Source code for ngs_toolkit

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
from joblib import Memory

    # Even though there is no "ngs_toolkit/_version" file,
    # it should be generated by
    # setuptools_scm when building the package
    from ngs_toolkit._version import __version__
except ImportError:
    from setuptools_scm import get_version as _get_version
    __version__ = _get_version(root='..', relative_to=__file__)

# Setup joblib memory
JOBLIB_CACHE_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".ngs_toolkit")
MEMORY = Memory(location=JOBLIB_CACHE_DIR, verbose=0)

[docs]def setup_logger(name="ngs_toolkit", level="INFO", logfile=None): """ Set up a logger for the library. Parameters ---------- level : :obj:`str`, optional Level of logging to display. See possible levels here: Defaults to "INFO". logfile : :obj:`str`, optional File to write log to. Defaults to "~/.ngs_toolkit.log.txt". Returns ------- :class:`logging.Logger` A logger called "ngs_toolkit". """ import logging import os _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(name) _LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # create file handler which logs even debug messages if logfile is None: logfile = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "." + name + ".log.txt") fh = logging.FileHandler(logfile) fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # create console handler with a higher log level ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.getLevelName(level)) # create formatter and add it to the handlers fmt = "ngs_toolkit.v{}:%(module)s:L%(lineno)d ".format(__version__) fmt += "(%(funcName)s) [%(levelname)s] %(asctime)s > %(message)s" formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt, datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") fh.setFormatter(formatter) # fmt = "[%(levelname)s] > %(message)s" fmt = "ngs_toolkit:%(module)s:L%(lineno)d (%(funcName)s) [%(levelname)s]" fmt += " > %(message)s" formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt) ch.setFormatter(formatter) # add the handlers to the logger _LOGGER.addHandler(fh) _LOGGER.addHandler(ch) _LOGGER.debug( "This is ngs_toolkit (, version: {}" .format(__version__) ) return _LOGGER
[docs]def setup_config(custom_yaml_config=None): """ Set up global library configuration. It reads ngs_toolkit's package data to load a default configuration, tries to update it by reading a file in ``~/.ngs_toolkit.config.yaml`` if present, and lastly, updates it by reading a possible passed yaml file ``custom_yaml_config``. Non-exisiting fields will maintain the previous values, so that the user needs only to specify the section(s) as needed. Parameters ---------- custom_yaml_config : :obj:`str`, optional Path to YAML file with configuration. To see the structure of the YAML file, see Defaults to :obj:`None`. Returns ------- :obj:`dict` Dictionary with configurations. """ import pkg_resources import os import yaml from ngs_toolkit.utils import _format_string_with_environment_variables default_config_path = "config/default.yaml" default_config_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, default_config_path) _LOGGER.debug( "Reading default configuration file distributed" " with package from '{}'.".format( default_config_path ) ) try: _CONFIG = yaml.safe_load(open(default_config_path, "r")) _LOGGER.debug("Default config: {}".format(_CONFIG)) except IOError: _LOGGER.error( "Couldn't read configuration file from '{}'." .format(default_config_path) ) _CONFIG = dict() user_config_path = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser("~"), ".ngs_toolkit.config.yaml") if os.path.exists(user_config_path): # Read up and format user variables _LOGGER.debug("Found custom user config: {}".format(user_config_path)) try: string = open(user_config_path, "r").read() # filter out comments (to prevent formating stuff there) string = "\n".join(filter(lambda x: not x.strip().startswith("#"), string.split("\n"))) string = _format_string_with_environment_variables(string) custom_config = yaml.safe_load(string) _LOGGER.debug("Custom user config: {}".format(custom_config)) # Update config _LOGGER.debug( "Updating configuration with custom file from '{}'." .format(user_config_path) ) _CONFIG.update(custom_config) _LOGGER.debug("Current config: {}".format(custom_config)) except IOError: _LOGGER.error( "Configuration file from '{}' exists but is not readable." " Ignoring." .format(user_config_path) ) else: _LOGGER.debug( "To use custom configurations including paths to static files," " create a '{}' file.".format(user_config_path) ) if custom_yaml_config is not None: # Read up try: custom_config = yaml.safe_load(open(custom_yaml_config, "r")) _LOGGER.debug("Custom passed config: {}".format(custom_config)) # Update config _LOGGER.debug( "Updating configuration with custom file from '{}'.".format( custom_yaml_config ) ) _CONFIG.update(custom_config) _LOGGER.debug("Current config: {}".format(custom_config)) except IOError as e: _LOGGER.error( "Passed configuration from '{}' exists but is not readable." .format(custom_yaml_config) ) raise e return _CONFIG
[docs]def setup_graphic_preferences(): """ Set up graphic preferences. It uses the values under "preferences:graphics:matplotlib:rcParams" and "preferences:graphics:seaborn:parameters" to matplotlib and seaborn respectively. """ import matplotlib import seaborn as sns graphics = _CONFIG["preferences"]["graphics"] # matplotlib rc_params = graphics["matplotlib"]["rcParams"] matplotlib.rcParams.update(rc_params) matplotlib.rcParams["svg.fonttype"] = "none" matplotlib.rc("text", usetex=False) # seaborn seaborn_params = graphics["seaborn"]["parameters"] sns.set(**seaborn_params)
def clear_log(): import os logfile = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".ngs_toolkit.log.txt") open(logfile, "w") def setup_timestamping(): if _CONFIG["preferences"]["report"]["record_csv"]: from ngs_toolkit.decorators import ( read_csv_timestamped, to_csv_timestamped, timestamped_input) import pandas as pd = read_csv_timestamped( pd.DataFrame.to_csv = to_csv_timestamped( pd.DataFrame.to_csv, exclude_functions=["from_dataframe"]) os.remove = timestamped_input(os.remove) def check_bedtools_version(): import pybedtools version = pybedtools.helpers.settings.bedtools_version # not existing v = ".".join( [str(x) for x in version]) msg = "Bedtools does not seem to be installed or is not in $PATH." if v == '': _LOGGER.warning(msg) return None # too low version msg = "Bedtools version '{}' is smaller than 2.26.".format(v) msg += " Please upgrade to newer version." if (version[0] < 2) or (version[1] < 26): _LOGGER.warning(msg) return None return v # setup _LOGGER = setup_logger() _CONFIG = setup_config() check_bedtools_version() setup_graphic_preferences() setup_timestamping() # Easier API: # import all children of Analysis class from ngs_toolkit.analysis import Analysis from ngs_toolkit.atacseq import ATACSeqAnalysis from ngs_toolkit.chipseq import ChIPSeqAnalysis from ngs_toolkit.cnv import CNVAnalysis from ngs_toolkit.rnaseq import RNASeqAnalysis