific.svg", ), label=label + " differential regions", ) if z_score is not False: enrichment_clustermap( motifs_pivot.loc[:, top_terms].T, output_file=os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".homer_consensus.cluster_specific.{}_z_score.svg".format( z_score_label ), ), label="{} Z-score of {} differential regions".format( z_score_label, label ), z_score=z_score, ) if enrichment_type == "enrichr":"Plotting enrichments for 'enrichr'") enrichment_table["log_p_value"] = log_pvalues(enrichment_table["p_value"]) for gene_set_library in enrichment_table["gene_set_library"].unique(): _LOGGER.debug(gene_set_library) # Plot top_n terms of each comparison in barplots n = len(enrichment_table[comp_variable].drop_duplicates()) n_side = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n))) if "barplots" in plot_types: enrichment_barplot( enrichment_table.loc[ enrichment_table["gene_set_library"] == gene_set_library ], x="description", y="log_p_value", group_variable=comp_variable, top_n=top_n, output_file=os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".enrichr.{}.barplot.top_{}.svg".format( gene_set_library, top_n ), ), ) # # ^^ possible replacement # grid = sns.catplot( # data=top_data, x="log_p_value", y="description", # order=top_data.groupby("description")["log_p_value"].mean().sort_values(ascending=False).index, # kind="bar", orient="horiz", col=comp_variable, col_wrap=n_side, palette="magma_r") # grid.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, output_prefix + ".enrichr.{}.barplot.top_{}.joint_comparisons.svg".format( # gene_set_library, top_n)), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300) # Scatter plots of Z-score vs p-value vs combined score if "scatter" in plot_types: fig, axis = plt.subplots( n_side, n_side, figsize=(4 * n_side, 4 * n_side), sharex=True, sharey=True, ) axis = axis.flatten() # normalize color across comparisons d = enrichment_table.loc[ (enrichment_table["gene_set_library"] == gene_set_library), "combined_score", ].describe() norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=d["min"], vmax=d["max"]) for i, comparison in enumerate( enrichment_table[comp_variable].unique() ): enr = enrichment_table[ (enrichment_table["gene_set_library"] == gene_set_library) & (enrichment_table[comp_variable] == comparison) ] sns.scatterplot( data=enr, x="z_score", y="log_p_value", size="combined_score", hue="combined_score", hue_norm=norm, ax=axis[i], rasterized=rasterized, palette="magma", ) axis[i].set_title(comparison) for metric in ["log_p_value", "z_score", "combined_score"]: f = ( pd.DataFrame.nsmallest if metric == "z_score" else pd.DataFrame.nlargest ) for _, s in f(enr, 5, metric).iterrows(): axis[i].text( s["z_score"], s["log_p_value"], s=s["description"] ) sns.despine(fig) savefig( fig, os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".enrichr.{}.zscore_vs_pvalue.scatterplot.svg".format( gene_set_library ), ), ) # Plot heatmaps of terms for each comparison if len(enrichment_table[comp_variable].drop_duplicates()) < 2: continue # pivot table if ("correlation" not in plot_types) and ("heatmap" not in plot_types): return enrichr_pivot = pd.pivot_table( enrichment_table[ enrichment_table["gene_set_library"] == gene_set_library ], values="log_p_value", columns="description", index=comp_variable, ).fillna(0) # plot correlation if "correlation" in plot_types: enrichment_correlation_plot( input_df=enrichr_pivot, label="Correlation of enrichment\nof differential gene sets", output_file=os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".enrichr.{}.correlation.svg".format(gene_set_library), ), ) top = ( enrichment_table[ enrichment_table["gene_set_library"] == gene_set_library ] .set_index("description") .groupby(comp_variable)["p_value"] .nsmallest(top_n) ) top_terms = top.index.get_level_values("description").unique() # top_terms = top_terms[top_terms.isin(lola_pivot.columns[lola_pivot.sum() > 5])] # plot clustered heatmap if "heatmap" in plot_types: enrichment_clustermap( enrichr_pivot[list(set(top_terms))].T, output_file=os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".enrichr.{}.cluster_specific.svg".format( gene_set_library ), ), label="-log10(p-value) of enrichment\nof differential genes", ) if z_score is not False: enrichment_clustermap( enrichr_pivot[list(set(top_terms))].T, output_file=os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".enrichr.{}.cluster_specific.{}_z_score.svg".format( gene_set_library, z_score_label ), ), label="{} Z-score of enrichment\nof differential regions".format( z_score_label ), z_score=z_score, ) if enrichment_type == "great":"Plotting enrichments for 'great'") enrichment_table["log_q_value"] = log_pvalues(enrichment_table["HyperFdrQ"]) for gene_set_library in enrichment_table["Ontology"].unique(): if "barplots" in plot_types: # Plot top_n terms of each comparison in barplots enrichment_barplot( enrichment_table.loc[ enrichment_table["Ontology"] == gene_set_library ], x="description", y="log_p_value", group_variable=comp_variable, top_n=top_n, output_file=os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".great.{}.barplot.top_{}.svg".format( gene_set_library, top_n ), ), ) # Plot heatmaps of terms for each comparison if len(enrichment_table[comp_variable].drop_duplicates()) < 2: return # pivot table if ("correlation" not in plot_types) and ("heatmap" not in plot_types): return great_pivot = pd.pivot_table( enrichment_table[enrichment_table["Ontology"] == gene_set_library], values="log_q_value", columns="Desc", index=comp_variable, ).fillna(0) # plot correlation if "correlation" in plot_types: enrichment_correlation_plot( input_df=great_pivot, label="Correlation of enrichment\nof differential gene sets", output_file=os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".great.{}.correlation.svg".format(gene_set_library), ), ) top = ( enrichment_table[enrichment_table["Ontology"] == gene_set_library] .set_index("Desc") .groupby(comp_variable)["HyperP"] .nsmallest(top_n) ) top_terms = top.index.get_level_values("Desc").unique() # plot clustered heatmaps if "heatmap" in plot_types: enrichment_clustermap( great_pivot[list(set(top_terms))].T, output_file=os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".great.{}.cluster_specific.svg".format(gene_set_library), ), label="-log10(p-value) of enrichment\nof differential genes", ) if z_score is not False: enrichment_clustermap( great_pivot[list(set(top_terms))].T, output_file=os.path.join( output_dir, output_prefix + ".great.{}.cluster_specific.{}_z_score.svg".format( gene_set_library, z_score_label ), ), label="{} Z-score of enrichment\nof differential regions".format( z_score_label ), z_score=z_score, )