

With pip

ngs_toolkit is available for Python 3 only.

To install, simply do:

pip install ngs-toolkit

you might need to add a --user flag if not root or running in a virtual environment.

This will install all the Python dependencies needed too. See here a list of all Python dependencies used.

If you wish to install optional libraries that interface with R libraries, you can pass [rstats] to the following pip call:

pip install ngs-toolkit[rstats]

Non-Python optional requirements

ngs_toolkit makes use of some non-Python dependencies.

The following are required only for some data or analysis types:

  • bedtools: required for some ATAC/ChIP-seq functions. It is underlying the Python interface library to bedtools (pybedtools) which can be installed without bedtools.
  • R and some bioconductor libraries (optional):
    • cqn: used for GC-content aware normalization of NGS data.
    • DESeq2: used for differential testing of genes/regulatory elements.
  • Kent tools (optional): the ‘2bitToFa’ binary from UCSC’s Kent bioinformatics toolkit is used to convert between the 2bit and FASTA formats.


bedtools version should be below 2.24.0 (2.20.1 is used for testing)

Using a conda environment

Get the latest Python 3 installation of miniconda from the conda website and follow the instructions for installation and activation of the environment.

Setup the bioconda channel:

conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge

Install the dependencies:

conda install -y bedtools==2.20.1
conda install -y ucsc-twobittofa
conda install -y bioconductor-deseq2
conda install -y bioconductor-cqn

And then install the ngs-toolkit library with pip (available only through PyPi).

pip install ngs-toolkit

API usage

To use a particular class or function from the toolkit, import it like this from within Python/iPython:

from ngs_toolkit import ATACSeqAnalysis
from ngs_toolkit.utils import log_pvalues